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When Ishamael discovered what was going on, he was infuriated. He, of course, wanted to Turn the Dragon Reborn and deliver him to the Dark One, not have him killed, which would give no advantage to Ishamael. He put an end to the pogrom immediately, though it took some months to stop the Black Ajah completely. There was an immediate reaction to his discovery. The head triumvirate of the Black Ajah and a number of other high-ranking Black sisters died particularly unpleasant deaths. This harrowing and winnowing of the Black Ajah command structure was the reason that Alviarin became the new head of the Black Ajah.

The Red Ajah was ordered to halt as well, but some sisters did not stop, and the pogrom continued for another two years, albeit at a slower pace, until Marith Jaen finally ended it in 985 NE. Sierin Vayu had intended to crush it, but was assassinated in 984 NE. To protect the White Tower, events were covered up and sisters who knew of the pogrom were forbidden to speak of it or to admit what happened, but Marith Jaen still imposed heavy penances on those caught out. She came down hard on those guilty. Covering up for the Tower was one thing; she wasn’t about to allow them to escape without punishment. Few of the Black Ajah, who had halted on Ishamael’s orders, were caught, but large numbers of the Red were, and some others. The three Sitters for the Red all resigned their chairs, took “voluntary” penances and went into “retreats”—exile, in truth—which lasted until they were summoned back by Elaida.

The fact that so many of the Red Ajah served fairly harsh penances sparked rumors, but they were quiet rumors, and a good number of sisters from other Ajahs served penances over the next year, too. Few who were not actually part of the pogrom knew what happened, even inside the Red Ajah, and those who did were caught up in the sworn secrecy. Elaida escaped punishment because of minimal involvement. Galina escaped punishment because it was decided to punish only a few at the top and not destroy the whole Ajah; although she was head of the Ajah, no one outside the Ajah knew that.

Officially, during this period, seven men who could channel were caught and gentled. The secret records spoke of eight others. The unofficial tally ranged from eight to eighteen additional men, for a grand total of fifteen to twenty-five, but even that number might be too low. The secret Tower records spoke of two thousand men and boys killed between 979 NE and 985 NE, but again, that number was too low by at least a factor of five and maybe more.

Thom Merrilin’s nephew Owyn was one of the last men, if not the last man, gentled in this campaign. Elaida was personally involved in only that gentling; she became involved because it was Thom’s nephew, and hoped to use it to break Morgase from Thom’s influence. She was successful in her goal.

Related to the killing of men and boys, the Black Ajah killed thirty to fifty senior Aes Sedai who might have known that the Dragon had been reborn.

Village Council. In most villages a group of men, elected by townsmen and headed by a Mayor, who were responsible for making decisions affecting the village as a whole and for negotiating with the Councils of other villages over matters jointly affecting the villages. They were at odds with the Women’s Circle in so many villages that the conflict was seen as almost traditional.

Villiam Bloodletter. An ancient leader who fought the Banath people on Almoth Plain.

Vilnar Barada. A Saldaean patrol leader, an under-lieutenant sword-sworn to Lord Davram Bashere. His intended was Teryane. He had tilted eyes, a bold nose and a beard. He and his friends Jidar and Rissen had odd ideas about Aes Sedai; they all thought they knew what Aes Sedai were like and looked like, but none would have recognized one if he saw her. Barada would very much have liked to have seen an Aes Sedai; he knew there was something about their faces, but he didn’t recognize it when he saw Marillin Gemalphin in Caemlyn. He saw Perrin’s arrival in Caemlyn with Faile and their entourage and escorted them to the Royal Palace.

Vinchova, Evin. See Evin Vinchova

Viria Connoral. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She and her sister Raechin were chosen for the Hall of the Tower to replace Pevara and Javindhra. The sisters were the only siblings in the White Tower after Vandene and Adeleas died.

Vitalien. Sarene’s Warder. He was broad-shouldered; Sarene wrote poetry comparing him to a leopard and other powerful, graceful and dangerous animals. Left behind in Cairhien when Sarene went with Cadsuane to Far Madding and beyond, Vitalien helped Bashere and Logain find Rand at Algarin’s manor in Tear. As the Last Battle approached, Sarene and Vitalien engaged in a tempestuous affair. They fought for the armies at Shayol Ghul. Sarene was Compelled by Graendal/Hessalam and used until her eyes were vacant. Vitalien was killed.

Vivian, Lord. A Domani lord to whom Ramshalan boasted he could manipulate Rand.

vlja daeg roghda. A phrase spoken by Narg, a Trolloc.

Vogeler. A Saldaean soldier who went with Bashere to Maradon. He was present when the body of Lady Torkumen, a suicide, was found, and as the Darkfriend Vram Torkumen went mad.

Voice. A Talent used to perform Singing; mentioned by a mad Lews Therin when he greeted Ishamael, the Betrayer of Hope.

Voice of the Blood. Seanchan servant through whom a member of the Blood typically communicated with those of lower rank; and Voice of the Throne, a servant used by a member of the Seanchan Imperial family to communicate to those of lower rank. The left side of his or her scalp was shaved, with the remaining hair worn in a braid.

void, the. A state of nothingness that Tam taught Rand to access for use in the combat arts. To become one with the void, one put all one’s emotions and thoughts in a flame, a point of focus, to be burned away, leaving the individual in a hyperaware state of consciousness. See also flame and the void and Oneness

Voniel. An Ogier who was Covril’s sister and Haman’s wife.

Vora. The sa’angreal bearing her name, a white fluted wand, was one of the most powerful held by the White Tower.

Vordarian, Brandel. See Brandel Vordarian

Vostovan, Sarainya. See Sarainya Vostovan

Votabek. A street tough in Bandar Eban whom Rand and Durnham convinced to help restore order to the city. When Redbord, a fellow tough, was unwilling to go along with the plan, Votabek mentioned that they weren’t going to get paid by Lain, so they might as well join up.