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Sarin Hoigan. Nisao Dachen’s Warder. Bald-headed, with a black beard, he was about 5'9" tall, and wide enough to make him seem shorter. When Siuan said that the Hall might require Nisao and Myrelle to pass their Warders’ bonds to someone else in punishment for their dealings with Lan, Sarin realized through the bond that Nisao was upset and started toward her.

Sarinde. A Wise One of the Codarra Aiel from Red Springs Hold. She served as Wise One for Indirian, the clan chief.

Sarna, Egeanin. See Egeanin Sarna

Saroiya Farseen. A Domani Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 24(12). Born in 857 NE, she went to the White Tower in 873 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and eleven as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 897 NE. Brown-haired and brown-eyed, she was about 5'4" tall, and stocky. She tugged at her ear when deep in thought. As a novice, Myrelle introduced trout into Saroiya’s bath; the result, according to Siuan, taught Myrelle to mind herself for half a year. Saroiya was a very good, if strict, teacher. She also displayed very good organizational and managerial abilities, as well as being considered among the sharpest logicians of her Ajah. For those reasons she was chosen a Sitter for the White in 987 NE, although she was younger than usual. In 999 NE the head of the White Ajah ordered her to join the rebellion to control and defuse events. Saroiya was apparently very tightly under Romanda’s thumb, and in fact, given Romanda’s forceful personality, this was not far from the truth. Saroiya tried to influence the rebel Hall toward the belief that the Seanchan were too important and too dangerous to ignore until matters with Elaida were resolved. Because of Romanda, she had to do this carefully. Saroiya was against any alliance with the Black Tower and worked to delay an embassy to it; she also opposed bonding Asha’man. She was part of the group, with Magla, Faiselle, Takima and Varilin, who negotiated with the White Tower to try to end the split. After the Tower was reunited, she kept her seat as a Sitter.

Sashalle Anderly. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 14(2). Born in 816 NE, she went to the White Tower in 832 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 847 NE. She wore her hair in ringlets to her shoulders and had blue eyes and a stubborn jaw. Sashalle was part of the follow-on party to the embassy sent to Rand in Cairhien by Elaida. She was one of three sisters stilled by Rand during his escape at Dumai’s Wells. Although they were captured, those three were not treated as da’tsang like the others, but Verin did use her version of Compulsion on them, and they also swore oath to Rand. Sashalle was Healed by Damer Flinn to full strength, but was no longer held by the Three Oaths and appeared prettier as her ageless look faded. She wrote a letter to the Red Ajah saying that she was sworn to Rand.

Although Cadsuane had left Samitsu in charge in Cairhien, Sashalle took over by force of personality. Sorilea and the Aiel respected her, and even the servants at the Sun Palace deferred to her as if she were in charge. Sashelle greeted Elayne when she arrived to be crowned Queen of Cairhien.

She fought at Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle and was captured and used up by Graendal/Hessalam.

Satare. A wine from the Age of Legends remembered by Graendal.

Satarov, Nedare. See Nedare Satarov

Satelle. One of the places in the Age of Legends that Sammael, the Destroyer of Hope, devastated, earning him that name.

Satina. A plump serving woman at the Little Tower in Salidar. She was able to do what was necessary even when frightened enough to tremble, but she had her limits. She shared a room with Mulinda, Emara and Ronelle in the same house where Elayne and Nynaeve stayed. She helped Nynaeve unwind her roommates from their sheets after the bubble of evil hit.

Savara. A female officer who led a squadron unit of the Seanchan cavalry in the Last Battle.

Saven. The sixth month of the year.

Savion Amhara. One of the three most famous First Counsels in Far Madding history. A statue of her stood in Amhara Market in Far Madding, pointing to the Tear Gate.

Sawchin. A rendering of “Seanchan” in Tairen gossip.

sawleaf. A weed that Perrin noticed on the burned al’Thor farm.

Sawyn Maculhene. A supporter of Amalasan who tried to free Amalasan from the White Tower. He and Elinde Motheneos managed to capture at least two of the Alindrelle Erinin bridges and reach the White Tower before being turned back. Maculhene died in the fighting, and his troopers were harried mercilessly.

Sayer. A friend of Androl who died of the fevers during a silverpike run out of Mayene.

scarlet puffer. A snake that looked like a red adder but was not poisonous.

scatterhead. A plant whose head burst into little white feathers when disturbed. Nynaeve smacked one while traveling with Luca’s circus near Samara.

School of Cairhien, the. An institution founded by Rand in Barthanes Damodred’s manor; its headmistress was Idrien Tarsin. Pupils came to learn, but for the most part Rand wanted to gather knowledge in one place so that if he broke the world again, there would be repositories of preserved knowledge.

Scouter. Bulen’s packhorse when he rode with Lan for Tarwin’s Gap.

Scratch. The cat at The Winespring Inn in Emond’s Field. He was a yellow tomcat with six toes on each foot.

Sea Folk. See Atha’an Miere

Sea Folk, Isles of. Islands in the Aryth Ocean and the Sea of Storms that were the homeport of the Sea Folk. Many of the islands were unknown to outsiders and visitation was not allowed.

Sea of Jeren. A body of water in the Age of Legends.

Sea of L’Heye. A body of water off the coast of Seanchan.

Sea of Storms. A body of water that bordered the main continent on the south; it lay east of the Aryth Ocean.

Sea Wall. The name used by Saldaeans for the Banikhan Mountains.

Seaghan. A Cairhienin man who ran an entertainment hall. He wanted to have players pretend to be characters in The Great Hunt of the Horn. Thom thought it a lack-witted idea.

Seahawk. Bayle Domon’s ship when he was in Tanchico. He and Egeanin sailed it from Tanchico to Cantorin. They were attempting to get rid of the male a’dam when they were hailed and boarded by another Seanchan ship.

Seaine Herimon. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 841 NE, she went to the White Tower in 856 NE after talking her father into buying passage for her and her mother to Tar Valon—passage for two upriver, but only one down. After spending six years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 866 NE and raised a Sitter for the Whites in 986 NE. Seaine and Pevara were novice and Accepted together, and they were friends—pillow friends, in fact. As novices, they often played pranks together. Pevara said that Seaine could never decide that it was logical to be afraid until it was already too late for that. One of the things they did was dust Serancha’s shift with itch oak; they thought Serancha was a prig then, and their opinion didn’t change. They drifted apart, in part because the Red actively and strongly discouraged women having friends outside their Ajah.