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Shoran, Darnella. See Darnella Shoran

Shorara. A sept of the Tomanelle Aiel.

Shore, Mistress. The name used by Cadsuane in her dealings with Quillin Tasil, an innkeeper in Bandar Eban.

Shorelle. A port city in the Age of Legends. Asmodean was born there.

shoufa. A garment of the Aiel, a cloth, usually the color of sand or rock, that wrapped around the head and neck, leaving only the face bare.

shoulderthumper. A bullyboy or thug.

Shukosa, Mahiro. See Mahiro Shukosa

Shumada, Amenar. A member of the Seanchan Blood who attended Tuon’s first audience in Ebou Dar.

Shyanda. A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel with fiery red hair. Shyanda was at Elayne and Aviendha’s first-sister ceremony and stepped forward with Amys when the latter said that she would suffer the pangs of birth for Aviendha and Elayne; she helped Amys strip.

Shyman’s Road. A road passing by Negin Bridge near Dragonmount.

Sibella. A Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle. Her strength level was 22(10); she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 613 NE, she went to the White Tower in 627 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she flunked her test for the shawl very badly and was put out of the Tower in 643 NE. Yellow-haired and thin, with no gray or white in her hair, Sibella appeared to be in her middle years and favored plunging necklines. When encountered by Nynaeve and Elayne, she wore the red belt of a Wise Woman. She fainted when Merilille and the others unmasked her. A member of the party that went to the Rahad to get the Bowl of the Winds, Sibella was injured by the gholam, but Nynaeve and Sumeko Healed her. She was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace, and part of manipulating them, on orders from Elayne and Nynaeve. Sibella nearly fainted again at the suggestion of sitting in the presence of Aes Sedai and the Queen. Sibella accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.

Sidama. Galad’s horse in the Last Battle.

Sidon. A single-inn village in Ghealdan, on the west bank of the River Boern where a stone bridge spanned the river between fifty-foot cliffs. When Moiraine and her party passed through chasing after Rand, they found Sidon burned; a lantern dropped in a barn had started a fire that seemed to run wild, and everything went wrong. Nothing was left except a few stone walls and chimneys. Moiraine was sure that the fire was a result of Rand’s having been there.

Sidona. An area of Saldaea; one of Bashere’s titles was Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona.

Sidoro. A family in Illian. See Bili and Nieda Sidoro

Siedre. A Jenn Aiel woman shortly after the Breaking. She married Adan, and they had five children: Rhea, Malind, Sorelle, Elwin and Jaren. All either died or were carried off by bandits; Siedre was also killed by bandits.

Sienda. A sizable two-inn village in Amadicia. The dwellings were of stone and thatch, and the dirt streets were crowded with Whitecloaks and King’s men. Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom and Juilin stayed at an inn there. Nynaeve, in Tel’aran’rhiod, found out that Elaida was the new Amyrlin, and that rebel Aes Sedai were hiding out somewhere. The two women met Galad, now a Whitecloak officer, at the inn over breakfast, and he said he wished to escort them to Caemlyn, although they were on their way to Tear. They all snuck away, and joined Master Luca’s menagerie heading for Ghealdan. One of Luca’s boar-horses had damaged one of the inns.

Sierin Vayu. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 736 NE, she went to the White Tower in 752 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 769 NE. Sierin was plump, with a grim face and hard eyes; she was stern, and had more than a touch of Red in her. On being raised Amyrlin in the spring of 979 NE, rather than granting petitions and relief from penances, she exiled three sisters from the Tower and had two more birched. She also fired every male clerk in the Tower for such offenses as “flirting with novices and Accepted” or “inappropriate glances and looks.” Sierin was assassinated by a small group of Red sisters in 984 NE when she was about to put an end to the male channeler pogrom. Chesmal Emry claimed to have induced the Red Ajah to kill Sierin when Sierin was about to have her arrested.

Sightblinder. An Aiel name for the Dark One.

Sightburner. An Aiel name for the Dark One.

Sigmont. A young man who participated in the Last Battle. Mat taught him how to use a quarterstaff, but he wanted to learn to use a sword.

Sigril. Yoeli’s sister; she was the leader of the Lastriders in Maradon. She and the Lastriders were positioned outside the city during the Trolloc invasion, and were tasked with getting word to other Saldaean forces if the city fell.

Silene Dorelmin. The best seamstress in Chachin, Kandor. Slim, with a haughty air and a cool voice, she made dresses for Moiraine.

Silk Path. A trade route running between the Jangai Pass across the Waste to Shara; it was used only by those allowed to cross the Aiel Waste, such as the Cairhienin before the Aiel War.

Sillia Cerano. A woman who owned a touring circus, competition for Valan Luca’s circus near Samara in Ghealdan. She and half her performers were flogged for not moving fast enough to suit the Prophet at Samara; they were forced into the Prophet’s service.

Silvane Redfor. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, uncommitted to any contingent, with a strength level of 33(21). Silvane was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells who was following Cadsuane Melaidhrin. Silvane was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding.

Silver Circuit. A racetrack lying just south of the city walls of Ebou Dar. Olver raced Wind there and won, as did Mat, who had bet heavily on him. Mat saw Mili Skane there, as well.

Silver Dolphin. A waterfront inn located in Illian. Yarin Maeldan, second to Bayle Domon on the Spray, made his residence at the Silver Dolphin while in port. His room was searched by unknowns.

Silver Horn, The. An inn found in Maerone, Cairhien, that was frequented by soldiers of Mat’s Band. Mat and Edorion went there making rounds of the drinking halls to check on Mat’s men. Inside, a girl sang bawdy songs; outside, Mat saved Olver from a beating by Murandian Hunters of the Horn.

Silver Penny, The. An inn in Chachin, Kandor. Its innkeeper was Nedare Satarov. Moiraine stopped in to ask if Siuan was staying there; Nedare told her that she was, and offered Moiraine a mug of spiced wine. Nedare’s air of anticipation made Moiraine suspicious that there was something in the wine; she made Nedare drink the wine. Nedare tried to flee, but fell to the floor, revealing silk stockings; she had done quite well drugging innocent women for the use of her rough customers. A number of the men in the common room looked at her lasciviously, and all the women, including Moiraine, left.

Silver Pig. An inn or tavern in Lugard. Siuan passed it on the way to another inn while looking for a Blue Ajah eyes-and-ears.

Silver Road. A commercial highway connecting the city of Illian to Lugard. It was used by Rand’s forces during the campaign against the Seanchan.