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Shielyn din Sabura Night Waters. Zaida’s Sea Folk Windfinder. Her strength level was 23(11). She was 5'8" tall, slim and pretty, though not beautiful. Shielyn was aware of who she was, and her position. She appeared to be about thirty and had straight black hair, nearly black eyes and four earrings in each ear. She could have been taken for a very dark Tairen. She was with Zaida in Caemlyn, and left with her after the death of the Mistress of the Ships. When Zaida was named to that post, Shielyn also ascended in rank.

Shienar. One of the Borderland nations. Shienar’s capital was Fal Moran, and King Easar Togita ruled at the time of the Last Battle. Its sigil was a stooping black hawk: the Black Hawk. Its banner was the Black Hawk on a field of three blue and two white horizontal stripes. The sigil and banner of the reigning king were also considered a national banner and sigil; King Easar’s was the White Hart.

Saldaea, Kandor, Arafel, Shienar and Malkier all were provinces of Hawkwing’s empire, with the borders between them very much as they were at the time of the Last Battle, though not stretching so far south in most cases. With the Blight to contend with, the governors of those provinces (Lord Rylen t’Boriden Rashad for Saldaea, Lord Jarel Soukovni for Kandor, Lady Mahira Svetanya for Arafel, Lady Merean Tihomar for Shienar and Lord Shevar Jamelle for Malkier) met soon after Hawkwing’s death in FY 994 to reaffirm measures for cooperation against the Blight and to make agreements for mutual defense against attack from the south. Before the end of FY 995, when it became clear that the rest of the empire was splintering, each of the governors took the title of King or Queen of his or her former province, now a nation. None of these nations would take part in any of the wider fighting of the War of the Hundred Years, as nations, except for defending themselves against attacks and punishing same, though individuals and groups did sometimes become involved, sometimes for political reasons or family connections or friendships.

Shienar always had a king, though the Queen his wife, if he had one, had considerable authority. When he led an army into battle, as he was expected to, she handled civil rule until he returned. The King was expected to surround himself with a council of nobles and representatives of the merchants and guilds, but he was in no way constrained to take their advice, nor was his wife when she was reigning as regent while he was away on campaign.

In the keep, men’s quarters were separated from women’s quarters. It was necessary for men to be invited or given permission to enter the women’s apartments, and they never went armed unless the keep was under attack. This included a woman’s husband and the lord of the particular place. A man could send a message to one in the women’s apartments, but it would be delivered when the women chose, and the man could only wait.

On the other hand, bathing in Shienar took place in large, tiled pools and was mixed between the sexes. Seeing someone naked there and perhaps scrubbing his or her back was not considered at all the same as seeing them in a corridor. The woman who scrubbed your back last night, and both of you naked, would have blushed if you saw her ankle in the hallway the next day. She also would not necessarily have considered having scrubbed your back, or you hers, as sufficient introduction for you to speak to her in the corridor.

There was a link between Shienaran and Aiel views of shame: shame was worse than guilt, the worst thing there was. This view of shame ameliorated as one moved west; in Arafellin less than Shienaran, Kandori less than Arafellin, Saldaean less than Kandori. In all of the Borderlands, though, shame was given a much heavier weight than in lands to the south.

A Borderman considered the day he was given his sword to be his nameday.

Uno commented that women in Shienar said a woman’s rights were whatever she said they were.

Shienar mined a considerable amount of gold, silver and gems, especially firedrops, of which Shienar was the largest source. There was also some mining of emeralds, rubies and sapphires, as well as lesser stones. Timber and furs were both major exports.

Shienaran Marches. A fortified border region where Lan fought the Aiel before the Aiel War began.

Shilene Gate. A passageway found on the eastern side of Lugard.

Shiman, Jurad. See Jurad Shiman

Shimel, Mistress. A fur merchant in Far Madding. Rand saw her while gathering intelligence at an inn called The Golden Wheel. A stout woman with a round face and a thin smile, she wore her black hair in a tight roll along the top of her head. She mentioned that she heard the Stone of Tear was under siege.

Shimoku. A Kandori Accepted with the Salidar contingent having a potential strength level of 34(22). Born in 973 NE, she went to the White Tower in 988 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice, she was raised Accepted in 999 NE. Shortly after, she was taken to Salidar by the rebels. Pretty, with dark eyes, Shimoku shared a house in Salidar with Elayne and Nynaeve. On the night the bubble of evil struck Salidar, she entered the link easily and was so tired later that she sat down in the street.

Shimron, Lord. A Domani nobleman, former advisor to Alsalam, and a Dragonsworn. A gaunt, white-haired man, he wore a beauty mark of a sparkling red quarter moon beside his left eye. He joined Ituralde to fight the Seanchan and was killed by a damane fireball.

Shimura, Aiden. See Aiden Shimura

Shining Walls, Battle of. See Battle of the Shining Walls, the

Shinowa, Ingtar. See Ingtar Shinowa

Shiota. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars; its borders were within what became Altara.

Shipless, Leilwin. See Egeanin Sarna

Shivan the Hunter. A Hero of the Horn and brother of Calian the Chooser. Shivan wore a black mask and was said to herald the end of Ages—destruction of the old, beginning of the new. He did not take part in the Last Battle as a Hero of the Horn, having been born shortly before.

Shivena Kayenzi. A Saldaean philosopher who was influenced by Willim of Manaches. Meilyn tested Moiraine on her knowledge of the two when she was Accepted.

sho-wing. A high-tech aircraft from the Age of Legends, based on a delta-wing pattern. It varied in size depending on purpose and was capable of long-range flight at high speeds.

shocklance. A high-tech energy weapon of long-distance destruction, developed to fight the Dark One’s forces during the War of the Shadow. Shocklances were in short supply by the time of the Breaking because the industrial base of the world had been destroyed long before.

shockvisor. A helmet part from the War of the Shadow.

Shodin. A clan among the Sea Folk.

shoja-circle. Obscure reference made by Birgitte, saying that Gaidal told her that she had a sense of humor like “a rock thrown into a shoja-circle.”

Shol Arbela. The capital of Arafel. It was built by men, not Ogier, and was known as the City of Ten Thousand Bells.

Sholoon, Stedding. A stedding located in Shienar, in a wooded area east of the Field of Merrilor. Lindsar was the eldest of the Ogier in Stedding Sholoon, and she allowed Androl and Pevara to use the stedding to trap a group of Darkfriends, including Alviarin and some of Taim’s cronies.

Shon Kifar. The tenth-largest city in Seanchan. Tuon reflected on how she had purchased her damane Mylen on the docks of this seaport.