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Saldaea could have either a king or a queen, advised by the Council of Lords. The husband or wife of a Saldaean ruler was not simply a consort, but an almost co-equal ruler. It was a hereditary monarchy; the eldest child of the reigning monarch normally succeeding. If the child was younger than fifteen, a regent was chosen from the child’s aunts and uncles of the blood, picked by a combination of age and degree of relationship.

If the ruler died without issue, the throne passed to the eldest and nearest relative, chosen by a combination of age and degree of relationship, with the degree of relationship coming first and age second. Thus, a brother or sister would have come before an aunt or uncle, but among aunts and uncles as among brothers and sisters, the eldest would have succeeded.

The heir apparent to Tenobia was Davram Bashere. Since no other close relatives survived, the next in line after Lord Davram was his own heir, his daughter Faile, who became queen after Tenobia’s and Bashere’s deaths in the Last Battle.

Saldaea had no ports, and only a few tiny fishing villages, so the vast bulk of trade traditionally followed one of three routes: 1) down to Arad Doman, through Bandar Eban; 2) down the Manetherendrelle to Illian; and 3) much less important, historically, to Kandor, and through Kandor to Tar Valon and points south.

There was a great trade from Saldaea in timber, finished wood, furs and ice peppers. Ice peppers were a Saldaean monopoly, as they did not grow elsewhere; they were apparently very particular as to both soil and climate. There was a substantial woolen industry, but not much was exported. Saldaea exported large amounts of iron, steel and finished iron- and steel-work. There was considerable mining of diamonds, and considerable mining of silver and the manufacture of silverwork, but very little gold-mining.

Salia Pomfrey. An Andoran widow who gave birth to a boy near Dragonmount close to the time that Rand was born. Her husband was killed on the second day of the Battle of the Shining Walls; half-mad with grief, she returned to her village in Andor.

Salidar. A large village in Altara, a mile east of the River Eldar, near the Amadician border. It was the birthplace of Deane Aryman, and the town where the rebel Aes Sedai set up their organization. Woodland surrounded the village. Trees ran up to thatch-roofed houses made of rounded river stones, and many trees actually stood in narrow little thickets among some of the houses. The streets had a look of newly turned earth, not the hard-packed surface that came from generations of use. Siuan first learned of Salidar being the location of the rebel Aes Sedai from an eyes-and-ears in Lugard. When she, Leane, Min and Logain arrived in Salidar, they caused a stir. They spread the story about Logain having been set up as a false Dragon by the Red Ajah. Gareth Bryne arrived to hold Siuan and company to their oath to work for him, and agreed to head an army against the White Tower. Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom, Juilin, Uno and Shienaran soldiers arrived in Salidar from Samara in Ghealdan. Then Egwene was summoned to Salidar and made Amyrlin. An abandoned inn was used as a meeting place for the Hall and also housed the Amyrlin’s study; it was named the Little Tower. The rebel Aes Sedai stayed in Salidar until the decision was made to move against the White Tower.

Salindi Casolan. An Aes Sedai Sitter who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Salita Toranes. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Born in 933 NE, she went to the White Tower in 950 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 966 NE. Almost as dark as one of the Sea Folk, she was round-faced, with cool level eyes, and stood about 5'4" tall. Like some other Yellows, she believed the other Ajahs were merely adjuncts to the Yellow, which had the only useful purpose. She had complaints from the Yellows who were conscripted into making cuendillar, who thought Aes Sedai should not be making things for sale. Being a lesser noblewoman, Salita had an income from an estate in Tear and was casual about money and contemptuous of trade; she never stopped to think what her own income derived from. She was a very quick learner, with an eidetic memory. She might well have been allowed to move through novice and Accepted faster had she had a stronger potential. Salita learned Nynaeve’s form of Healing and was raised a Sitter for the Yellow in Salidar in 999 NE. She sometimes supported Egwene in the Hall and sometimes not; she voted yes in the war vote and for the alliance with the Black Tower. After the White Tower reunited, Salita resigned as Sitter.

Sallie Daera. The code name for Salidar used by the rebel Aes Sedai.

Salmarna. The location of a battle where Bukama became a hero.

Salt Flat. A sept of the Nakai Aiel.

salt name. A name added to the end of an Atha’an Miere name, following the family name. It was composed of two words, such as South Star, Running Wave, or White Wing, and given when an apprentice reached a certain age or level of experience.

Salya. From a gleeman’s tale, Lenn’s daughter, who walked among the stars.

Samaha. A town in Altara, east of Willar and the River Boern. Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial passed through while on Rand’s trail, and learned that all the wells in the town had suddenly gone dry, evidence that Rand had been there.

Samalin Naerodan. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). Born in 935 NE, she went to the White Tower in 952 NE. After spending six years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 963 NE and raised Sitter for the Green in Salidar in 999 NE, although she was young for it. Sharp-faced, she had a surprising sense of humor and a bright, clear laugh. She had one Warder, to whom she was married, though that was not widely known. Samalin stood immediately for Egwene the second time. She was one of those who stood for war against Elaida and for an alliance with the Black Tower.

Samara. A large, prosperous town in Ghealdan on the River Eldar, just over the Amadician border. It had a high stone wall, stone buildings, many three stories high, and more roofs made of slate and tile than thatch. The Prophet settled there for a time, and a huge tent/shanty city grew around the wall. Master Luca went there looking for space to set up his menagerie; Nynaeve spotted Uno, and he took her to see Masema, the Prophet. The latter agreed to get Nynaeve and her companions a ship downriver to Tear, to see the Dragon. Galad followed them, and said he would find them a ship instead. The Whitecloaks seized a smuggling vessel to take Nynaeve and company downriver, which caused riots in the town. The party fought their way across town and departed on the ship. Later, Asne, Chesmal, Eldrith and Temaile followed Moghedien there, but did not connect with her.

Samared, House. Elayne’s fictional House while traveling incognito.

Samel Crawe. A Village Councilman in Emond’s Field. Horse-faced, with a long nose, he was the father of Ban. Samel participated in the defense of Emond’s Field; he and Jon Thane had charge of the area east of The Winespring Inn.

Samitsu Tamagowa. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, uncommitted to any contingent. Her strength level was 20(8). Born in 856 NE, she went to the White Tower in 870 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 883 NE. Her Warder was Roshan. She was 5'5" tall, and slim, with dark hazel eyes and dark hair in which she wore silver bells. Samitsu had an overbearing, commanding manner and could be somewhat petulant at being balked, as when her Healing of Rand failed. Samitsu had no fear of getting her hands dirty or bloody in dealing with someone who was hurt; she was quite matter-of-fact about it. She had the Talent for Healing so strongly that no one, not even sisters stronger than she in the Power, could do it better. She used traditional flows of Air, Spirit and Water. Cadsuane said that she was the best living—perhaps the best ever—and that no one could perform Healing to compare with her. That buoyed Samitsu’s spirits, though she accepted it as simple truth. Samitsu was with Cadsuane in the Cairhienin rebel camp when Rand came to visit, before the fog incident. She tried Healing Rand after Padan Fain’s attack, and was distraught that she did not succeed fully. She demanded that Flinn tell her everything he could about what he had done to Heal Rand, and at the same time tried to bribe him, even offering to bear his child; she was extremely anxious to know about his way of Healing that did more than hers could. Samitsu was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding. Cadsuane left her in charge, but Sashalle slowly took over Samitsu’s authority in the Sun Palace. Samitsu Healed Dobraine after he had been attacked. Samitsu went with Logain and others when they went to find Rand, but Cadsuane sent her back to watch Sashalle. She welcomed Elayne when Elayne arrived to take the Sun Throne.