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Sokawa, Masuri. See Masuri Sokawa

Sokorin, Tzigan. See Tzigan Sokorin

Solain Morgeillin. A Kin in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 40(28); she was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 818 NE, she went to the White Tower in 833 NE. During her eleven years a novice and eight years Accepted, while Parenia Demalle was Amyrlin and Sereille Bagand the Mistress of Novices, she was a kleptomaniac, never stealing anything valuable, but she was incorrigible; her habit wasn’t discovered until after she was raised Accepted, and she was put out of the Tower when she could not be broken of it. In subsequent years she was broken of her kleptomania mainly through the perseverance of the Kin. She retained her very light fingers, though, and could slip something out of somebody’s pocket without leaving a clue. She didn’t care for men at all.

She was sent off to check on the cache of objects of the Power in the Rahad and was followed by Mat. Solain accompanied Elayne to Caemlyn and worked with a captured sul’dam there.

Solanje. Ituralde reflected on his military victories in the past, and one of them was at Solanje.

soldier. The lowest rank among the Asha’man. A soldier wore a black coat with no decoration.

Solinda. An Aes Sedai during the Breaking who helped make the Eye of the World. Her hair was very long and sun-red.

Solinde lace. A frothy lace seen in Ronde Macura’s dress shop in Mardecin, Amadicia.

Solter, Robb. A Two Rivers man sent to fetch a pavilion for Perrin’s meeting with the Children of the Light.

Somal, Lake. A site where Ituralde once triumphed in battle.

Soman, Espara. See Espara Soman

Somara. A woman of the Bent Peak sept of the Daryne Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She had flaxen hair and was very tall, 6'2" or 6'3", and physically strong. With Enaila and Lamelle, she was among the worst at mothering Rand. After Lamelle died, Somara insisted on making the soup that Lamelle had made for Rand, and she was an even worse cook than Lamelle had been. Somara was one of three Maidens, along with Nandera and Nesair, who beat Rand when he returned to Cairhien after fighting the Seanchan because he had dishonored the Maidens by leaving them behind. Somara was killed when the renegade Asha’man attempted to assassinate Rand at the Sun Palace. Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.

Somares, Marya. See Marya Somares

Somarin. A Sea Folk clan. Malin din Toral Breaking Wave was its Sailmistress.

Someinellin, Melavaire. See Melavaire Someinellin

Someryn. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel (not a Jumai) with the ability to channel and an impressive strength level of 4(+9)—she once prided herself that she had never met a woman as strong as herself. She was over 6'4" tall, with sun-dark smooth skin, dark yellow hair and blue eyes. She had a very large bosom, which she liked to show off; she took to wearing her blouse unlaced to show even more cleavage than Sevanna. One of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters, she was among those who accompanied her to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten and took part in or was present at the murder of Desaine. Someryn and Modarra were the most firmly in Sevanna’s grasp, in Sevanna’s opinion, but both sided with Therava in the end, and Someryn became fairly tight with Therava. Someryn was at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia.” She was impressed by Graendal and said she was very strong, which was an unusual acknowledgment for her. That was the first time she had ever met a woman stronger than she in the Power.

Someryn was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and helped question the Seanchan prisoner in Amadicia, while the Jumai were settled at a captured estate approximately ten days after their arrival.

Someshta. The last of the Nym. See Green Man, the

Somma. A Maiden of the Spear who guarded Rand in the city of Tear.

songs. “Always Choose the Right Horse,” which had the same tune as “The Marriage of Cinny Wade”; “Blue Sky Dawning”; “The Dancing Lass”; “Cock o’ the North”; “Coming Home from Tarwin’s Gap”; “Dance with Jak o’ the Shadows”; “Drawing Water from the Well”; “The Drunken Peddler,” also known as “Tinker in the Kitchen”; “First Rose of Summer”; “Ferry O’er the River,” sometimes called “Darling Sara”; “The Fool Who Thought He Was King”; “Fluff the Feathers”; “A Frog on the Ice”; “Give Me Your Trust Said the Aes Sedai”; “Glory of the Dragon,” by Meane sol Ahelle; “Goodman Priket’s Pipe”; “Heron on the Wing”; “I Have Loved a Thousand Sailor Men”; “I Will Steal Your Breath with Kisses”; “I’m Down at the Bottom of the Well,” which had the same tune as “The Last Stand at Mandenhar,” from Mat’s memories; “If You Go to Be a Soldier”; “Jaem’s Folly”; “Jolly Jaim,” also known as “Rhea’s Fling” and “Colors of the Sun”; “Lament for the Long Night”; “Last Stand at Mandenhar”; “Life Is a Dream”; “The Marriage of Cinny Wade,” which had the same tune as “Always Choose the Right Horse”; “Midean’s Ford”; “Mistress Aynora’s Rooster”; “My Love Is a Wild Rose”; “The Old Black Bear”; “Old Gray Goose”; “Old Jak’s Up a Tree”; “Old Two Rivers Leaf”; “Only One Boot”; “Only One Bucket of Water”; “A Pocket Full of Gold”; “The Road to Dun Aren”; “Rooster in the Gumtree”; “Rose of the Morning”; “She Dazzles My Eyes and Clouds My Mind,” which had the same tune as “Upside Down”; “She Has No Ankles That I Can See”; “She Wore a Mask That Hid Her Face”; “Song of the Three Fishes”; “Storm from the Mountains”; “Three Girls in the Meadow,” called “Pretty Maids Dancing” by the Tinkers; “The Tinker Has My Pots,” called “Toss the Feathers” by the Tinkers; “Tinker in the Kitchen,” also known as “The Drunken Peddler”; “Two Kings Came Hunting,” also known as “Two Horses Running” and other titles; “Two Maids at the Water’s Edge”; “Upside Down and ’Round and ’Round”; “We’re Over the Border Again”; “We Rode Down to River Iralell”; “What He Said to Me,” also known as “Will You Dance with Me”; “Wild Geese on the Wing”; “The Wind from the North,” which was called “Hard Rain Falling” in some lands, and “Berin’s Retreat” in others; “The Wind in the Barley”; and “The Wind That Shakes the Willow.”

Songs of Growing. A Talent used by Ogier in past Ages to aid and enhance growing things.

Songs of the Last Age, Do’in Toldara te. Quarto Nine: The Legend of the Dragon. Composed by Boanne, Songmistress at Taralan, the Fourth Age.

Soong. An Ogier woman who was the mother of Ella mother of Covril; i.e., Loial’s great-grandmother.

Sora Grady. Jur’s wife, who lived at the Black Tower. She was a plump, pale-haired woman; they had a son, Gadren, who was four years old. Jur bonded her with a version of the Warder’s bond.

Soralle Step. Site of a famous battle in the history of the Borderlands, which Birgitte mentioned to Uno.

Soran Milo. The author of The Killers of the Black Veil, which Rand read. Milo was a man who lived about six hundred years before the Last Battle. He wrote about the Aiel and described the Portal Stone on Chaendaer in the Waste; since he based most of his book on those who came to trade at the stedding in the Spine of the World where he was located, he got almost everything wrong. He did get the Portal Stone right; a peddler who had seen it described it to him.