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Sanshen, Stedding. A stedding located in the Spine of the World.

Santes. One of Berelain’s thief-catchers from Mayene. About 5'9" tall, with dark hair and dark eyes, he was bland-faced and ordinary-looking and so nondescript that no one would have noticed him, even bumping into him, on the street. He was friendly with Rosene and Nana, Berelain’s maids. Berelain used Gendar and Santes to spy on Masema by having them make friends with his people and taking them wine supposedly stolen from Berelain. Santes found a document signed by Suroth, saying that Masema was under her protection, after picking the lock of Masema’s camp desk under cover of the bustle of setting up camp. Gendar and Santes returned to Masema’s camp with Berelain’s last cask of Tunaighan and were expected to return by an hour after sunset, but did not. They were presumed dead, killed by Masema’s men.

Santhra. Author of a book on the Forsaken, found in Adeleas and Vandene’s home in Tifan’s Well, Arafel. Vandene thought it a nasty piece of work.

Sar. A Shienaran soldier. He was one of those following Ingtar when he and Perrin pursued the Horn of Valere to Falme. He wintered in the Mountains of Mist with Perrin and Rand; after Rand left and the Shienarans were abandoned to make their own way, he fell off a cliff in the Mountains of Mist and died.

sar-light. An illuminating device from the Age of Legends mentioned by Sammael.

Sara. The cook at The Stag and Lion in Baerlon. She was plump and had a cat named Cirri. Master Fitch went to her because guests were complaining about dead rats, and he thought Cirri had killed them; Rand witnessed her vehement reaction that Cirri had not. Sara threatened to leave, and Master Fitch quickly made amends.

Sara. The subject of the song “Darling Sara.”

Sarainya Vostovan. An Arafellin Kinswoman who was born of a noble House. Her strength level was 46(34); she was not strong enough to have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai, and not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. She was not nearly old enough to stand very high among the Kin. She was born in 924 NE, went to the White Tower in 940 NE and was ten years a novice (940–950 NE). She was raised Accepted in 950 NE for political reasons, and then sent away. She went to the Tower when Kirin Melway was Amyrlin and was put out after Noane Masadim was raised Amyrlin. She had a husky, forceful voice and was strikingly handsome. She kept the form of every rule exactly, but she was stubborn and did things her own way. A proud woman, she didn’t like wearing the red belt and working or living among the poor. Sarainya traveled to Caemlyn with Elayne; when Garenia and Kirstian were identified as runaways and put back in white, she and Asra attempted a revolt, but Reanne and Alise put a stop to it. She was ordered to cut a switch for punishment from Alise later that day.

Saralin. A Da’shain Aiel after the Breaking. Her husband was Marind; they had a son, Lewin, and a daughter, Maigran. Marind was killed when bandits raided the Aiel, and Saralin raised the children with the help of her father-in-law, Adan. Maigran and another girl were kidnapped by bandits; Saralin was prepared to accept it and go on, as required by the Way of the Leaf. Lewin and his friends decided to rescue the girls and in doing so killed the bandits. When Saralin learned what he had done, she disowned him; Adan exiled all the young men involved.

Saraline Amerano. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Saralman, Feragaine. See Feragaine Saralman

Saranche, Agardo. The innkeeper of The Dragon in Tear. He was lean, balding, fair-complected and dark-eyed.

Sarand, House. A noble House in Caemlyn. Its High Seat was Jarid; its sign two Golden Boars. See Elenia and Jarid Sarand

Saranov, Halima. See Halima Saranov

Sarasia. A Kinswoman who accompanied Elayne to her Cairhienin coronation. She was plump, with a grandmotherly air.

Sarat, Surlivan. See Surlivan Sarat

Sareitha Tomares. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 26(14). Born in 965 NE, she went to the White Tower in 980 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 998 NE. A dark, stocky woman with inquisitive eyes and a square face, she looked a little older than Nynaeve. She did not yet have the ageless face, which she sometimes plainly wished for. Her Warder was Ned Yarman. Sareitha was sent to the court of Queen Tylin in Ebou Dar with Merilille Ceandevin and Careane Fransi. She served as the Seat of Rebuke at Elayne’s abortive trial over approaching the Knitting Circle. She went with Elayne to Caemlyn and was killed by Chesmal Emry at the house on Full Moon Street in the New City while trying to capture members of the Black Ajah; Ned was killed as well.

Sarek. A Seanchan nobleman who looked above his station and had designs on the regions of Tuel and Serengada Dai, which put him in opposition to Lady Morsa and drew attention from Jalindin, a Seeker for Truth. Rand and Aviendha heard of him when they Traveled to Seanchan.

Saren, Einor. See Einor Saren

Sarena, Lady. A powerful Altaran noblewoman visiting Salidar who listened to Logain’s story about the Red Ajah making him a false Dragon. Hard-eyed and stocky, she had a scar on her face and graying hair.

Sarendhra. A Shaido Maiden of the Spear with blue eyes. She accompanied Rand to the Stone of Tear when he met with Darlin about the Tairen rebels.

Sarene Nemdahl. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 955 NE, she went to the White Tower in 970 NE. After spending six years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 981 NE. Her Warder was Vitalien, though it was unusual for a White to have a Warder. About 5'4" tall, and slender, she wore her dark hair in beaded Taraboner braids. Some of her Taraboner accent remained. Her face was extremely beautiful, enough to make any man stare, but she was not aware of it. She had a temper, which she usually kept bottled up, but she could snap one’s nose off in a flash if crossed; she would admit she was wrong, though if her temper was involved, her admission would be made only after it had cooled. Her secret vice was poetry, which she hid and felt slightly ashamed of because poetry was emotional and illogical. One of her verses compared her Warder to a leopard. A part of the loyalist embassy to Rand in Cairhien, she was captured at Dumai’s Wells. As a result of Verin’s Compulsion, Sarene was one of the first five of the captive Aes Sedai to swear fealty to the Dragon Reborn. Sarene traveled with Cadsuane to Far Madding and to Shadar Logoth; during the cleansing of the taint she worked with Corele Hovian and Damer Flinn. They encountered Demandred, but managed to drive him off. With the Last Battle approaching, Sarene engaged in a tempestuous affair with Vitalien. They fought for the armies at Shayol Ghul. Sarene was Compelled by Graendal/Hessalam and used until her eyes were vacant. Vitalien was killed.

Sari Ayellin. A Two Rivers woman. After her father died, Sari tried to capture the interest of the man her mother intended to marry. She finally settled down after her mother was married and she found her own husband. Nynaeve thought of her when Elayne was making calf’s eyes at Thom.

Sarien. An Aiel warrior who was with Gaul searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn; the wind was blowing in the wrong direction and they were surprised by Orban and Gann and their retainers. Gaul was captured, and Sarien killed.