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Saml al’Seen. A Two Rivers man at the Black Tower with the rank of soldier. He was young—little more than a child—and had dark hair. Saml was guarding the gate of the Black Tower when representatives of the Red Ajah arrived.

Saml Hake. The innkeeper at The Dancing Cartman in Four Kings, Andor. Bony, with long stringy hair, he was the first skinny innkeeper Rand had ever seen. He planned to rob Rand and Mat; the Darkfriend Howal Gode gave Jak, Strom and Hake something to make them sleep while he tried his pitch on Rand.

Samma N’Sei. Old Tongue for “Eyeblinders,” the term was used for red-veiled men, some of whom could channel. Male Aiel channelers or their progeny who went to the Blight to fight Shadowspawn and were Turned by Myrddraal, they inhabited a town (“the Town”) in the Blight. The Eyeblinders were groomed as a surprise weapon in the Last Battle. Some of them had an earlier mission to find and destroy the Eye of the World before the Dragon Reborn could reach it, but that mission failed.

Sammael. One of the Forsaken, also known as the Destroyer of Hope. His name prior to swearing to the Dark One was Tel Janin Aellinsar. His strength level was ++2. About six feet tall, with blue eyes, golden hair and a neat square-trimmed beard, he would perhaps have been above ordinary in looks except for a slanting scar on his left cheek, as if a red-hot poker had been dragged across his face from hairline to jaw. The scar was given him by Lews Therin, whom Sammael both envied and hated; he would not let the scar be restored, keeping it as a badge of hatred and vengeance. He was a lover of power, glory and conquest and a militarist rather than a diplomat. A famous sportsman in the Age of Legends, he was at that time friends with Lews Therin, although how close was not known; at the beginning of the War of Power he became one of Lews Therin’s best generals. In the fourth year of the war, he went over to the Shadow, in part because he thought that the Dark One would win, and in part because of his hatred of Lews Therin. Sammael believed that he was the better general and that he should be in command of the forces of the Light.

When he awoke in the Third Age, he ruled in Illian as Lord Brend, a member of the Council of Nine, and plotted with Lanfear, Graendal and Rahvin to catch Rand. He discovered at least one stasis-box; a gholam was among its contents. He sent Carridin to Ebou Dar to try to find a cache of objects of the One Power, and sent the gholam there to help Carridin against Aes Sedai. As part of manipulating Graendal, he told her that he had reached a personal truce with Rand, but he was lying—he had sent a messenger offering truce to Rand, but Rand refused and the messenger died messily. He tricked Graendal and coopted her into his plans, and made her help him with the Shaido, all by claiming to have the inside track as Nae’blis. Of course, Graendal was using him as well, aiming him like an arrow at Rand. He met with Sevanna and the Shaido Wise Ones as Caddar and gave Sevanna a binder and a cube he called a nar’baha, which was used to scatter the Shaido in an effort to keep Rand off balance. When Rand attacked Illian, Sammael Traveled to Shadar Logoth, where he was killed by Mashadar.

Sammana. A Wise One dreamer whom Bair mentioned. She encountered something in Tel’aran’rhiod that broke her mind; she spent the rest of her days drooling and needing her linens changed.

Sammrie. The cooper in Hinderstap. His sister and her family were the first outsiders caught in Hinderstap.

Samon. A High Lord in Tear who was really Be’lal. He was able to use Compulsion to convince the High Lords that he was a hitherto obscure Lord of the Land who deserved to be raised to High Lord. See also Be’lal

Samwil Hark. A cutpurse in Andor. He was perfectly ordinary-looking in every way, with brown hair and eyes, medium height and build and plain clothes. In short, he was eminently forgettable. Hark was very good at stealing, but he was turned in by a rival. Instead of hanging Hark, Elayne placed a Finder of Spirit on him as a tracking device, and used him to follow Mellar.

San d’ma Shadar, Naath and the. A battle from Mat’s memories.

Sana Ashraf. A man whom Mat fought at the falls of Pena in one of the memories received from the Eelfinn.

Sanaiye Asaheen. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Part of the group that kidnapped Rand, she escaped Dumai’s Wells with Covarla Baldene.

Sanche, Siuan. See Siuan Sanche

Sand Hills. The foothills of the Mountains of Mist, located just west of the Westwood.

Sandair, Asan. See Asan Sandair

Sandar, Juilin. See Juilin Sandar

Sandip. A lieutenant in the Band of the Red Hand. He was also an accomplished hedge-doctor. Sandip helped rescue the dragons when Trollocs attacked Caemlyn. He was part of Faile’s group that wound up in the Blight while trying to deliver the Horn of Valere to Mat. When large beasts attacked, he helped to fight them off.

Sandomere, Donalo. See Donalo Sandomere

Sanduin. An Aiel man of the Tain Shari society. He had a scar that only made his face more handsome, according to Sorilea, who wondered if Sanduin might have caught Egwene’s interest.

Sanetre. A Guardswoman in Caemlyn whom Birgitte sent to fetch Guybon, after Elayne had been kidnapped by Black sisters.

Sanghir, Karale. See Karale Sanghir

Saniago, Weiramon. See Weiramon Saniago

Sanit. The cow s’redit tended by Cerandin in Valan Luca’s circus. Luca called it a “boar-horse” to deflect from its true identity.

Sanor. A sailor on the crew of Mallia’s ship, the Gray Gull, out of Tar Valon, which transported Mat and Thom to Aringill. He had arms like Perrin’s, and Mallia summoned him and Vasa to throw Mat and Thom off when they jumped onto the ship as it was leaving the dock.