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Venr Kosaan. One of Careane Fransi’s Warders, a Saldaean. He was 5'10" tall, and whip slender, with a dark complexion, tightly curled black hair and a close-cut beard with light touches of gray. In his middle years, he was quick, in total repose or even half-asleep one moment, then moving very suddenly the next. Venr was a Darkfriend; he and Careane’s other two Warders were killed when they attempted to rescue her from Lady Shiaine’s house on Full Moon Street.

Verana Peninsula. The easternmost peninsula of Tanchico in Tarabon, one of the three peninsulas on Tanchico Bay. The Panarch’s Circle and Panarch’s Palace were located on the Verana.

Verdin. A young squadman in the Band of the Red Hand. Verdin accompanied Mat to Salidar. Later, in the Last Battle, he went with Faile to deliver the Horn of Valere. When they wound up in the Blight, Verdin helped fight off large beasts.

Verin Mathwin. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah publicly and the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in Far Madding in 849 NE, before going to the White Tower, Verin had thought of marrying a boy named Eadwin, who had a mischievous smile that she remembered fondly. She went to the White Tower in 864 NE. After spending five years as a novice and six as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 875 NE. Driven by the desire to know as much as possible, she decided that becoming an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah was the best way to do that. She was surprised, pleased and frightened, all together, when she passed the tests and learned she could indeed become Aes Sedai.

She joined the Black Ajah in 929 NE under duress, when she was caught while studying rumors and tales and got very close to discovering who some of the members were. She had one Warder, Tomas, who was a Darkfriend.

About five feet tall, and plump, Verin was placid-looking and square-faced, with a touch of gray in her hair. Despite her ageless face, she looked like somebody’s mother or aunt, or the cook at an inn. Her fingers were often ink-stained, and she habitually rubbed her nose, especially in thought, frequently smudging ink there. Verin had a scar on her arm that she implied was received in Tel’aran’rhiod; Anaiya Healed her, but the Healing didn’t work as well as it should have. Since she wasn’t a dreamwalker, she used a dream ter’angreal, a twisted stone ring from Corianin Nedeal that she later gave to Egwene. She wore a small brooch, a flower carved from some translucent stone; it was an angreal. Verin had some ability with Healing, but not great. Her handwriting was thin and spidery.

Verin accompanied Siuan to Fal Dara, where she met Rand and worked out that he could channel. While Ingtar and Perrin were pursuing Fain and the Horn of Valere, she joined them, saying that Moiraine sent her. She and the Shienarans arrived in Cairhien just after the Horn, which Rand had recovered, was stolen again. She and Rand planned to travel to Toman Head to follow Fain through the Ways, but Machin Shin was waiting just inside. They went instead by Portal Stone, but Rand did not have control and it took them months to get there.

After the battle at Falme, Verin escorted Elayne, Nynaeve, Egwene and the very ill Mat back to Tar Valon; when she arrived she gave the Horn to Siuan. Verin was part of the circle that Healed Mat of his connection to the Shadar Logoth dagger and gave Egwene the dream ter’angreal, but not the notes about Tel’aran’rhiod that Corianin Nedeal had left behind.

With Alanna, Verin traveled to the Two Rivers to seek out girls who could channel; shortly after they arrived, the Whitecloaks turned up as well. Verin and Alanna took refuge near Emond’s Field and helped in the fight against the Trollocs. With a number of young women with either the spark or the ability to learn to channel, the two Aes Sedai headed to Tar Valon; on the way they learned of the schism in the Tower, but continued on to Caemlyn. There they met Rand, and Alanna bonded him. Verin was not so upset over Alanna bonding Rand against his will as she made out. She wanted a string to Rand and thought that Alanna, emotionally vulnerable because of her Warder’s death, could be manipulated into being that string. Using Alanna provided a little distance for Verin, and perhaps a little safety.

Although she was not part of the original rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn, Verin began working with the embassy under Merana, and gave Merana some difficulties because Merana naturally deferred to the stronger woman. When Rand fled Caemlyn, she followed with Kiruna and the others and was forced to swear fealty after Dumai’s Wells. Using a weak version of Compulsion, Verin made all of the loyalist sisters captured at Dumai’s Wells also swear fealty to Rand. When Cadsuane followed Rand to Far Madding, Verin went along, although she had to use a false name because she did something there long ago causing arrest warrants to be signed, and she suspected they might still be in force.

While Rand was cleansing the taint, Verin linked with Shalon and Kumira; they encountered and defeated Graendal, but Kumira was killed.

Verin was with Cadsuane and Rand in hiding at Algarin’s estate in Tear, not far from the Spine of the World, until she left, destination and purpose unknown, after Trollocs attacked the manor there.

Verin appeared to be helpful to Rand and his mission, but it was only immediately prior to the Last Battle that she was revealed to be a reluctant member of the Black Ajah. Though she had joined to save her own hide, she gathered as much information on the Black Ajah as she could. As she drank poisoned tea, she turned the information over to Egwene. Even in her death she revealed information that was of use to the forces of good, which she hoped would balance some of the atrocities that she had committed on orders from the Black Ajah.

Verine. An Accepted who was murdered by Padan Fain with the ruby dagger.

Veshir. The eldest of Renald Fanwar’s farmhands.

Vestas. A captain in Bryne’s army who participated in the rescue of Egwene from the Tower and gave Bryne a casualty report.

Vevanios, Ronaille. See Ronaille Vevanios

Victory of Kidron, the. The three-masted greatship that brought Tuon from Seanchan. Its captain was a woman named Tehan.

Viendre. A beautiful Wise One of the Goshien Aiel. As strong in the One Power as any Aes Sedai that Elayne had met except Nynaeve, Viendre was 5'8" tall, and had blue eyes and a strong nose. Appearing to be in her mid-twenties, she had a strength level of 10(+3). Elayne felt that Viendre sneered and looked down on her, but she stood in for Elayne’s mother at the first-sister ceremony with Aviendha. Viendre and Tamela stood lowest in the group participating in Elayne’s adoption.

view-wall. A device from the Age of Legends that allowed the user to create any illusion on the walls of a room, such as a forest.

Vileness, the. After Gitara Moroso’s death, the Black Ajah heard rumors connecting the death with a Foretelling, one that had the Amyrlin Tamra Ospenya closeted and making secret and hasty plans, mainly with senior—in age and strength—sisters of her former Ajah. Nervous that it might involve the Black Ajah, the then head of the Blacks took a drastic step. She and others kidnapped Tamra and put her to the question, after which she was found dead in her bed. No one was surprised that her Warder also died that same night. From the Amyrlin, they learned of the Dragon Reborn, but she was stubborn, and they did not learn that he was only a newborn. All they discovered was that she had just learned that he had been born.

The Black Ajah immediately began a pogrom, an even more intensive search than usual for men who could channel, for males of any age who showed any sign that they might be able to channel. Even a rumor, a hint, was enough. And since being lucky or having a sudden rise to relative prominence were among the signs to look for, it was a bad time for men who were lucky or rose suddenly. All of the Black Ajah was involved, sisters supposedly of every Ajah, to the exclusion of anything else. And since the head of the Red Ajah was Black—both Galina Casban, during the last years of the pogrom, and the woman before her—there was little difficulty bringing many sisters of the Red Ajah into it as well. Those involved did not want to risk the man being brought back to Tar Valon, since if it was discovered that he was the Dragon Reborn, the other Aes Sedai would certainly decide to keep him alive, almost certainly not gentled, but still shielded and a prisoner; the sisters involved in the pogrom believed that the Dragon Reborn had to be disposed of. For that reason, men were gentled on the spot instead of being brought back to Tar Valon. Many were killed, “trying to escape” or the like, especially by Black sisters. Included in the number of dead were men and boys about whom someone had made a remark because of their luck (a miraculous escape from death, perhaps) or skill (“You’d think he could channel, he shoots an arrow so straight”).