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Thane, Master. An Emond’s Field man. Jac Coplin and Len Congar were accused of stealing his cow, but Perrin made Master Thane prove it before he allowed the Village Council to strap the thieves.

Thane, Mistress. A member of the Women’s Circle in Emond’s Field. When Rand visited the Royal Palace of Caemlyn disguised as Nuli, he told Nynaeve, so that he could speak with her and Lan alone, that Mistress Thane said Nynaeve wanted to see him right away on Women’s Circle business about Cenn Buie.

Tharne, Duranda. See Duranda Tharne

Tharon. An area producing wine.

Theodohr. The commander of the Andoran cavalry during the Last Battle.

Theodrin Dabei. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 15(3). Born in 966 NE, she went to the White Tower in 981 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl by Egwene’s decree in 999 NE. Theodrin was apple-cheeked, with a mouth that turned up as if she liked to smile. Willowy, with a swanlike neck and copper skin, she dressed modestly. Theodrin was a wilder; her self-taught wilder trick was to be able to make a man want to kiss her or leave her alone. Her block was that she couldn’t channel without the presence of a man she felt strongly about. That block was broken with the use of twins: Charel, a handsome young groom, and Marel, his twin sister. Charel was allowed in the classrooms so that Theodrin could channel, and was later surreptitiously replaced by his sister. On being shown that Marel was indeed a girl, Theodrin was able to channel at will. She attempted to help Nynaeve overcome her block, but was unsuccessful.

While in Salidar, Theodrin reached the point where she should have been tested for Aes Sedai, but could not be, since the testing ter’angreal was in the White Tower. When Egwene was raised to the Amyrlin Seat, she decreed that Theodrin was to be raised to the shawl immediately. Theodrin chose the Brown Ajah, but was still treated as an Accepted by many Aes Sedai because of her unorthodox raising. She swore fealty to Egwene largely because she felt she had no choice but to hitch her wagon to Egwene’s star. Egwene assigned Theodrin to accept Romanda’s offer to assist her until she could be raised properly in Tar Valon; she was to gather information and pass it to Egwene. Theodrin was not wholeheartedly pleased by the prospect, knowing that it meant more of being treated not as Aes Sedai but more as an Accepted who had to be watched; the Browns even appointed a guardian to look over her shoulder and make sure she didn’t do anything wrong. On the other hand, it was a chance to get back at the sisters who treated her that way.

Theodrin was part of the embassy to the Black Tower to bond Warders, but did not choose one there. She fought alongside Pevara and some Asha’man in the Last Battle; Pevara thought that she intended to bond one of those Asha’man, Jonneth.

Theory of Instructions. A philosophical theory known to the Aes Sedai that fell out of favor.

Thera. A da’covale belonging to Lady Suroth; she was the former Lady Amathera, Panarch of Tarabon. See Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault

Therava. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 12(+1). About six feet tall, with blue eyes, sun-darkened complexion, and dark red hair streaked with white, she was hawk-eyed and hawk-faced. Her hands were rough, not callused so much as strong and harsh, and her voice was like stone. Appearing to be between thirty-five and forty, she was in reality over two hundred years old, making her one of the oldest living Aiel Wise Ones. She wore necklaces of ivory and gold, and many clattering bracelets.

One of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters, she accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten and took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine.

At Dumai’s Wells, she took half the Shaido Wise Ones to the west.

Therava hated Galina as a betrayer, as an oathbreaker and as an Aes Sedai, but at the same time had the hots for her, which only intensified the hate. Therava really got off on making an Aes Sedai submit to her; Aes Sedai outraged Therava by not showing proper respect. After the oath to make Galina obey was administered, Therava dressed Galina in gai’shain robes of white silk and had her when she wished. She was more cruel toward Galina than any of the others, allowing no slips, however tiny.

Therava also assumed possession of the binder and kept it until Theril stole it.

The conclave that the Wise Ones held without informing Sevanna named Therava as Sevanna’s advisor—they blamed Sevanna for the scattering of the Shaido. Even though she had earlier fallen in with Sevanna’s plans, Therava did not like Sevanna, and believed she had led them all into a disaster from which there might be no recovery. She despised Sevanna’s fixation on Rand.

When Therava confronted Sevanna over Galina, all of the Wise Ones who were part of Sevanna’s inner circle sided with Therava.

After the Shaido were routed at Malden, Therava, Modarra and Belinde led a large number of Shaido to return to the Three-fold Land; on the way, they recaptured Galina.

Theril. A young Amadician man who was taken gai’shain by the Shaido. Theril was a lanky, skinny-faced fourteen-year-old who was taller than his father Alvon, which made the Shaido believe he was older. The two of them were famed for having attempted escape three times and getting farther each time before being recaptured. Theril and his father were sworn to Faile, and Theril procured Therava’s binder for her. He followed her and the others and saw Galina make the building collapse on them. He saw Maighdin’s signal and went for help.

Therille Marza. A Domani seamstress who was one of the refugees who went to the Two Rivers. She lived in Emond’s Field and made Faile six dresses; Faile thought that she required a firm hand and constant vigilance to keep her from dressing Faile for the court in Bandar Eban.

Therin Lugay. An Amadician man who owed Ronde Macura a favor. Cursed with a nagging wife and a shrewish mother-in-law, he was to carry Elayne and Nynaeve away from the village to Tar Valon in his cart, keeping them drugged with forkroot. When he found Ronde and Luci unconscious, he decided to set out for Altara or Murandy.

Therva Maresis. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 34(22). Born in 862 NE, she went to the White Tower in 879 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 894 NE. Slender, with a long nose which she sometimes tapped, Therva was excitable by nature; it was considered a bad sign when she wore an expression of utter and unshakable serenity. When Nynaeve Healed Siuan and Leane, Therva was present and noted that she thought Fire might be useful in Healing heart problems. Because of her ability to read residues, Therva was one of six sisters sent to investigate the large channeling event outside Shadar Logoth.

thief-catcher. A type of private detective used by the High Lords of Tear to apprehend thieves. Thief-catchers also hired out for private services.

thief-taker. The term used for a thief-catcher in nations other than Tear.

Third Compact, the. See Coalition, the

Third Gem. An Ebou Dari dice game. There was one dicer in the game, with a crowd of onlookers betting against or for his tosses. In other lands it was called Cat’s Paw and Feathers Aloft.