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Talric. Adelorna’s Warder. He was wounded in the Seanchan attack on the White Tower.

Talva. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. Thin, with a bun of golden hair, she was killed accidentally in Tel’aran’rhiod by Alviarin, who threw a weave of Fire at Egwene; Egwene dodged it, and it burned Talva.

Talvaen, Aleshin. See Aleshin Talvaen

Tam al’Thor. Rand’s adoptive father. His full first name was Tamlin. He was a blocky, bluff man, about 5'10" tall, with brown eyes and hair that was mostly gray with a little black in 998 NE, but which turned completely gray by the time of the Last Battle. Tam was born in 940 NE to a farming and sheepherding family near Emond’s Field and ran away from home in 956 NE to see the world. He enlisted in the army of Illian in 957 NE. Service in the Whitecloak War from the summer of 957 NE through the autumn of 959 NE gained him an appointment to the elite Companions. He married Kari, a merchant’s daughter, in 965 NE; he and Kari had two children, a girl who died of a fever in infancy and a boy who was stillborn, after which Kari could no longer have children. He became a blademaster in 966 NE. He served in two wars with Tear, from 962 to 965 NE, gaining commission as an officer, and from 970 to 976 NE, rising to be Second Captain of the Companions. It was generally known that he would have received this honor sooner, and likely have risen to First Captain, had he been Illianer.

He served in the Aiel War, 976–978 NE. After the Battle of the Shining Walls, Tam found an infant on the slopes of Dragonmount and took him to Kari. He, Kari and baby Rand returned to the Two Rivers. Life was calm and pastoral, except for Kari’s passing, until the Trolloc raid on Tam’s farm, where Tam was severely wounded, but he was Healed by Moiraine. After Rand left with Moiraine and Lan to fulfill his destiny as the Dragon Reborn, Tam and Abell Cauthon traveled to Tar Valon to try to find out what had happened to their sons; they didn’t learn much. Tam returned to Emond’s Field and after Perrin’s arrival helped organize the defense of Two Rivers against the Trollocs. Following Faile’s capture by the Shaido, Tam became Perrin’s First Captain in the battle at Malden, leading a large contingent of archers from the Two Rivers.

Under Cadsuane’s influence, Tam tried to counsel Rand on approaching his position as the Dragon Reborn with humanity, but Rand nearly killed him when he realized he was being manipulated. The near disaster led to Rand’s epiphany on Dragonmount, and he reconciled with Tam.

Before the Last Battle, Tam recruited more men from the Two Rivers, and when he went into battle again, it was with Perrin’s army, which he commanded after Perrin left to help Rand. (Perrin had also made him a lord and Steward of the Two Rivers.) As commander of this large force, Tam joined the rest of Mat’s forces at the Field of Merrilor, where he distinguished himself in battle.

Tamaav. An elderly Aiel man, seen in Aviendha’s visions of the future in Rhuidean.

Tamagowa, Samitsu. See Samitsu Tamagowa

Tamala. A hawk-nosed novice in the White Tower whom Egwene recruited to help fight the Seanchan.

Tamarath, Egeanin. See Egeanin Sarna

Tamarla. An Altaran Kin who was a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. Her strength level was 47(35); she would not have been allowed to test for Aes Sedai and was not strong enough to make a gateway of any size whatsoever. Born in 681 NE, she went to the White Tower in 696 NE. After spending two years as a novice she was put out because she had reached her potential and was not strong enough to test for Accepted. Tamarla was bone-lean, with olive skin, dark eyes and more white than black in her long hair. At the time that Elayne and Nynaeve encountered her, she was wearing the red belt of a Wise Woman. She was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace, and part of manipulating them, on orders from Elayne and Nynaeve. She accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.

Tamela. A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel. She was as strong in the One Power as any Aes Sedai that Elayne had met except Nynaeve and was the equal of Cadsuane, with a strength level of 5(+8). Standing 5'9" tall, and bony, she had an angular, unlovely face; strong was the best anyone would say of it. Tamela did not look more than a half-dozen years older than Elayne or Aviendha. Elayne felt that Tamela sneered and looked down her nose when she saw her. She stood in for Aviendha’s mother at the first-sister ceremony.

Tamika. Artur Hawkwing’s second wife. She met Hawkwing in FY 964 when he returned from the Aiel Waste; they married a year later. In FY 967 she gave birth to Luthair Paendrag Mondwin; she later had three or four more children, at least two of whom were daughters. Tamika was credited with bringing Hawkwing out of the Black Years. It was rumored that she was a renegade Aes Sedai. Tamika died in FY 987 of unknown causes.

Tamlin al’Thor. See Tam al’Thor

Tammaz. The eighth month of the year.

Tammaz, Great Square of. In Illian; surrounded by huge white columns fifteen spans tall and two spans thick, topped with marble wreaths of olive branches. At the two ends of the square were nearly identical purple-roofed palaces, the King’s Palace and the slightly smaller Great Hall of the Council.

Tammuz. An Illuminator. He worked with Aludra to create the display intended for Galldrian that was ignited by Rand, Lanfear and Loial when they hid out in the chapter house to escape Trollocs. The resulting fire damaged the chapter house. Tammuz and four other Illuminators followed Aludra and tried to kill her. They were thwarted by Mat, who came to her rescue.

Tamore Alkohima. A Domani seamstress in Tar Valon. Fair-skinned for a Domani, she made Gitara look boyish. Moiraine and Siuan ordered dresses from her after being raised to Aes Sedai; Siuan did not behave properly toward her, and she made them pay for it by choosing what she wanted instead of what they wanted.

Tamra Ospenya. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah with a strength level of 19(7). She was 5'4" tall, with a square face and hair streaked with gray. Tamra was raised to the Amyrlin Seat in 973 NE. She had a habit of not telling anyone more than she believed they needed to know. Too much information, she felt, clogged people’s thoughts and slowed necessary actions.

She set Moiraine and Siuan looking for the babe her Keeper Gitara Moroso had proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn—what she actually set them doing, along with all of the other Accepted, was finding all women who had or were reported to have had babies in the vicinity of Tar Valon during the crucial time. Although she knew that the only child of interest would be one born on the west bank, preferably one who could be proved to have been born on Dragonmount, she felt it was necessary to hide the true object of the search; the openly given reason was to offer aid to the mothers in the form of a bounty of one hundred gold crowns. Tamra set them to this task claiming it was temporary and mainly to keep them quiet until she could bring in sisters she knew she could trust.

She was found dead in her bed soon after High Chasaline in 979 NE and it was assumed that she had died in her sleep; she had actually been kidnapped and put to the question by the Black Ajah when they gained hints of what she was about. Largely because the Black sisters believed that she would be working only with experienced Aes Sedai, not a pair so newly raised, and because she herself thought them no longer involved—and also partly because the Black bungled matters in their haste—she did not reveal Moiraine’s and Siuan’s names. Most of the sisters she had taken into her confidence died within the next year, including those who were out of the Tower searching, and eventually all were disposed of by the Black Ajah or, in a very few cases, by true accidents and natural deaths. So were a number of other senior sisters who the Black Ajah simply suspected might have been chosen by Tamra. The result was something of a pogrom among the most senior sisters of the Tower.