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Suilin Escanda. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 355 to 396 NE. Suilin was an Amyrlin of moderate strength who involved the Tower in a number of foreign intrigues. One or another faction in the Hall was always trying to thwart her, but she successfully outmaneuvered them until 396 NE, when she was forced to resign as the Amyrlin Seat. It was put about as voluntary, as was her retirement to the country, but she spent the next twenty-six years in exile under constant guard until her death in 422 NE. She was returned to Tar Valon and buried with considerable pomp and honor, though.

Suki. Siuan’s alias as Moiraine’s maid in Chachin.

sul’dam. A woman who passed the tests to show that she could wear the bracelet of an a’dam and thus control a damane. The word was Old Tongue for “leash holder.” Young women in Seanchan were tested for this ability at the same time as the testing for damane and at the same age. It was a fairly honored position among the Seanchan. Many more sul’dam were found than damane. A sul’dam’s uniform was a blue dress that stopped short of the ankle, with red panels bearing forked silver lightning on the breast and sides of the skirt. For many centuries it was not known that sul’dam were actually women who could learn to channel, but that discovery was made after the Seanchan arrived in Falme.

Sulaan. A morat’to’raken who flew Mat and Olver to Thakan’dar in the Last Battle. She was knocked unconscious by an arrow, leaving Mat to land on his own. Mat thought Sulaan pretty but insane.

Suladric. The clan chief of the Shaido Aiel who died shortly before Rand went to the Waste. He fell for Sevanna when she was sixteen and married her. Muradin attempted to replace him, but did not make it out of the ter’angreal in Rhuidean.

Sulamein so Bhagad. The author of The Wheel of Time; Chief Historian at the Court of the Sun, the Fourth Age.

Sulara. A hold in the Waste where Niella was taken gai’shain.

Sulin. A woman of the Goshien Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. White-haired, blue-eyed, leathery-faced, wiry and about 5'7" tall, she had a pink scar across her sun-dark cheek from a nasty gash received in the fight against Rahvin in Caemlyn. She was chosen roofmistress of the Roof of the Maidens in Rhuidean, but gave it up to lead the Maidens who followed Rand across the Dragonwall.

In order to meet her toh to various gai’shain for reminding them that they were Maidens, Sulin became a servant in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, serving Rand, and followed him in that capacity to Cairhien. Sulin got a gold crown from Perrin as a tip while she was acting as a servant in Caemlyn; later he was stunned to find out she was a Maiden. She also received her wages as a maid, plus some tips; these coins she had made into a necklace or a belt, which she kept close at hand as a reminder of the price of pride and also to remind her of Reene Harfor, the First Maid, whom she thought of as a woman who had honor and who was also tough enough to be a Maiden.

When Sulin learned that Rand had been kidnapped, she decided her toh had been met and took up the spear again, but Nandera had taken over leading the Maidens and did not step aside. Sulin and Nandera fought with bare hands; Sulin won, but thereafter accepted Nandera as the leader of the Maidens, obeying her and acting as her right hand. She led the contingent of Maidens who accompanied Perrin and Faile to Ghealdan. She stayed with Perrin through the battle at Malden, and on to the Last Battle.

sulking rooms. Small sitting rooms found in Ebou Dari houses; one was in Mat’s suite of rooms in the Tarasin Palace.

Sulmara. The Queen of Masenashar, circa 450 AB, who was a renegade Aes Sedai. She was kidnapped by the White Tower and spent the rest of her life working in the White Tower stables.

Sulmein Gap. The site of a battle that Artur Hawkwing fought before he found his stride. Mat thought that the battle for Cairhien would be like Sulmein Gap.

Sulwin. An Aiel after the Breaking. A tall man who let his hair grow long, he led a group that decided to leave the Jenn Aiel and search for the song after a bandit attack. He and his people threw objects of the One Power out of some of the wagons and headed off; the group was the start of the Tuatha’an.

Sumeko Karistovan. A Kin and member of the Knitting Circle. Her strength level was 18(6), which made her strong enough to learn to Travel. Born in 598 NE, she went to the White Tower in 614 NE. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she broke down utterly during her test for the shawl; she wanted very badly to do well and pressed too hard, became too keyed up, and couldn’t maintain her composure. About 5'5" tall, and quite stout, with a round face, straight black hair and an unlined face, she had wanted to be Yellow Ajah; she had a fine feel for Healing and all its nuances. Despite the prohibition, she continued to try to learn about Healing and diagnosing and managed to teach herself Nynaeve’s trick of using all the Five Powers in Healing. When encountered by Elayne and Nynaeve, Sumeko was wearing the red belt of a Wise Woman; her belt was at least twice as long as anyone else’s. She went along on the expedition to get the Bowl of the Winds, but was not attacked by the gholam; she revealed her Healing skills to Nynaeve in the aftermath.

Sumeko was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace, and was part of manipulating them, on orders from Elayne and Nynaeve. Her attitude toward Aes Sedai changed much, from that of subservience to that of equal, in part due to Nynaeve’s urging. Sumeko accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn and assisted Mat in trapping the gholam. When the refugees from the Trolloc attack on Caemlyn arrived on the Field of Merrilor, Sumeko took charge of seeing that Healing was given to those who needed it immediately. During the Last Battle, Sumeko shuttled soldiers around for Elayne through gateways.

Sumi, Great Aunt. A hypothetical person in Yukiri’s thoughts whose relatives fought over her pewter.

summer ham. A phrase used by Elayne to insult Teslyn; Lan was startled and amused by it.

Sun, Court of the. See Court of the Sun

Sun King. A character from myth who awakened Talia with a kiss.

Sun Lance. Bukama’s yellow roan gelding that he rode in the Aiel War and to Kandor afterward. His hoof was bruised before reaching Canluum; he was not healed when Bukama left for Chachin, so Bukama had to trade him for another horse, a black gelding that was inferior to Sun Lance.

Sun Palace of Cairhien. The royal palace in Cairhien; also known as the Palace of the Rising Sun in Splendor.

Sun Throne of Cairhien. The seat of royal power in Cairhien. It was a large heavy-armed chair that glittered with gilt and golden silk, but somehow it seemed to be all plain vertical lines except for the wavy-rayed Rising Sun that would stand above the head of whoever sat on it. It was installed on a wide dais of dark-blue marble in the Grand Hall of the Sun.

Sunamon Haellin. A High Lord of Tear. Fat though not obese, with graying hair and a pointed beard, he was a smooth and unctuous character who dry-washed his plump hands. He tried ingratiating smiles on Rand, with whom he was usually diffident. He assured Rand that the Defenders had often put down peasant riots. He guaranteed the treaty with Mayene with his life. He was involved in gathering supplies all across Tear to support the action against Sammael in Illian, despite Weiramon’s grimaces of impatience with the whole notion, and Torean’s sweaty mutters about the expense.