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Torm and corlm were mutually antagonistic. While morat could keep this from coming to actual combat, they were never used together. Torm also made horses nervous and increasingly fractious unless the horses had been trained to tolerate them.

The torm was controlled in the same way as a horse, with reins and knee pressure.

Tormon. An Illianer merchant from New Braem. Dyelin reported that he had brought news of an army in Braem Wood (the Borderlanders). She said that he was a solid, reliable man, not given to flights of fancy or jumping at shadows.

Tornay Lanasiet. A heavyset Taraboner Dragonsworn soldier who took part in the raids against the Seanchan under Ituralde’s command. Lanasiet hated wearing a breastplate marking him as one loyal to the Seanchan, which he had to do as a deception; he burned to close with them in battle. His eagerness to fight led him to not follow the plan of attack at Serana; after he and Ituralde defeated the Seanchan there, he gave chase with a third of the men Ituralde was counting on using, although he was not supposed to. Ituralde thought that he had seen the last of him.

Torr, Kevlyn. A Two Rivers man with Perrin. He told Perrin of a stand of trees that had mysteriously died and dried in one night. Perrin told him to harvest them for firewood.

Torval, Peral. See Peral Torval

Torvald, Noy. See Noy Torvald

Torven Rikshan. A Cairhienin lord in charge of a camp of refugees with Perrin. His camp had a large number of nobles, and Faile suspected that he was bribing the quartermaster to deliver meals early.

Torwyn Barshaw. A Darkfriend, allegedly a merchant from Four Kings and Paitr Conel’s uncle. A squat man with a big nose, a choleric eye and a sneering mouth, Torwyn visited Morgase in Amador, pretending to be a merchant, with plans to help her escape from the Whitecloaks hidden in the bottom of a cart of kitchen refuse. Trom caught Torwyn, Paitr and others reciting catechisms to the Dark One; they were hanged while Morgase watched.

Tourag. A fighting force from another Age, from Birgitte’s memory.

Tova. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Tovan conclaves. Tovan councilors who became a symbol of abstemiousness, as the Tovans were a stark and disapproving people, at least as recalled by Birgitte.

Toveine Gazal. A copper-skinned Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 19(7). Born in 811 NE, she went to the White Tower in 829 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and ten years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 850 NE. About 5'3" tall, with long glossy dark hair and dark eyes, Toveine was somewhat plump, though not fat. Although she was moderately pretty, with a mouth and eyes men found pleasing, no one would ever have called her a beauty. Her gaze bored into whatever she looked at. A wolf might have quailed when she sneered or frowned, and when Toveine was angry, serpents fled. She always had the ability to cut out one’s heart and eat it while one watched. She wasn’t particularly cruel, except when it came to men who could channel. Toveine hated the very idea of a man channeling. She did not like men at all, really; she preferred pretty young boys in their mid to late teens, young enough to be eager and grateful and easy to control; that got her into trouble during her exile. The notion of any sort of sexual relationship with an adult male made her skin crawl.

Toveine was raised Sitter for the Red in 952 NE, but was unchaired in 985 NE in the wake of the male channeler pogrom. The pogrom was begun by the Black Ajah, of course, but she and her fellow Red Sitters threw themselves wholeheartedly into supporting it. Although the true circumstances were kept secret for the good of the White Tower, she suffered a penance in the Tower just short of being publicly birched (it was done privately) and was exiled, a supposedly voluntary retreat that lasted until she was recalled after Elaida took the stole. This retreat was at the farm of one Mistress Doweel, who believed Toveine was there to work a penance and held her to the same rules she would any other farmhand. Toveine still thought of her as Mistress Doweel and remembered every time she was strapped or switched for infractions; the woman made a great impression on her. Later, she arranged for Mistress Doweel to have much the same experience, but it did not remove the impression the woman made on her. Elaida sent Toveine with fifty sisters and two hundred of the Tower Guard to clean out the Black Tower and gentle and hang every male channeler that they found. Elaida thought that she would carry out her orders with no problem, but Elaida did not know that Toveine’s desire for revenge was almost as strong as her hatred of men who could channel, quite possibly stronger, by this time, though it might well have shocked her to realize it. Marith, the Amyrlin who forced Toveine’s resignation, was dead, but that was not enough. While she did not think in terms of revenge against her own Ajah, she was particularly bitter that they did not support her to any greater extent. She was more than reluctant to admit even to herself there was nothing the Red could have done under the circumstances, that Marith had had the whip hand, and the entire Red Ajah, even those who hadn’t taken part in the pogrom, knew that anyone who defied Marith might well have shared the fate of Toveine and the others, with the approval of the rest of the Hall. Even less did she actively think of taking revenge on the White Tower as a whole—but it was the Tower that had humiliated and exiled her.

All fifty-one Aes Sedai were captured by the Asha’man and bonded; Toveine was bonded by Logain. The other Aes Sedai blamed her for their capture and beat her. Gabrelle, who was also bonded by Logain, convinced Toveine that they needed to stand united. Toveine wrote a letter to the Red Ajah describing their capture at the Black Tower and blamed the incident on Elaida. Toveine went with Logain to Rand at Algarin’s manor in Tear. When they returned to the Black Tower, Toveine was Turned to the Shadow and Logain released the bond. After, Logain told Gabrelle they would kill Toveine if they found her.

Tovere, Kin. See Kin Tovere

Tower Guard. The military body attached to the White Tower in Tar Valon. Under Siuan Sanche, the Tower Guard numbered about three thousand men, used mainly for policing the city of Tar Valon and the surrounding area and also to provide a suitable escort for the Amyrlin Seat when she traveled. It had been larger in the past, though not greatly larger since the time of Artur Hawkwing; under Alviarin’s influence, Elaida planned to increase the numbers to fifty thousand. Few nations viewed the prospect of a large Tower Guard with anything approaching equanimity.

A Tower Guardsman wore the white teardrop of the Falme of Tar Valon on his chest, either embroidered on the breast of his coat or on a tabard over his breastplate.

High Captain Jimar Chubain was Commander of the Tower Guard.

Tower, Hall of the. See Hall of the Tower

Tower of the Full Moon. A structure at the Sun Palace in Cairhien; Dobraine had rooms there where he was attacked by robbers. Usually the Tower was set aside for visiting nobility of high rank.

Tower of Ghenjei. A featureless burnished steel tower near the River Arinelle in Andor, two hundred feet high and forty feet in diameter, one of the ancient wonders of unknown use. In fact, the realms of the Aelfinn and Eelfinn could be reached through the tower. Perrin was near the Tower of Ghenjei in the wolf dream, having seen Slayer enter, when Birgitte warned him away. Later, Mat, Thom and Noal rescued Moiraine from the Aelfinn and Eelfinn by entering the tower.