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sweetbristle. A fruit from which juice was extracted and drunk by Graendal.

sweetroot. A plant the leaves or flowers of which were used in Aiel bridal wreaths to signify the bride’s sweet nature.

Swift. Galina’s gray mare that she rode while with the Shaido.

Swift. The rivership owned by Captain Derne. Mat and Thom traveled aboard it south from Aringill to Tear.

Sword and Dragon. The pins, a silver Sword and a gold-and-red enamel Dragon, worn on the collar of an Asha’man’s black coat to indicate the rank of full Asha’man. The rank below, Dedicated, wore the silver Sword only on the collar.

sword moves. Apple Blossoms in the Wind; Arc of the Moon; Black Pebbles on the Snow; Blacklance’s Last Strike; Blacksmith Strikes the Blade; Boar Rushes Down the Mountain; Boar Rushes Downhill; Bundling Straw; Cat Crosses the Courtyard; Cat Dances on the Wall; Cat on Hot Sand; Cherry Petal Kisses the Pond; Courtier Taps His Fan, The; Creeper Embraces the Oak, The; Cutting the Clouds; Cutting the Wind; Dandelion in the Wind; Dove Takes Flight, The; Eel Among the Lily Pads; Falcon Stoops, The; Falling Leaf, The; Feathers in the Wind; Folding the Air; Folding the Fan; Grapevine Twines, The; Hare Finds Its Hole; Hawk Dives into the Brush; Hawk Spots the Hare; Heron in the Reeds; Heron on the Stump (a horseback form); Heron Spreads Its Wings, The; Heron Wading in the Rushes; Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose; Kingfisher Circles the Pond; Kingfisher Strikes in the Nettles; Kingfisher Takes a Silverback, The; Kissing the Adder; Leaf on the Breeze; Leopard in High Grass; Leopard in the Tree; Leopard’s Caress, The; Lightning of Three Prongs; Lion on the Hill; Lion Springs, The; Lizard in the Thornbush; Lotus Closes Its Blossom; Low Wind Rising; Moon on the Water; Moon Rises Over the Lakes; Moon Rises Over Water; Oak Shakes Its Branches; Parting the Silk; Plucking the Low-hanging Apple; Rain in High Wind; Rat Gnawing the Grain; Reaping the Barley; Red Hawk Takes a Dove, The; Reed in Wind; Ribbon in the Air; River of Light; River Undercuts the Bank; Rose Unfolds, The; Serpent’s Tongue Dance, The; Shake Dew from the Branch; Sheathing the Sword; Soft Rain at Sunset; Stones Fall in the Pond; Stones Falling Down the Mountain; Stones Falling from the Cliff; Stone Falls from the Mountain; Storm Shakes the Branch; Striking the Spark; Swallow Rides the Air, The; Swallow Takes Flight; Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind; Threading the Needle; Tower of Morning, The; Twisting the Wind; Two Hares Leaping; Unfolding the Fan; Water Flows Downhill; Watered Silk; Whirlwind on the Mountain; Wind and Rain; Wind Blows Over the Wall, The; Wood Grouse Dances, The; Woodsman Tops the Sapling

Sword of Kirukan. The sword carried by Kandori Queen Ethenielle’s Swordbearer in a jeweled scabbard; some believed that it was once carried by the legendary soldier Queen of Aramaelle, and that it was Power-wrought.

Swordbearer. The Kandori title of the one who carried the Sword of Kirukan and commanded the Queen’s armies in the field; he was also called Swordbearer to the Throne of the Clouds. Lord Baldhere became Ethenielle’s Swordbearer following the death of her husband, Brys.

Swordmaster. Sea Folk title for a Wavemistress’s male advisor (usually her husband and former Cargomaster) who had authority over Cargomasters of the clan and directed them in matters of trade and defense.

Swovan Night. An Ebou Dari feast celebrated on the thirteenth day of Taisham. Pine branches were tied above the windows and people celebrating wore sprigs of evergreen in their hair.

Sybaine Aldwyn. One of the Counsels in Far Madding who met with Cadsuane’s party when they arrived. She had slender hands and hair as gray as Cadsuane’s.

Sylvase Caeren. The granddaughter and heir of Nasin, High Seat of House Caeren in Andor. About 5'4" tall, with big blue eyes and long black hair, she was sturdy and placid and showed no emotion. Sylvase was about age twenty-five when Elayne won Caemlyn. She was unmarried in large part because of Nasin’s doings and objections to suitors; he had managed to run off several, and in later years no one tried again because of that. She appeared to be vapid and fluttery, but occasionally showed flashes of something deeper and quieter. She was held as a “guest” of Arymilla, which was part of what helped keep Nasin as High Seat once he was demonstrably gaga. Sylvase became High Seat upon Nasin’s death from a seizure and took Jaq Lounalt as her secretary.

Symon. A Warder killed by a Trolloc in the Last Battle; the Trolloc was then killed by Gawyn.


t’Bashere Aybara, Perrin. See Perrin t’Bashere Aybara

t’mat. Round edible fruits from the Three-fold Land, red and shiny, that grew on low, pale-leaf bushes.

T’zura. The eighth-largest city in Seanchan.

ta’maral’ailen. Old Tongue for “the Web of Destiny,” a reference to major changes in the threads of the Pattern of an Age, associated with and woven around ta’veren. It could be short or long in duration, and composed of a limited geographical region or the entire Pattern itself.

ta’veren. A person around whom the Wheel of Time wove all surrounding life-threads, perhaps all life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny. This weaving was little understood except that it seemed in many ways an alteration of chance; what might happen, but only rarely, did. The effect was at times quite localized. Someone influenced by the presence of a ta’veren might say or do what they would only have said or done one time in a million. Events of seeming impossibility occurred, such as a child falling a hundred feet from a tower unharmed. At other times the effect seemed to influence history itself, though often by means of the localized effects. That, it was believed, was the real reason that ta’veren were born, in order to shift history and restore a balance to the turning of the Wheel. It was possible for a woman to become ta’veren, as the Wheel required.

Taardad. An Aiel clan; its chief was Rhuarc.

tabac. A weed, widely cultivated. The leaves of it, when dried and cured, were burned in wooden holders called pipes and the fumes inhaled. Tabac was an important cash crop for many countries. The tabac from Two Rivers was considered of high quality, and Cairhienin leaf was described as sharp.

Tabi. A pale-eyed damane who accompanied Anath/Semirhage when she attempted to capture Rand. She was Surya’s damane. Both received head injuries in the conflict. They refused to be Healed by Nynaeve, but Malian put compresses on their heads.

Tabitha. The name by which Tabiya was mistakenly called on multiple occasions.

Tabiya. An Andoran novice with the rebel Aes Sedai with a potential strength level of 27(15). She was born in 983 NE and went to the White Tower in 998 NE, and was taken from the Tower by the rebels. Tabiya had green eyes and freckles, and sometimes tried to assume an air of Aes Sedai mystery, at which she failed. She was timid, as when approaching Egwene as the Amyrlin. She squeaked when Sheriam snapped at her.

Taborwin, House. A noble House in Cairhien. See Breane and Dobraine Taborwin

Tad Barran. A stableman at The Winespring Inn, Emond’s Field; he was the brother of Hu. Lanky and taciturn, he seldom said more than three words strung together. He joined Perrin’s army at Malden.

Tad Kandel. A dark-skinned Andoran Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. Tad accompanied Mat to Ebou Dar; on the way there, Elayne discovered that he had a boil on his bottom. It had to be lanced, since Tad had adopted Mat’s aversion to Healing. He was killed by a gholam in Ebou Dar while trying to retrieve the Bowl of the Winds.