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Vandes, Eban. The author of The History of the Stone of Tear, which Rand read.

Vane, Master. A lacquerware merchant and Darkfriend. Graying and stocky, with a drooping lower lip, he was playing Piri in The White Ring in Maderin; as Mat joined the game, Vane left quickly. When Mat, Tuon, Selucia and Thom left the inn, Vane and more than a dozen others attacked them, and were killed for their efforts.

Vanin, Chel. See Chel Vanin

Vanora Carridin. Jaichim Carridin’s favorite sister. She lived in Carmera and liked to ride in a forest nearby. She was given by Sammael to Myrddraal to punish Jaichim for his failures.

Varadin. A Whitecloak spy in Tarabon who wrote Pedron Niall about the invasion of the Seanchan in Tanchico.

Varan Marcasiev. High Seat of House Marcasiev and Lord of Canluum, Kandor. His fortress-like palace stood atop the highest hill in Canluum, Stag’s Stand. Lan and Bukama avoided presenting themselves to him when they entered Canluum to avoid the ceremony which would have ensued. A proud man; duty counted more to him than anything else. Varan’s sign was the Red Stag.

Varek. A skinny under-lieutenant in the Seanchan Ever Victorious Army. In the fight against Rand, he lost sei’taer by being sent afoot to get a scouting report. He was under the command of Captain-General Miraj, who sent him to notify Banner-General Chianmai to retreat while battling Rand’s troops. He found Chianmai dead and the troops in disarray. He took command of the troops and was likely promoted for extracting those forces successfully. He had been at Falme, and thought the battle in which Chianmai died was worse.

Varil Nensen. An Asha’man soldier from Tarabon. Young, with dark eyes, a gravelly voice and a transparent veil covering his thick mustaches, he was with Rand’s forces in the Venir Mountains in Altara during the battle against the Seanchan. Rand vaguely remembered seeing him at the Black Tower when Rand went to name the Asha’man and hand out pins for the first time. He joined Taim’s faction, and was bonded to Alviarin. They were captured in Stedding Sholoon by Androl and his allies, including some elderly Ogier.

Varilin Zanaire. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 26(14). Born in 831 NE, she went to the White Tower in 848 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 992 NE. She was 6'2" tall, and slender, with red hair, and sometimes looked like a long-legged wading bird. Her nose was not particularly prominent, nor were her cheekbones very high, considering that she was Saldaean. Varilin was raised a Sitter for the Gray in 992 NE and left the White Tower to join the rebellion on orders from the leadership of the Gray Ajah to attempt control and dissipation of the situation. This she did in large part by delay, trying to ensure stalemate in the rebel Hall. She was part of Romanda’s clique, and was under Romanda’s thumb. Varilin tried to influence the rebel Hall toward the belief that the Seanchan were too important and too dangerous to wait until matters were settled with Elaida, but because of her relationship with Romanda, she had to do so carefully. She was part of the group, with Faiselle, Saroiya, Magla and Takima, who negotiated with the White Tower to try to end the split. In a class taught by Elayne, she made a mistake in trying to make ter’angreal and created a ball of fire in her hands; she would have died had Dagdara not been there to Heal her.

Varkel Tius. A man with Perrin’s army who had trouble getting canvas to repair torn tents.

Varuna Morrigan. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 638 to 681 NE. Varuna was an Amyrlin of average strength. She focused on the Borderlands, feeling that the battle there against Shadowspawn was much more important than any meddling with nations farther south. This effectively reduced the Tower’s power and influence to the south. Her focus on the Borderlands and external matters also left the Hall largely in control of the Tower and the Aes Sedai.

Varuota. Tuon’s great-great-great-grandmother. Tuon recalled her saying “Sa’rabat shaiqen nai batain pyast,” meaning “a woman is most resourceful with a knife at her throat.”

Vasa. A sailor on the crew of Mallia’s ship, the Gray Gull, out of Tar Valon, which transported Mat and Thom to Aringill. Mallia summoned him and Sanor to throw Mat and Thom off when they jumped onto the ship as it was leaving the dock; they were persuaded otherwise. Vasa was a large man with arms like Perrin’s.

Vasha. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Her Warder was Marlesh. Vasha was a member of the party sent to kidnap Rand; after Dumai’s Wells she escaped and made her way to Dorlan with Covarla Beldeine.

Vayelle Kamsa. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 34(22). Born in 914 NE, she went to the White Tower in 932 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, Vayelle was raised to the shawl in 956 NE. She aided in kidnapping Rand from Cairhien and was captured at Dumai’s Wells. Vayelle was treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she had done before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. Vayelle and the other captive Reds were the very last to swear.

Vayet, Akoure. See Akoure Vayet

Vayu, Sierin. See Sierin Vayu

Velina Behar. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. Of the loyalist contingent, she had a strength level of 25(13). Born in 859 NE, she went to the White Tower in 877 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, Velina was raised to the shawl in 897 NE and raised a Sitter for the White Ajah in 974 NE. About 5'6" tall, she had a strong hooked nose, sharp high cheekbones and a penetrating stare from eyes that were almost black. Her voice was cool and precise but almost girlishly high-pitched, strongly at odds with her face. Said by many to be the coolest, most self-possessed woman in the Tower, Velina stood to depose Siuan, one of only eleven needed to give the greater consensus under the circumstances. Part of the Black Ajah’s Supreme Council, she was one of two women on the Supreme Council who knew Alviarin’s name; the other was Sedore Dajenna. Despite reports about the Seanchan, she did not believe that a’dam existed. Her name was listed in Verin’s book, but she fled the Tower and avoided capture.

Venamar, Ryne. See Ryne Venamar

Vendare, Nathin Sarmain. See Nathin Sarmain Vendare

Venir Mountains. A mountain range extending across the southern coast of Altara to Arran Head in the southeast. Rand fought the Seanchan in this area.