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sorda. A fairly large rat found in the Waste which grew to as much as five pounds. Nocturnal, they were usually no threat to humans except for their uncanny ability to get into foodstores, defecating all over everything they didn’t eat. They were often found in packs or colonies, and surprising one of these would result in numerous painful bites. The flesh of the sorda was so rank that cats seldom ate them after killing them.

Sorelana Alsahhan. A scholar in the time of the Trolloc Wars who wrote about Darkhounds.

Sorelle. A Jenn Aiel woman who lived after the Breaking. The daughter of Adan and Siedre, she was a dreamer and died at twenty from a fever her dreams had told her was coming.

Sorelle ay Marena. The Queen of Manetheren at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

Soremaine. The site of a battle between Illian and the Whitecloaks during the Troubles, also known as the Whitecloak War. Lord Captain Pedron Niall set a trap there and captured King Stepaneos and would have destroyed his entire army if it were not for the valor of the Companions.

Sorenthaine, Cemaile. See Cemaile Sorenthaine

Sorevin, Carlinya. See Carlinya Sorevin

sorfa. Tuon ordered a sul’dam to paint a damane’s welts from a caning with a tincture of this plant.

Sorilea. A Wise One of the Jarra sept of the Chareen Aiel and of Shende Hold. Her strength level was about 57(35). A bony woman over two hundred years old, she had white hair, a leathery face and clear green eyes. Although she was weak in the One Power, her ji was great, giving her precedence over other Wise Ones. When Sorilea was angry, other Wise Ones sat quietly and clan chiefs made excuses to leave. On the way to Dumai’s Wells, Amys challenged Sorilea’s leadership and they worked out a compromise between them. Sorilea still had the leadership afterward, but she often consulted with Amys. She had a greatdaughter named Amaryn, whose youngest greatson was named Taric. Sorilea’s sister-son had a greatson named Feran. Sorilea’s apprentice was Surandha.

When Rand was kidnapped, Sorilea broke tradition and said that the Wise Ones would fight to free him, and then went on to fight at Dumai’s Wells. After the battle, Sorilea and the Wise Ones made the rebel Aes Sedai apprentices and took custody of the loyalist Aes Sedai. Sorilea made common cause with Cadsuane to teach Rand laughter and tears, and taught Cadsuane the weave for Traveling.

In the Last Battle, Sorilea fought at Shayol Ghul, and survived.

Sormen, Fera. See Fera Sormen

Soro. An Aiel with the ability to channel; he made algode grow when it should not and went to the Blight to spit in Sightblinder’s eye. He became a Samma N’Sei and was killed by Aviendha in the Last Battle.

Sorrentin. A soldier in Ituralde’s army at Maradon. Ituralde sent him to tell the Asha’man that he wanted attacking Trollocs to go up in flames.

Sotarin. An Aiel Wise One. When Rand and his party were returning to Cairhien from Dumai’s Wells, Sorilea sent Sotarin and Cosain to meet Feraighin, a Wise One who came from Cairhien.

soul. Reincarnated souls, in the normal sense—not a Dark One–generated soul—maintain the same gender. So the Dragon Reborn, spun out at different turnings of the Wheel in different Ages, in order to rebalance the weaving of the Pattern, is always the same soul, and always male.

Soulblinder. A Seanchan name for the Dark One.

Soulless. See Gray Man

Soulsbane. Another name for the Dark One.

Souran Maravaile. Artur Hawkwing’s greatest general and husband to Ishara, the first to sit on the Lion Throne of Andor. He died by assassination, confronting four swordsmen, all of whom he killed, in the twenty-third year of the War of the Hundred Years.

Source, True. See True Source

South Bridge. A bridge town outside and south of Far Madding across the Goim Bridge.

South Mettler. A village in Kandor. Bulen wanted Lan to go toward the village because the path was much easier and Bulen had a cousin who had a farm along the road.

South Star, Nestelle din Sakura. See Nestelle din Sakura South Star

South Wind, Tebreille din Gelyn. See Tebreille din Gelyn South Wind

Southern Hoop, The. A scruffy, two-storied, white-plastered brick inn found in So Tehar, Altara. The group from Salidar, including Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendha, Mat, Thom, Juilin and various other Aes Sedai, soldiers and Warders stayed there on their way to Ebou Dar.

Southharbor. A southern port in Tar Valon on the River Erinin. Leane was captured there by Aes Sedai while making a cuendillar chain across the harbor entrance.

Sovarra lace. Delicate aged-ivory lace that embellished Colavaere’s expensive silk gown.

Sovin Nai. Old Tongue for “Knife Hands,” it was the name of an Aiel warrior society.

span. A measure of distance equal to two paces; a thousand spans equaled a mile.

Spar. A thug and Darkfriend who worked for Old Cully in Ebou Dar. A rat-faced man, he still had several teeth; his arms were all bone and sinew. Mat stabbed and killed Spar when attacked by him.

spark. The natural ability of a person to channel; a man or woman born with the spark developed the ability to channel sooner or later even if they did not try to learn.

Sparks. A wolf in Oak Dancer’s pack. Sparks helped Hopper to train Perrin in the wolf dream. Sparks, Oak Dancer and Boundless were trapped by the dreamspike, but Perrin and Hopper rescued them.

Sparrow. The mare Toveine rode to the Black Tower.

Speaker of Truth. See Soe’feia

Speral. A worker for the Merchants’ Guild in So Habor. Mycal Crossin called for him to fetch grain samples three times, but he never showed.

spiceapple tree. A tree found in the Age of Legends. In one of Rand’s flashbacks, Charn used to like to sit under spiceapple trees behind the inn and tell stories.

Spine of the World. A north-south-oriented mountain range separating the Aiel Waste from the populated lands to the west.

Spine Ridge. A sept of the Miagoma Aiel.

spinglass. A fragile material from the time of the Da’shain Aiel in the Age of Legends. Rushing to Collam Daan, Charn was knocked down by accident and the man apologized. Charn reflected that people thought the Aiel were made out of spinglass. Delicate sculptures were made from this material.

spinning. An Age of Legends word that was the equivalent of weaving; spinning a web or spinning a net was the same as weaving a weave of the Power in the next Age.

Spinning Earthfire. A Talent of unknown use, mentioned by Moghedien.

Spirit. One of the Five Powers. See Five Powers

Spiron Narettin den Sovar. An Illianer nobleman who was a member of the Council of Nine. He was sent eastward in the campaign against the Seanchan with as many Companions and men sworn to other members of the Nine as his own liegemen. He was sent to keep the peace in Illian.