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Shadow’s Waiting. See Shadar Logoth

Shadow-forgers. Those who forged Shadowwrought weapons in Thakan’dar, tempered by human blood. It was said that they became fierce when provoked and had skin hard enough to turn aside swords. Aviendha and other channelers hit them with weaves of Fire, which turned them to crumbling stone.

Shadowbrothers. The wolves’ name for Darkhounds.

Shadoweyes. The Aiel term for the Dark One’s animal spies.

Shadowkiller. The wolves’ term for Rand.

Shadowman. See Myrddraal

Shadowrunners. An Aiel term for Darkfriends.

shadowshand mushroom. A mushroom that made rings on fallen logs.

Shadowsouled. The Aiel name for Forsaken.

Shadowspawn. Living constructs created by the Forsaken Aginor, designed to serve the Shadow, during the War of the Shadow/the War of Power, the war that ended the Age of Legends. They included creatures such as Trollocs, Draghkar, gholam, Myrddraal, Darkhounds and Gray Men.

Shadowsworn. Those sworn to serve the Dark One; the term generally referred to those below the rank of Forsaken.

Shadowtwisted. The Aiel name for Trollocs.

Shadowwrought. The Aiel historical term for creatures made by Aginor; it was also Slayer’s name for Trollocs. As a descriptor, it was used to refer to the blades made at Thakan’dar by the Shadow-forgers. See Shadowspawn

Shae’en M’taal. Old Tongue for “Stone Dogs,” it was the name given an Aiel warrior society.

Shaemal. The capital city of Coremanda, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Shaen. An Aiel of the Stone Dog society who wore the red headband of the siswai’aman. He was part of the scouting mission to Thakan’dar and fought at Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle.

Shaene, Elver. See Elver Shaene

Shaeren, Burin. Lelaine’s Domani Warder. He was copper-skinned and looked like an uprooted stump. He had been with her over twenty years at the time the White Tower split.

Shago. A place from the distant past. Birgitte once said that the arguing Elayne and Nynaeve were “acting like Shago barmaids with winteritch.”

Shagrin, Joni. See Joni Shagrin

Shahal Comanli. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who was uncommitted to either contingent. She had a strength level of 34(22), and was roughly two hundred years old. She was 5'2" tall and quite stout, with copper skin. Shahal had a flirtatious streak; in fact, when she chose to flirt, men quickly forgot that she was short and stout. She was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells who was following Cadsuane Melaidhrin. Shahal was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding.

Shai’tan. The true name of the Dark One. Saying it was thought to draw his attention, inevitably bringing ill fortune at best, disaster at worst; among his followers, using the name was thought to be blasphemy. For that reason many euphemisms were used.

Shaidar Haran. Old Tongue for “Hand of the Dark,” it was the name given a Myrddraal unlike all others. Its name was in Old Tongue, while all other Myrddraal had names in the Trolloc tongue. Shaidar Haran was head and shoulders taller than all other Halfmen. Arrogant, it commanded the Forsaken, displayed a dark sense of humor and could sense the difference between saidin and saidar. Shaidar Haran carried the authority of the Dark One to the extent that he was permitted to punish Moghedien and Mesaana severely for their failures. Shaidar Haran did not have nearly as much power as the Dark One, but the Dark One was able to project a shadowy form of himself into it. If too long away from Shayol Ghul, Shaidar Haran grew weak.

The Dark One discarded Shaidar Haran when Rand went to the Pit of Doom, leaving a husk on the ground and creating a large void.

Shaido Aiel. One of the Aiel clans. They followed Couladin until his death outside Cairhien while he was leading 160,000 Shaido spears against the city. Sevanna managed to establish herself as both a Wise One and, in effect, chief of the Shaido, though as a woman she could not be a chief any more than a man could be a Wise One; it was all done through the simple expedient that as widow of the last chief and of the one before that, she spoke as the chief until a new one was selected. Given the situation, it was highly unlikely any Shaido would be allowed into Rhuidean, and she meant to see that none was in any case.

Especially under Sevanna, the Shaido began to behave in nontraditional ways for the Aiel, including the use of Wise Ones in battle, beginning at Dumai’s Wells, looting to the ground rather than taking only the fifth, and the taking of wetlanders as gai’shain. The other Aiel began to view the Shaido as different. The Shaido were always regarded as the lowest of the clans, in a way, the least honorable, but the things they did after crossing the Dragonwall added to the differences.

The Shaido’s undoing began when Sammael, posing as Caddar and attempting to create more chaos, sent many Shaido septs through gateways all across the world, where they continued to cause atrocities. Although Sevanna retained the Wise Ones who could channel and a sizable number of warriors, she made another error by kidnapping Faile and bringing the wrath of Perrin down upon her.

After the Shaido’s defeat at Malden and Sevanna’s capture, the clan dispersed in many directions; Therava led a large group intending to return to the Three-fold Land.

Shaiel. Old Tongue for “the Woman Who Is Dedicated,” it was the name that Tigraine took when she was adopted into the Chumai sept of the Taardad Aiel.

Shainrahien. An Ogier-built city in Safer, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Shaisam. A name taken by Padan Fain during the Last Battle.

Shajin, Stedding. A stedding located in the Black Hills.

Shaken Fist, The. An inn in Trustair. Papers with the likeness of Mat and Perrin showed up in the vicinity of Hinderstap, with directions that if one saw either of the men, one could go to The Shaken Fist and earn coin for the information.

Shal, River. A river running southwest from the Hills of Kintara into central Illian, where it met the River Manetherendrelle.

Shaldine. The eleventh month of the year.

Shalon din Togara Morning Tide. Sea Folk Windfinder to Clan Shodein; her Wavemistress, Harine din Togara, was her sister. Her husband was Mishael. Shalon wore four earrings in each ear. Pretty and young-appearing, she was actually twenty-two years older than her sister and was already married when Harine was born. About 5'6" tall, she had very straight black hair, full lips, large dark brown eyes and a dark complexion, though not dark enough to make a comparison to charcoal. Rand found her conferring with the Lady Ailil, as he thought, on the day he was attacked in the Sun Palace and, to get them out of the way, bound and gagged them both, put a shield on Shalon that would dissipate with time and stuffed them under Ailil’s bed. Cadsuane discovered that Ailil and Shalon were actually lovers, and the circumstances were such that neither wanted this known. Cadsuane took both of them pretty firmly in hand, making them supply her with information after being questioned by Verin.

Shalon went with Cadsuane and her party to Far Madding and Shadar Logoth; during the cleansing, Shalon linked with Verin and Kumira. The circle encountered Graendal; though they were able to fight her off, Kumira was killed.