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Tower of Morning. 1) An architectural feature in Tanchico. Temaile, torturing the Panarch, hoisted Amathera to the top of the tower in her dreams and then dropped her; each time she let Amathera fall closer to the ground before stopping. 2) A sword form.

Tower of Ravens. The central Imperial prison of Seanchan. It was located in the capital of Seandar and served as the headquarters for the Seekers for Truth. Members of the Blood were imprisoned, questioned and executed within it. The questioning and execution had to be accomplished without spilling a drop of blood. Most prisoners who learned that they were going to the Tower of Ravens attempted suicide. The Tower of Ravens was the symbol of Imperial justice; an image of it was displayed on a Seeker’s plaque and tattooed on a Seeker’s shoulder. It was broken after the fall of the Empress.

Tower of the Risen Sun. A part of the Royal Palace in Cairhien that was demolished in the attack on Rand by the renegade Asha’man.

Tower, White. See White Tower

Towers of Midnight. Thirteen fortresses of unpolished black marble located in Imfaral, Seanchan. At the time of the Consolidation of Seanchan, it was the center of military might. The final battle of the Consolidation took place there, leaving Hawkwing’s descendants in power. After that time, it was unoccupied. Legend said that in time of dire need, the Imperial family would return to the Towers of Midnight and “right that which is wrong.” Deain, the creator of the a’dam, was imprisoned there, and it was said that the towers were shaken by her screams.

Town, the. A village in the Blight that was the residence of male Aiel channelers and their progeny, the Eyeblinders, who had gone to the Blight to fight the forces of Dark and were Turned.

Toy. The name given Mat by the Seanchan in the Tarasin Palace, Ebou Dar; it was short for Tylin’s Toy.

Traehand, Laerid. See Laerid Traehand

Traemane, House. A major noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Ellorien; its sign the Stag, or the White Stag. See also Elayne and Ellorien Traemane

Trahelion, Birgitte. See Birgitte Silverbow

Traighan, Seonid. See Seonid Traighan

Traitor’s Banner. A triangular black-and-yellow pendant borne by Saldaeans who felt that they had betrayed their oaths, even though the betrayal was for the greater good. Sometimes in lieu of a banner, strips of black and yellow cloth were twisted about one another and tied to sword sheaths. Yoeli and the men who fought alongside him when he took command of Maradon wore the Traitor’s Banner, although they took the city to save Ituralde and his men from the Shadowspawn army.

Traitor’s Court. A courtyard found in the White Tower, used for only three occasions: executions, the stilling of an Aes Sedai or the gentling of a male channeler. It was a wide area surrounded by windows from which spectators could watch events.

Traitor’s Tree. A tree at the Black Tower upon which deserters’ heads were hung.

Traitors’ Steps. An area on the Maseta Peninsula in Tanchico where heads of enemies-of-state were displayed on spikes.

Trakand, House. A noble House of Andor. See Elayne, Gawyn, Maighdin and Morgase Trakand

Trakand, Tomas and Jaisi. The names given Rand and Min by Caraline Damodred to hide their identity from Darlin when they visited the Cairhienin rebel camp.

transcriber. A device from the Age of Legends that wrote words spoken; Graendal wished she had one in the Third Age.

Translation, the Book of. See Book of Translation, the

trap-worms. Creatures found in the Sen T’jore, a wild region of Seanchan. They sprang out of the ground without warning, but it is unclear whether they were harmful to humans.

Trask. An Aiel Red Shield who fought alongside Rhuarc in the Last Battle. He managed to kill a red-veil before he himself was killed.

Traveler. 1) Bryne’s bay gelding. 2) A constellation thought of as a woman with her staff standing out sharp.

Traveling. A process using the One Power to weave a portal, called a gateway, that allowed one to go from one location to another without crossing the intervening space. Traveling required a knowledge of the embarkation point, rather than a knowledge of the destination, as was true of Skimming. Once the starting point was learned, which could take up to two days in unknown territory, the one Traveling could make rapid, successive jumps, as long as each destination point was in sight of the last starting point. Unlike Skimming, Traveling was considered a Talent.

The True Power could also be used to Travel, but the process was slightly different: the one Traveling appeared to fade into or out of existence, or simply appeared and vanished.

Traveling Box. See nar’baha

Traveling People. See Tuatha’an

Travels in the Aiel Waste, with Various Observations on the Savage Inhabitants. A dusty, wood-bound book that Egwene moved from a chair while visiting Rand in Tear.

Travels of Jain Farstrider, The. A popular book recounting the adventures of Jain Charin.

Trayal. An Ogier who lost his mind and soul in the Ways.

Treasures of the Stone of Tear, The. A book, Volume Twelve, that Egwene moved from a chair while visiting with Rand in Tear.

Tree, the. See Avendesora

Tree of Life, the. A term used to indicate the tree described in many legends and stories; also a reference to the chora tree, a construct from the Age of Legends, of which there were many. The ancient kingdom of Almoth was said to have had a branch or even a living cutting of Avendesora, the legendary Tree of Life, and it was found on its banner. The Taraboners also had it on their banner, and they called themselves the Tree of Man, a reference to the tree. The Domani claimed that they descended from those who created the Tree of Life in the Age of Legends. See also Avendesora and chora tree

Tree of Man. Taraboners’ name for themselves. They claimed to be descended from rulers and nobles from the Age of Legends.

Trees, Great. See Great Trees

Tree Songs or treesongs. Songs sung by Ogier Treesingers which caused living things, particularly trees, to bend to any form and to grow stronger and taller.

Treebrother. An Aiel name for Ogier. The Aiel liked talking with them and visiting the stedding for trade. The Aiel called themselves “waterfriends” to the Treebrothers. Treebrother was also the name Loial used to refer to the Green Man.

Treehill, Nicola. See Nicola Treehill

treekiller. An Aiel term for the Cairhienin.

Treesinger. An Ogier with the rare ability to sing Treesongs. Treesingers were much more common in the Age of Legends.