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Telabin, Lord. A nobleman of Bethal in Ghealdan. Telabin had a palace in Bethal, and Cha Faile reported that Alliandre walked in its gardens alone there every morning. Telabin thought that she was still there when she went to meet with Perrin.

Telaisien, Queen. A queen of Andor during the War of the Hundred Years. She reigned from FY 1085 to FY 1103. During her reign, Esmara Getares made a good stab at taking all of Hawkwing’s empire; she had considerable success until she tried to conquer Andor.

Telamon, Lews Therin. See Lews Therin Telamon

telarti. A Seanchan term for a woman with fire in her soul.

Tell Lewin. A man of the Two Rivers, the nephew of Flann and brother of Dannil. Like his brother, he was a skinny beanpole with a pickaxe for a nose, but he wore thin mustaches in the Domani style. He was not much older than Perrin. Tell was part of the original band that hunted Trollocs with Perrin. He followed Perrin to Caemlyn, Dumai’s Wells, Cairhien, Ghealdan, Amadicia, and on to the Last Battle.

Tellaen, Lord. A Domani nobleman who gave shelter to the Dragon Reborn in his log manor house in the east of Arad Doman. Heavy and having a thin mustache, Tellaen put himself at risk by accommodating Rand, Asha’man and Bashere’s army, but the chaos in Arad Doman at the time minimized the danger.

Tellindal Tirraso. A clerk who worked in Lews Therin’s headquarters in the War of Power. He was killed in an attack by Demandred.

Tema. The leather-faced head groom at the Lord’s Stable of Agelmar’s keep in Fal Dara.

Temaile Kinderode. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. She had a strength level of 17(5). Born in 943 NE, she went to the White Tower in 960 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. About 5'2" tall, with big blue eyes, dark hair and a fox-shaped face, she appeared fragile, like a pretty child. Temaile had no Warder. Her proclivity for bullying was noted as a novice, which was part of the reason she was so long a novice, but it was thought she had been broken of this, though it was noted as Accepted that she was very strict with the novices. She was an out-and-out sadist who liked to hurt people, both emotionally and physically. Temaile was a good negotiator, with a reputation for making sure that all sides bore an equal weight of pain. She was one of the original thirteen members of the Black Ajah who fled from the White Tower. In Tanchico, she tormented Amathera; Elayne and Egeanin found her doing so and left her unconscious there after knocking her out. Temaile and others of the Black Ajah then went to Amador, where Temaile tortured Jorin Arene into submission. The group was coopted by Moghedien, who ordered Temaile to search for Nynaeve. When Liandrin failed in her attempt to use Compulsion on Moghedien, Temaile tortured her before handing her over to her Darkfriend captors. Moghedien ordered Temaile, Eldrith, Asne and Chesmal to follow her to Samara. Eldrith failed to keep her bond to her Warder Kennit masked, and he tracked her down in Ghealdan and tried to kill her. She and her companions fled to Caemlyn hoping to find Elayne and Nynaeve, both of whom they believed Moghedien very much wanted to get her hands on. Asne, Chesmal and Eldrith were all intimidated by Temaile, who took control over the group despite the fact that Eldrith stood higher in the Power. The three grew more afraid of her after her preparation of Liandrin for her fate.

Temaile was not at Lady Shiaine’s house when Elayne and her allies went to arrest the Black Ajah members, but she arrived soon after and helped take Elayne captive. She was captured when Birgitte and her forces rescued Elayne. When Elayne went to the prison disguised as a Forsaken to try to gain information, Jaq Lounalt tried to rescue Temaile and the others. Elayne prevailed, until Mellar appeared; before he got away with her copy of the foxhead medallion, Mellar, working under orders, killed Temaile.

Temalien, Cariandre. See Cariandre Temalien

Temanin. The King of Eharon at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.

“Tempo of Infinity.” An artwork by Ceran Tol, a valuable piece seen in Sammael’s apartments in Illian. He told Graendal that he had found it in a stasis-box.

Ten Nations. The countries that formed the first league of nations approximately two hundred years after the Breaking, as a defense against the forces of the Dark One. Coremanda, Essenia, Manetheren, Eharon, Aelgar, Aramaelle, Almoren, Aridhol, Coremanda, Eharon, Essenia, Jaramide, Manetheren and Safer were members. See individual nations

Ten Nations, Covenant of. See Compact of the Ten Nations

Tenets, the. The body of principles that Whitecloaks lived by, compiled by the founder of the Children of the Light, Lothair Mantelar.

Tenjile, Alise. See Alise Tenjile

tenmi. Seanchan term for a paperlike substance used to create portable buildings.

Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi. The Queen of Saldaea, Her Illumined Majesty, Shield of the North and Sword of the Blightborder, High Seat of House Kazadi, First Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Kunwar and Ganai. Born in 975 NE, she took the throne in 991 NE. About 5'7" tall, with a large nose, a wide mouth and large tilted eyes of a dark deep blue that was almost purple, she had a narrow waist, a round bosom and a high voice. Tenobia was touchy about anything she perceived as a threat to her reign in Saldaea. She trusted the counsel of soldiers and no one else.

Tenobia had an Aes Sedai advisor, but in Elaida’s eyes, this woman became too much associated with Tenobia. This Aes Sedai advisor was one of the uncommitteds, supporting neither the rebels nor Elaida, and she vanished without a trace after the troubles began in the Tower. Elaida sent a Red sister, Memara, to rein in Tenobia; she believed Memara could control Tenobia without ever letting her see the leash. Tenobia was huffy about White Tower interference in Saldaea and indignant over Memara. Elaida ordered Tenobia kidnapped, but it never came off.

Tenobia had simple requirements for the man she would marry. He was required to be a poet, philosopher, scholar and warrior, all of the finest degree. He had to be able to cleave Trollocs in two while composing poetry, to be a hero out of legend while discoursing on philosophy. She wanted a man strong enough to master her—she despised weaklings—but she expected that he would give way whenever she wished; she was not a wimp herself, and had no intention of being submissive. In short, she carried the normal Saldaean woman’s view of a proper husband to the furthest extreme, with the result that no one believed she would ever find a husband to suit her. Tenobia began angling to marry her uncle Kalyan to Queen Ethenielle, and was successful.

In the Last Battle, Tenobia was killed after Agelmar, acting under Graendal’s Compulsion, sent her into danger.

Teodora. A Saldaean woman who was the older sister of Hadnan Kadere. She taught him his letters and numbers. When she found out that he was a Darkfriend, he killed her because he was sure that she would not keep silent. Kadere always thought of her when he killed a woman.

ter’angreal. A device that used the One Power to accomplish a specific function. The forms taken by the devices and the functions served were varied. Some devices required the use of the One Power to activate while others did not.

Terakuni, Berisha. See Berisha Terakuni