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Tadvishm. A Stone Dog who was killed by Seanchan in Aviendha’s viewing of the future at Rhuidean.

Taeric Chavana. An acrobat in Luca’s circus, one of four men said to be brothers, although the four looked very different. Taeric was short and compact, with green eyes, high cheekbones and a hooked nose proclaiming his Saldaean blood.

Taglien. A family at the Black Tower. See Frask and Lind Taglien

Tagora, Amaline Paendrag. The first wife of Artur Hawkwing. He loved her very much, wrote many poems to her, and was devastated when she was poisoned and died.

Tagren, Lady. An alias used by Shemerin after running away from the White Tower.

Tai’daishar. Old Tongue for “Lord of Glory,” it was the name of a black gelding that Rand forced Kiruna to sell him for the extravagant amount of one thousand gold crowns after the unpleasantness at Dumai’s Wells.

tai’shar. Old Tongue for “true blood,” as in Tai’shar Manetheren or Tai’shar Malkier.

Taien. A town at the mouth of the Jangai Pass on the Aiel Waste side, the opposite end of the pass from Selean. It had been a high-walled town of moderate size. Taien was burned by Couladin and the Shaido. Bodies hung from the town walls, and the hundred survivors had been told not to touch anything; Couladin intended it for a message.

Taijing, Stedding. A stedding located in the Spine of the World, east of Cantoine.

Taim, Mazrim. See Mazrim Taim

Tain Shari. An Aiel warrior society; the name was Old Tongue for “True Bloods.”

taint. The flaw that affected saidin, the male half of the One Power, caused by a backlash from the Dark One as the Bore was sealed at Shayol Ghul by Lews Therin and the Hundred Companions. The taint caused all male channelers eventually to go mad, which induced the female Aes Sedai to hunt down and gentle as many male channelers as could be found before they could do harm. The taint was cleansed by Rand al’Thor at Shadar Logoth. See also Cleansing, the

Tairen maze. An embroidery pattern used on coats, in carpets and in other materials.

Taisa. A Seanchan sul’dam. She controlled Pura during a meeting with Suroth in Cantoine. Taisa had dark eyes and was very proper, in a Seanchan way; her eyes bulged indignantly when Pura tried to touch Suroth’s foot. She was ready to punish Pura for just possibly implying that Suroth had spoken untruth. Alwhin sent Taisa to Surela for punishment for not controlling Pura better.

Taishin, Stedding. A stedding located in the forests north of the River Ivo.

tak. A bush found in the Waste; when dead it was good for making a fire.

Takai. A clan chief of the Miagoma Aiel after the Last Battle, as seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean.

Takana, Clan. One of the Atha’an Miere clans.

Takashi, Eldase. See Eldase Takashi

Takedo, Court of. A place in Farashelle, from Mat’s memories. Artur Hawkwing crushed it in battle.

Takima Deraighdin. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 23(11). Born in the Mountains of Mist in 844 NE, she went to the White Tower in 858 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 874 NE.

About 5'1" tall, with smooth black hair to her waist and skin the color of aged ivory, she was not exactly plump, but neither was she at all slender; a man might have considered her a very pleasant armful. She was, by nature, quiet and observant, though she was forceful as a teacher and in the Hall. Her manner—the way she held or tilted her head, the way she moved—sometimes suggested a bird.

Takima taught history of the White Tower and Aes Sedai, and could recognize one of her pupils at a hundred paces. She was raised a Sitter for the Brown in 991 NE. Jesse Bilal, her Ajah head, ordered her to join the sisters fleeing after Siuan was deposed to try to control and defuse the situation. Takima believed the reports concerning Logain and Red sisters, possibly including Elaida, and by implication thus had suspicions regarding the Reds and other false Dragons which put considerable strain on her purpose. Takima joined Lelaine’s clique, and apparently was very tightly under Lelaine’s thumb; she did so to help counter Romanda’s faction. At the vote for declaring war on Elaida, she explained the Law of War after the vote was taken, and wept after Egwene announced her plans to Travel to Tar Valon. Takima was against any alliance with the Black Tower and worked to delay an embassy to it; she also opposed bonding Asha’man. She was part of the group, with Faiselle, Saroiya, Magla and Varilin, who negotiated with the White Tower to try to end the split. After the Tower reunited, she kept her seat as a Sitter.

taking price. The reward given by the Seanchan to anyone involved in capturing marath’damane. Since damane were a valuable commodity, the taking price was generous. Someone involved in capturing a large number of damane, as might be possible east of the Aryth Ocean, could receive enough money to purchase an inn, or a trained damane.

Takisrom. A port on the Sleeping Bay in Seanchan.

Tal Nethin. A saddlemaker who survived the Shaido massacre of Taien in the Jangai Pass, only to die by breaking his neck on level ground shortly afterward. His sister was Aril Corl.

Talaan din Gelyn. A Sea Folk Windfinder apprentice. Too young to have earned a salt name, she was the daughter of the Windfinder Caire din Gelyn Running Wave. Her strength level was 4(9+), with a potential of 2(+11), higher than Nynaeve’s or Moghedien’s and equal to that of Graendal, Mesaana and Sharina. Her relationship with her mother was difficult, with her mother treating her more harshly than other apprentices were treated. Her mother had not, since Talaan had become an apprentice, done anything to acknowledge by word, deed, facial expression or tone of voice, that Talaan was her daughter. She had no nose chain, and only a single earring in the left ear to balance three in the right. Talaan was about 5'5" tall, and slim, with big eyes that were almost black and a straight nose. Part of the circle that used the Bowl of the Winds, she fled to Caemlyn when the Seanchan attacked the Kin farm outside Ebou Dar. She wanted Nynaeve’s help in going to Tar Valon, convinced that being a novice would be much easier than the life she had been leading. She wound up running away with Merilille. They made their way to Shayol Ghul and fought in the Last Battle there.

Talene Minly. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah publicly but of the Black Ajah in truth. She was of the loyalist contingent and had a strength level of 15(3). Born in 840 NE, she went to the White Tower in 855 NE. After spending six years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 867 NE. She became a Sitter for the Green in 994 NE. About 5'7" tall, she was statuesque. Her face was a perfect oval, with large blue eyes and full red lips. Her hair was golden, and she was beautiful and voluptuous—full-bosomed and round of hip. Her fingers were long and her hands graceful. Seaine saw her as “beauty carved from ice,” though this thought came at a time of tension and antagonism.