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Royal Library of Cairhien, the. One of the great libraries of the world, thought by many to be second only to the Library of the White Tower. It was spared by the Aiel in the Aiel War.

Royal Palace of Andor, the. Residence and seat of the Queen of Andor, found in the Inner City of Caemlyn. Its main gates opened onto the oval Queen’s Plaza, and the South Stable Gate was where the stables for the palace were to be found. Built on the highest point of the city, the palace was connected to the rest of the city by curving streets that flowed along the contours of the terraced hill upon which it was built. The palace had pale spires, golden domes, shining white walls, high marble balconies and intricate stonework traceries; the Lion of Andor waved from every prominence. The Grand Hall was the throne room, and there was a Rose March in the gardens. Charlz Guybon, along with his troops and refugees from the city, sheltered there at the start of the Last Battle; Talmanes fought through Trollocs to reach the palace. After the occupants evacuated the palace, it was seized by Trollocs and subsequently burned.

Rubinde Acedone. A Mayener Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and of the loyalist contingent. Her strength level was 19(7). Born in 853 NE, she went to the White Tower in 869 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised Aes Sedai in 888 NE and chosen as a Sitter for the Green Ajah in 992 NE. About 5'5" tall, with a sturdy build, Rubinde had raven hair and eyes as blue as sapphires. She usually seemed ready to walk through a wall. Sometimes she grimaced in what might have been meant for a smile, but her lips simply writhed. Impatient with what she considered useless talk, she frequently managed to overtop Sedore’s Yellow arrogance, and that was something even for a Green. She stood to depose Siuan, one of only eleven needed to give the greater consensus under the circumstances. She thought the rebels were caught in the snows of Murandy and figured that by spring, things could be made hot enough that they would come crawling back. She was nervous about Elaida, when Elaida stretched her wings free of Alviarin.

After the Seanchan raid on the Tower, she was one of the Sitters who raised Egwene to the Amyrlin Seat, and she was part of the group that pressured Cadsuane to become Amyrlin after the Last Battle.

Ruffled Goose, The. A disreputable inn in Chachin. Moiraine went there looking for Siuan.

Rugan, Chai. See Chai Rugan

Rulan Allwine. The stout innkeeper at the only inn in Market Sheran, Andor. His inn was clean and warm, with no drunkenness, and the serving maids seemed happy. Allwine insisted that Rand and Mat pay in advance, and the price was steep.

Rumann. A sword-juggler with Luca’s show. He was about six feet tall, and handsome. Egeanin pulled a knife on him before departing Ebou Dar, because he was suggestive in asking her to have some wine with him in his wagon. He took up with Adria, one of the contortionists.

Rumor Wheel, The. See Dusty Wheel, The

Runnien Crossing. A town in Altara, a day northeast of Jurador. It lay near a shallow, narrow river where a stone bridge crossed. It possessed four inns, each three stories of stone roofed in green or blue tiles. There was nearly half a mile of hard-packed dirt between the village and the river where merchants could park their wagons for the night. Farms, with their walled fields and orchards and pastures, made a quilt of the countryside for a good league along the road and maybe more beyond the hills to either side of it. Luca’s show stopped in the village to put on a performance, and Egeanin and Domon were married there.

running sheepsfoot. A kind of knot.

Running Wave, Caire din Gelyn. See Caire din Gelyn Running Wave

Ruthan. Aldragoran’s Saldaean clerk. He was hard-eyed, but didn’t know one end of a sword from the other. He and Aldragoran were in The Queen’s Lance when Nynaeve arrived to drum up support for Lan before the Last Battle.

Ryddingwood. The home of the poet Anasai.

Ryden. A dragon squadleader in the Band of the Red Hand. His squad blasted through part of Caemlyn’s wall so that the Band could escape with the dragons in the Last Battle.

Ryma Galfrey. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah with a strength level of 29(17). Born in 902 NE, she went to the White Tower in 917 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 932 NE. Known for being haughty, she was 5'2½" tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. Ryma was captured by the Seanchan in Falme. She was made damane and given the name Pura, and was kept close at hand by the High Lady Suroth. See also Pura

Ryn Anhara. A male inventor at the Academy of Cairhien who trapped lightning in jars, using wire and wheels and big clay jars. His invention worked well enough to electrocute a rat that jumped onto it.

Ryne Venamar. A Malkieri man. Five years older than Lan, he was Lan’s oldest friend besides Bukama. He was charming, with blue eyes and a dimpled cheek. When he was fifteen, his father moved the family to Arafel; Ryne embraced Arafellin ways, wearing his hair in two bell-laced braids and bells on his boots and sleeves, and looking women in the eye. An excellent swordsman, he claimed to have gone to Canluum as a merchant guard for a merchant who had been killed. He journeyed with Lan and Bukama from Canluum to Chachin; they acquired Moiraine’s company along the way. At Aesdaishar Palace, he was not happy to be given a bannerman’s room to stay in. A Darkfriend working with Merean, he tried to kill Lan, and did kill Bukama. Lan fought him while Moiraine was fighting Merean; though Ryne was the better swordsman, Lan killed him.

Rysael din Yulan. A relatively high-ranking Sea Folk Windfinder. Her strength level was 16(4). She took part in using the Bowl because she was one of the strongest available among the remaining Windfinders in Ebou Dar. She fled to Caemlyn with Elayne and her companions when the Seanchan attacked. Normally a dignified woman, she quivered when Birgitte asked the Windfinders for a gateway big enough to transport forces to rescue Elayne from the Black Ajah in Caemlyn.


s’Gandin. Birgitte talked of Luca going to fetch Nynaeve from Samara, accompanied by two lads who had shoulders like s’Gandin quarrymen.

s’redit. The Seanchan name for the animals that Luca called boar-horses. Large and gray, with a long nose and tusks, they were from a southern part of the Seanchan Empire; a similar animal with larger ears could be found in Shara. In terms of social standing, morat for non-exotics, such as s’redit, ranked below those for exotics (i.e., those obtained from alternate worlds). In ancient times, s’redit were a very effective battle animal, and maintaining them was a tradition that predated Hawkwing’s invasion but was still linked to the Imperial family, who had a certain favoritism for them by tradition. While s’redit were still used in battle in later times, and their effectiveness strongly defended by their trainers and handlers, they were in fact deployed very carefully because they were not particularly useful except in stampeding untrained horses and as platforms for archers or sul’dam and damane, placing these at a greater height for longer visibility. In this employment, they were well armored and always well screened by infantry and horse because they themselves were very vulnerable. Their primary use was for moving heavy loads such as shunt engines or powering hoists to lift very heavy loads.