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In the days after the Time of Madness, Aes Sedai expected to live as much as seven hundred to eight hundred years, barring accidents. With the advent of the Three Oaths, Aes Sedai lifespan was reduced to a maximum of two hundred to three hundred years, and the phenomenon known as Aes Sedai “agelessness” came about, which meant that it was simply impossible to put an age to the Aes Sedai. The cumulative effect of the Three Oaths is what produced this agelessness. There was no agelessness during the War of the Shadows, of course, and little or none during the Compact of the Ten Nations.

All three oaths were in place by the Trolloc Wars, certainly by the end.

Three Plum Blossoms, The. A waterfront inn in Falme on the Almoth Plain that was renamed after the Seanchan arrived; its previous name included the word “Watcher.” Its innkeeper was a fat man. Min, Nynaeve and Elayne met Bayle Domon there to arrange safe passage out of Falme for themselves and Egwene.

Three Plum Court. A three-storied, white-plastered, high-class inn found in Tanchico, Tarabon. Its innkeeper was Rendra. Bayle Domon took Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom and Juilin to stay there; Rendra was his friend. While there, Elayne got drunk and realized that Thom had been her mother’s Court-bard and lover.

Three Stars, The. An inn in Ebou Dar where Beslan conspired to overthrow the Seanchan.

Three Toes. The leader of a wolfpack that Perrin spoke to when seeking information about Faile after she was abducted by the Shaido.

Three Towers, The. An inn in Maerone, Cairhien. Mat and Edorion stopped by while making the rounds of the drinking halls frequented by his soldiers.

Three Towers Gate. The western gate leading out of Ebou Dar.

Three-fold Land. The Aiel term for the Aiel Waste. They believed that the Waste was a shaping stone to make them, a testing ground to prove their worth, and a punishment for their sin. See also Waste, the

throne. A Seanchan unit of currency.

Throne, Light Blessed. The seat of the Ghealdan monarch.

Throne of the Clouds. The seat of the monarch of Kandor.

Throne of the Light. The seat of the monarch of Tanchico.

Throne of the Winds. The seat of the monarch of Altara at the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar.

Thulin. A Shienaran blacksmith in the village of Oak Water. His wife was Gallanha; they had a daughter, Mirala. Dark-haired and dark-skinned, Thulin was lean for a blacksmith. When odd storm clouds started gathering, he and his family packed up and headed north. Thulin stopped by to tell Renald Fanwar where his anvil was buried, but then proceeded to tell Renald that he ought to make weapons and head north as well.

Thum. A person who worked for the merchant Barriga. He was killed by Trollocs at Heeth Tower on the Blightborder.

Thunder Mist. A wolf that was a member of Leafhunter’s pack. Perrin spoke with Leafhunter’s pack after encountering a scent in the wolf dream (ultimately found to be from Darkhounds) that made his hackles rise. When he asked the pack about it, they all stopped talking with him.

Thunder Walkers. An Aiel warrior society also known as Sha’mad Conde.

Thunderbolts, Talmanes’. A unit of soldiers within Mat’s Band of the Red Hand. Its formal name was First Banner of the Horse.

Thurasa. A woman on the Domani Council of Merchants who was a victim of Graendal’s Compulsion. Graendal found her succulent, and was angered when a gateway bringing a messenger from Moridin nearly took Thurasa’s arm off.

Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin. Old Tongue for “The grave is no bar to my call,” the script that was written on the Horn of Valere.

Tialin. An Aiel Wise One with a strength level of 18(6). Lean and red-haired, with a sharp nose, she was part of the council in Amys’ tent meeting about the Aes Sedai on the morning Egwene tried to spy on the Tower sisters and met Gawyn. Tialin was doubtful that Lady Arilyn was an Aes Sedai spy. Tialin was at Dumai’s Wells. She took Beldeine to Verin for questioning and reported that Katerine had escaped.

Tiam of Gazar. The developer of the Gazaran Calendar.

Tian. A young man serving as a messenger at Heeth Tower on the Blightborder. Four of his brothers were killed in the Blight; he was Lady Yabeth’s only remaining son. Keemlin Rai let him leave Heeth Tower in his place, hoping to keep him out of harm’s way.

Tiana Noselle. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born in 937 NE, she went to the White Tower in 953 NE. After spending six years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 965 NE. Tiana twice refused the test for Accepted and had problems with the test for Aes Sedai. About 5'2" tall, and slim, with big brown eyes, she had a dimple in her left cheek that made her look younger than her years.

Tiana was chosen Mistress of Novices for the rebels; like the Sitters chosen in Salidar, she was much too young for the job, even if Sheriam was younger. The Sitters thought that since she was too young, it would be easier for her to be shunted aside once they managed to restore the rebels to the Tower. As Mistress of Novices, Tiana was known for being equally sympathetic and stern when it came to the rules. She was never shy about speaking up to Sitters or to the Amyrlin; when she was displeased, her disgruntled expression deepened her dimple and made her look sulky, which she didn’t realize.

Egwene replaced her as Mistress of Novices with Rosil of the Yellow Ajah after the Tower reunited.

tickbird. A term for a petty thief who stole whatever he could get his hands on.

Tiedra, Mistress. The innkeeper of The Great Tree in the city of Cairhien; she knew that Verin was Aes Sedai. Plump and sharp-eyed, she charged heavily but did not scrimp on amenities.

Tifan’s Well. A small village in Arafel that served a farming community. Aes Sedai Adeleas and Vandene Namelle had retired there to write the history of the world. Moiraine, seeking more knowledge about the prophecies regarding the Dragon Reborn, visited the two. While there, Moiraine was almost killed by a Draghkar that had been warded by a Black Ajah sister, but she was saved by Lan and Jaem, Vandene’s Warder.

tiganza. A dance performed by Tinkers. It was danced by women, and could be danced for men, but it was considered by Tinker women a celebration of being a woman. Most movement was from the waist down, involving considerable rolling of the hips, which was emphasized by a shawl held behind the dancer at waist height. The music always included drums and was rhythmically repetitive.

Tigraine Mantear. The daughter of Queen Mordrellen of Andor and Daughter-Heir to the throne of Andor. Her sign was a woman’s hand gripping a thorny rose stem with a white blossom. Born in 950 NE, Tigraine was in the White Tower in 966–967 NE; she had no ability to channel, but was awarded the Great Serpent ring anyway, a tradition between Andor and the Tower. Her time in the Tower was largely an education given by women who were very skillful politically. Tigraine married Taringail Damodred, the nephew of King Laman of Cairhien, shortly after her return from the White Tower, as part of a treaty which, it was hoped, would bring lasting peace between Andor and Cairhien. Their son Galadedrid was born in 970 NE.

In 972 NE, she ran away because of a Foretelling by Gitara Moroso, vanishing from Caemlyn and abandoning her husband and son. She fled to the Waste and joined the Aiel, taking the name Shaiel, which was Old Tongue for “Woman Who Is Dedicated.” She became Far Dareis Mai, which was unheard of for a wetlander. She fell in love with Janduin, clan chief of the Taardad, but refused to give up the spear for him even after she became pregnant. He could refuse her nothing, so she was not forced to return to the Three-fold Land when her pregnancy was discovered. She died of wounds on the slopes of Dragonmount, giving birth to a son during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Her newborn child was found and carried away by Tam al’Thor, an officer in the Illianer Companions.