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Tuon had, like every other woman in Seanchan, been tested to see whether she was marath’damane, and she was not. She passed the test for sul’dam, but because she was who she was, she was not expected to train as a sul’dam. She did so, however, though she never served as one; she had a keenness for it, though, rather in the manner of someone keen to train dogs for field trials or horses for steeplechase or dressage. She did own a number of damane, though she employed sul’dam for handling them. When she learned about sul’dam being able to learn to channel, it did not worry her; they did not channel, and that was the key. So long as they refused to learn, they were all right in her book.

Tuon, with her Voice Selucia and her Truthspeaker Anath, sailed with the Corenne to Ebou Dar aboard the Victory of Kidron; just before they arrived, Lidya, a damane, gave her a Foretelling: “Beware the fox that makes the ravens fly, for he will marry you and carry you away. Beware the man who remembers Hawkwing’s face, for he will marry you and set you free. Beware the man of the red hand, for him you will marry and none other.”

In Ebou Dar, she met Mat, saw his ring with a running fox and two ravens in flight, surrounded by nine crescent moons, and offered to buy him. She caught Mat as he was getting ready to escape Ebou Dar; he and Noal took her into custody.

When Egeanin revealed that Tuon was the Daughter of the Nine Moons, Mat announced three times that Tuon was his wife. He took Tuon and Selucia with his group to Valan Luca’s show. While they traveled, Mat tried to court Tuon; some of his efforts met with more success than others. A necklace was spurned, but a Domani razor was greatly appreciated. When Renna tried to go to Seanchan troops, Tuon wrote a document putting Luca’s show under her protection in case Renna reached the Seanchan, but excluded Mat. In Maderin, Tuon asked Mat to take her to a hell; at Thom’s suggestion he took her to a slightly higher-class establishment, The White Ring. Thom learned that Seanchan soldiers had been told that a Daughter of the Nine Moons imposter was on the loose, meaning Tuon’s life was in danger. On leaving The White Ring, the party was attacked; Mat killed all the men attacking him, and Tuon killed the women. Selucia and Thom killed others. They decided to leave Luca’s show, and Mat tried to find a way to return Tuon to Ebou Dar safely. The group met up with the Band of the Red Hand. Furyk Karede, who had been trying to find Tuon to get her to safety, found Mat’s people; when Tuon said that she trusted Karede, Mat said that Karede could take her back to Ebou Dar, and that he, the Band and some Deathwatch Guards would attempt to ambush those thinking to kill her.

As all of Lidya’s Foretelling had transpired, Tuon announced three times that Mat was her husband, completing the marriage. She returned safely to Ebou Dar and learned that her mother and family were dead; when Musenge brought her the head of Elbar, Suroth’s man, Tuon made Suroth da’covale and turned her over to the Deathwatch Guard until her hair was long enough for her to be sold.

At Rand’s request, Tuon met with him at Falme, but the meeting did not go well. The darkness that she sensed in him made her able to resist his ta’veren effect. She ordered a strike on the White Tower, proclaimed herself Empress and took the name Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag.

After freeing Moiraine, Mat returned to Ebou Dar, where he saved Tuon from a Gray Man, and they consummated their marriage. Rand went to Ebou Dar and met with Tuon and convinced her to sign the Dragon’s Peace and join his effort against the Shadow.

Tuon was nearly killed in the command center in the Last Battle, but Min saved her. Mat and Tuon faked a fight, and she led the Seanchan away from the Last Battle; when the time was right, he sent for her and she returned, helping to seal the victory of the forces of the Light at Merrilor. After the Last Battle, Tuon revealed that she was pregnant.

Turak Aladon. A Seanchan member of the High Blood and commander of the Hailene. He stood twelfth in line of succession for the Crystal Throne. His head was shaved, all of his fingernails were at least an inch long and all were lacquered blue. He was killed by Rand in a sword duel at Falme.

Turan. A Seanchan Lieutenant-General in Tarabon who was sent to chase Ituralde. A blademaster, he was stout and short, with a peaked nose and close-cropped black hair shaved two finger-widths up each side of his head. He fell into Ituralde’s trap, attacking the apparently defenseless Darluna while Ituralde’s troops came at him from two sides. Turan was injured, and Ituralde granted his request for a quick death by taking off his head.

Turane. A Sea Folk Sailmistress. Stocky and gimlet-eyed, she had a sour twist to her mouth because her ship was sunk in Ebou Dar. Her Windfinder was Serile. The Seanchan ship that they had captured was the meeting place for the First Twelve of the Atha’an Miere in Illian.

Turanine Merdagon. An Aes Sedai whose ghost Beonin saw on the way to the White Tower. She wore a dress of old-fashioned cut; straight white hair that fell to her waist was held back by a pearl-studded cap of silver wire. Turanine had a strong face, with dark, tilted eyes and a hooked nose. She had died when Beonin was Accepted, forty years before.

Turanna Norill. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 26(14). Turanna was a member of the party sent to kidnap Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Compulsion from Verin, she found a reason to swear oath to Rand, and like all of the other captive sisters, had done so before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.

Turese. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. New enough to the shawl that she lacked the ageless look, she checked on Egwene just after Verin died; Egwene was able to convince her that Verin was sleeping.

Turn. To compel a person to follow the Dark One in a process using thirteen channelers and thirteen Myrddraal.

Turn Bow. A wolf that Perrin met in the wolf dream while searching for Slayer. She was an aging pack leader and told him that Moonhunter (Lanfear) was looking for him.

Turne. A Ghealdanin mercenary. He was a lanky fellow with curly red hair and a beard he tied off with leather cords. Turne and a dozen others joined Perrin shortly after the battle at Malden. In the Last Battle he was with Arganda.