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Taramasu, Kwamesa. See Kwamesa Taramasu

Tarasin Palace. In Ebou Dar, the royal palace of Queen Tylin, and then her son Beslan. Situated on Mol Hara Square, the palace took up one entire side of the square. Made of marble and white-plastered stone, it had shining domes, slender spires and colonnades three and four stories high.

Tarasind, Saine. Mesaana’s name before becoming Forsaken.

Taravin, House. A major noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Dyelin; its sign the Owl and Oak. See Dyelin Taravin

tarchrot. The bad-tasting leaf of this plant was used to poison Milisair Chadmar in Ebou Dar; Nynaeve was able to Heal her, as the poison was slow-acting.

Taren Ferry. An Andoran village, north of Emond’s Field and Watch Hill on the North Road, where the only crossing of the River Taren was found. Its people had a reputation for slyness and trickery. The stone houses in the village were tall; high redstone foundations were necessary when the spring melt in the Mountains of Mist made the river overflow its banks. Moiraine and Lan, leading Rand and the others out of Emond’s Field after the Trolloc attacks on Winternight, went there to take a ferry across the Taren; after they crossed, Moiraine destroyed the ferry to delay the Shadowspawn chasing them. Later, Whitecloaks under Dain Bornhald entered the village and laid down the law to the villagers; across the river at a Tinker camp, three Tinkers disappeared after questioning by Padan Fain. The Whitecloaks guarded Taren Ferry and points south against Shadowspawn, controlling crossings of the river; nonetheless Trollocs were able to destroy the village. After the Trolloc raid, nearly half the house foundations supported only piles of ash and charred beams.

Taren Ferry was repopulated after the Trolloc raid, and Perrin was angry when Faile tried to interfere in the village’s politics. Sometime after Perrin left the Two Rivers, Taren Ferry was destroyed again.

Verin was amazed at the potential in the Power of girls from the Two Rivers, but the same potential was not found in Taren Ferry, which had mixed more with outsiders.

Taren River. The upper river of the Two Rivers in Andor, flowing southeast from the Mountains of Mist to the River Manetherendrelle.

Tarendrelle. Name of the River Taren during the Trolloc Wars. In Moiraine’s story of Aemon and the fall of Manetheren, she said that if he could hold at the Tarendrelle for three days, aid was promised; that aid did not come.

Taric. An Aiel man of the Chareen clan who was the youngest greatson of Amaryn, Sorilea’s greatdaughter. Sorilea suggested him as a husband for Egwene if the Aes Sedai rejected her. Sorilea thought that he would be a clan chief someday.

Taril Canler. An Asha’man from Andor. About 5'10" tall, and sturdy, with gray in his hair, he spat for emphasis and used countryman’s terms and phrases. He worked out a way that married Asha’man could bond their wives; he himself was married to Leish, whom he bonded. As an Asha’man soldier he was with Rand in Illian and was then promoted to Dedicated. He associated himself with Logain, forming what Toveine recognized as one of at least two factions within the Black Tower. Canler worked with Androl to try to escape when the Black Tower was sealed. He helped to free Logain from Taim, and fought in the Last Battle.

Taringail Damodred. A Prince of Cairhien and First Prince of the Sword of Andor. His sign was a golden, double-bitted battle axe. He was born in 948 NE, a nephew of King Laman of Cairhien and the half-brother of Moiraine Damodred. He was first the husband of Tigraine; they had one son, Galad. After Tigraine’s disappearance, he married Morgase, with whom he had two children, Elayne and Gawyn. Tensions rose between Andor and Cairhien, in part because Morgase failed to, or refused to, hide the fact that Taringail was in no fashion co-ruler of Andor. Taringail was supposedly killed in a hunting accident, but in fact was assassinated by Thom Merrilin when the latter discovered that Taringail intended to usurp the throne of Andor.

Tarlomen’s Gate. An entryway in the south wall of the White Tower grounds in Tar Valon.

Tarmandewin. A court at which Mat had ancient memories of dancing.

Tarmon Gai’don. The Old Tongue term for the Last Battle. Prophecies given in The Karaethon Cycle foretold that the Dark One would be freed again to touch the world, and that Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, Breaker of the World, would be reborn to fight Tarmon Gai’don and to save the world and break it again. See Last Battle, the

Tarna Feir. An Altaran Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born near the Andoran border in 950 NE, she went to the White Tower in 964 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. Pale-haired, 5'5½" tall and haughty, with a prominent chin and sharp blue eyes that could freeze the sun, she was a wilder who first touched saidar at about as early an age as possible, but she had a block: she could not touch saidar unless she had her eyes closed. That meant, of course, that she could not see to weave the flows. Galina Casban took an interest in her and beat the block out of her, something about which she later professed to be amused. This was technically illegal, but the then Mistress of Novices acquiesced by being silent about it.

Tarna was sent by Elaida as emissary to the rebel Aes Sedai gathering in Salidar. She learned about the presence of Siuan and Leane, Logain, Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene, and about Gareth Bryne raising an army. Even though she reported all via pigeon long before reaching Tar Valon, she nearly rode her horse to death trying to return to give her report in person, because what she had seen in Salidar frightened her. In Murandy she encountered a group of Asha’man. She reached Dorlan just after the rebel army surrounded Tar Valon; she took control of the sisters there from Covarla. Narenwin Barda arrived, and Tarna went back to the White Tower. Since Alviarin was missing, Tarna was named the Keeper of the Chronicles. She and Pevara talked about the Asha’man, with Tarna suggesting that Red sisters should take Asha’man as Warders. They, with four others, subsequently were ordered by Tsutama to go to the Black Tower and bond Asha’man. Tarna was Turned to the Shadow while there.

Taron, Elwinn. The Wisdom of Deven Ride. She was round and had a motherly smile that she wore even when she was making people do what they did not want to do.

Tarra. A Maiden of the Spear of the Taardad Aiel, seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean. Tarra was killed in a fight with Seanchan led by Padra.

Tarran. A Saldaean soldier in Maradon with Bashere. He had long mustaches and bowed legs. Wearing the Traitor’s Banner, he was one of four guarding the Darkfriend Lord Torkumen when Yoeli took Ituralde to meet Torkumen.

Tarsi, Larelle. See Larelle Tarsi

Tarsin, Idrien. See Idrien Tarsin

Tarva. Katerine’s rendering of Therava’s name during the Wise Ones’ meeting with the Aes Sedai who kidnapped Rand.

Tarwin’s Gap. The pass separating the Mountains of Dhoom from the Spine of the World, near Fal Dara. Frequently used in raids by the Trollocs, it was the site of many battles between Shadowspawn and Borderlanders. Lan and his army engaged a massive Trolloc army heading south from there during the Last Battle.