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A morat who could handle raken could handle to’raken and vice versa, but morat’raken were considered superior to morat’to’raken. To order a morat’raken to fly a to’raken would entail a loss of face for the flier, a fact which even the Blood recognized.

Tobanyi, Isebaille. See Isebaille Tobanyi

Tobrad, Master. The innkeeper at the nicest inn in Hinderstap. Joline and Edesina went there to have baths; when Mat went to fetch them, he saw the cook kill Master Tobrad and then killed the cook to preserve his own hide. The next day Mat saw both at the inn.

Tod al’Caar. A young Two Rivers man who was friends with Jondyn Barran. Lantern-jawed and a year younger than Perrin, he joined Perrin’s band. Tod’s mother willingly let him go because of the honor of her son following Perrin Goldeneyes. Tod fought at Dumai’s Wells; afterward he said that he wouldn’t mind being an Asha’man, but Perrin could smell that it wasn’t true. When Perrin met with Tylee the first time, Tod carried the Red Eagle of Manetheren. He was one of the Two Rivers men who went through the aqueduct to enter Malden.

Todande. A noble House in Altara. It held the throne of Altara for five generations, until High Seat Anarina drained the nation’s finances and was deposed and murdered. The House never recovered. See also Anarina and Maddin Todande

Togita, House. A noble House of Shienar; Easar Togita was king. See Easar Togita

toh. Old Tongue for “obligation” or “duty.” The Aiel used it in their complex system of correct behavior, ji’e’toh.

Tojar. A town from the Age of Legends. Moghedien referred to a night laborer in Tojar as someone who was worked hard.

Tokama, Niko. A female member of the Academy of Cairhien, whose undescribed project Idrien thought was silly.

Toke Fearnim. A stable owner in Jurador from whom Mat bought the Domani razor for Tuon. He was wiry, with a fringe of gray hair.

Tol, Ander. A turnip farmer from the south of Cairhien who gave Rand and his companions a ride into Cairhien after the bubble of evil attacked the rebel camp.

Tol, Ceran. The creator of “Tempo of Infinity,” an art piece from the Age of Legends.

Tolen, Eldaya. See Eldaya Tolen

Tolmeran Setares. A High Lord of Tear. Lean, with an iron-gray beard, Tolmeran had courage; he was brave enough to hint at doubts that Rand was the Dragon Reborn. He was smart, with far more brains than Weiramon, but with less rank, influence and power. Tolmeran was not in the Stone the night Rand took it, and he questioned the Tairen rebel claim that the fall of the Stone was an Aes Sedai trick. He was as eager to fight the Illianers as any Tairen—the two nations’ history was one of wars fought on the slightest excuse—but he seemed a little less likely than the other High Lords to think every battle could be won by one good charge.

Tolmeran fought the Seanchan in Illian with Rand. Rand left him there, and was enraged when he found that Tolmeran and others were returning to Tear, against orders.

Tolvina, Ailene. The stern innkeeper of The Evening Star in Chachin. Moiraine hired two of her bodyguards for escort to a bank.

Toma dur Ahmid. The man who developed the Toman Calendar after the Breaking.

Toma. A townsman who lived during the War of the Shadow. He punched the Da’shain Aiel Coumin in the mouth because Coumin’s parents had served Lanfear. The man said that he and others would root out those who had really served the Shadow and treat them as they had Charn, who had been hanged.

Tomada. An Ogier during the War of the Shadow. He was with Coumin when word came that the war had ended, and Shayol Ghul had been sealed with the Forsaken inside.

Tomaka. An alternate name for Shara, given by Rhuarc.

Toman Calendar. A calendar devised by Toma dur Ahmid, recording years After the Breaking (AB). It was adopted approximately two centuries after the death of the last male Aes Sedai.

Toman Head. A peninsula on the west coast, west of Almoth Plain on the Aryth Ocean, between Arad Doman and Tarabon. The peninsula was hilly, sloping up from the harbor, and forested. One of its villages, Atuan’s Mill, had a visit from the Seanchan. Its only city was Falme, where the Watchers Over the Waves kept a lookout for the return of Artur Hawkwing’s armies before the Seanchan executed them. Liandrin led Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne and Min there, and Egwene and Min were captured by the Seanchan. It was the site of a major confrontation between Rand and the Seanchan, the Whitecloaks and Ba’alzamon.

There was an abandoned Ogier stedding on its mountainous north coast.

Tomanelle. An Aiel clan; its chief was Han.

Tomanes, Mara. See Mara Tomanes

Tomares, Sareitha. See Sareitha Tomares

Tomas. Verin’s Warder. About 5'9" to 5'10" tall, but stocky, he was gray-haired and dark-eyed. Tomas was a Darkfriend, but he wanted a way out. Verin offered him a chance to make up for what he had done, even though there was really no way out; Tomas gratefully accepted. Verin, coming to her own end, gave him poison; while she was taking her own, Tomas was with his family doing the same.

Tomas Trakand. The name that Caraline Damodred called Rand when introducing him to others in the Cairhienin rebel camp.

Tomichi, Mistress. The innkeeper of The Plowman’s Blade in Manala, Kandor. A stout, graying woman, she seemed uneasy about two Malkieri stopping at her inn, but cheered up when Moiraine ordered breakfast.

Tomil. A Youngling. Rajar told Tomil and his brother to escort Narenwin Sedai to the Mayor’s house when she arrived in Dorlan.

Tonarma, Estevan. See Estevan Tonarma

Tora Harad. A mighty fortress from Mat’s memories of ancient times. It was known for its ability to withstand a siege.

Tora Shan. The site of a bloody battle from Mat’s ancient memories. Mat thought the battle for Cairhien was not much different from Tora Shan.