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Our attention was distracted by a party of men moving quickly across the lawn. They were all white, all had earpieces, and all were sweating beneath their dark suits, despite the efforts of the air conditioners. The only exception was the man at the center of the group. Kittim wore a blue blazer over tan trousers and penny loafers, his white shirt buttoned to the neck. His head and face were largely concealed by the baseball cap and sunglasses, but they couldn’t conceal the blade wound that had been torn in his right cheek.

Atys. That was why the T-bar cross had not been on his body when he was found.

Kittim stopped about five feet away from us and raised his hand. Instantly, the men around him paused, then spread out in a semicircle surrounding us. No words were spoken for a moment. His attention shifted from Louis to me, then back again. His smile remained fixed in place, even when Louis spoke to him for the first time.

“What. The fuck. Are you?” asked Louis.

Kittim didn’t respond to him.

“This is Kittim,” I explained.

“Ain’t he the pretty one?”

“Mr. Parker,” said Kittim, still ignoring Louis. “We weren’t expecting you.”

“It was a last-minute decision,” I replied. “Some sudden deaths cleared my schedule.”

“Mm-hmm,” said Kittim. “I can’t help but notice that you and your colleague appear to be armed.”

“Armed.” I looked disapprovingly at Louis. “Told you it wasn’t that kind of party.”

“Never hurts to come prepared. Folks don’t take us seriously otherwise,” said Louis.

“Oh, I take you very seriously,” said Kittim, acknowledging him properly for the first time. “So seriously that I’d be grateful if you would come with us to the basement, where we can dispose of your weapons without alarming the other guests.”

Already I could see people casting curious looks in our direction. As if on cue, a string quartet struck up from the far side of the lawn. They were playing a Strauss waltz. How quaint.

“No offense, man, but we ain’t goin’ to no basement with you.” It was Louis.

“Then you’ll force us to take action.”

Louis’s eyebrow rose about half an inch. “Yeah, what you gonna do, kill us on the lawn? That’s gonna be some party, you do that. People be talking about it for a loooong time. ‘Hey, you remember Earl’s party, when those sweaty guys and the fucker with leprosy tried to take the guns away from those fellas that arrived late, and they drew down on them and Bessie Bluechip got all that blood on her dress? Man, how we laughed…’”

The tension was perceptibly rising. The men around Kittim were waiting for an indication from him on how to proceed, but he wasn’t moving. His smile remained fixed in place as if he’d died with it and then been stuffed and mounted on the lawn. I felt something roll down my back and pool at the base of my spine, and realized that the security guards weren’t the only ones who were sweating.

The tension was broken by a voice from the porch.

“Mr. Kittim,” it said. “Don’t keep our guests on the grass. Bring them up here.”

The voice came from Earl Jr., looking elegantly wasted in a blue double-breasted jacket and jeans pressed with the crease along the knee. His light hair was brushed forward to disguise his widow’s peak, and his lips seemed even fuller and more feminine than when last I saw him. Kittim inclined his head slightly, indicating we should do as requested, then he and his men fell into place behind and around us. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that we were about as welcome as bugs in the buffet, but the guests around us studiously pretended to ignore us. Even the servants didn’t look our way. We were led through the main doors and into a great hall floored with loblolly pine. Two drawing rooms opened up on either side, and a graceful double stairway led to the upper floor. The doors closed behind us and we were disarmed within seconds. They got two guns and a knife out of Louis. They seemed impressed.

“Look at you,” I said. “Two guns.”

“And a knife. I had to get the trousers cut special.”

Kittim moved around until he was standing by Earl Jr.’s side. Kittim had a shiny blue Taurus in his hand.

“Why are you here, Mr. Parker?” said Larousse. “This is a private party, the first such occasion since the death of my sister.”

“Why break out the champagne now? You have something to celebrate?”

“Your presence is not welcome here.”

“Somebody killed Atys Jones.”

“I heard. You’ll forgive me if I shed no tears.”

“He didn’t murder your sister, Mr. Larousse, but I suspect you already know that.”

“Why would you suspect that?”

“Because I think Mr. Kittim here probably tortured Atys before he killed him in an effort to find out who did. Because you think, as I do, that the person responsible for your sister’s death may also be responsible for the deaths of Landron Mobley, Grady Truett, the suicide of James Foster, and possibly the death of Elliot Norton.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He didn’t look surprised at the mention of Elliot’s name.

“I also think that Elliot Norton might have been trying to find out who was responsible as well, which was why he took on the Jones case, and I’m starting to think that he may have taken it on with your approval, maybe even your cooperation. Except he wasn’t making enough progress, so you took matters into your own hands after Mobley’s body was found.”

I turned to Kittim.

“Did you enjoy killing Atys Jones, Kittim? Did you enjoy shooting an old woman in the back?”

I saw the blow coming too late to react. His fist caught me in the hollow of my left temple and sent me sprawling to the ground. Louis twitched slightly, on the verge of movement, but froze with the sound of hammers cocking.

“You need to work on your manners, Mr. Parker,” said Kittim. “You can’t come in here and make accusations of that kind without incurring the consequences.”

I raised myself slowly onto my hands and knees. The punch had rattled me, and I felt bile rising into my throat. I gagged, then vomited.

“Oh dear,” said Larousse. “Now look what you’ve done. Toby, get somebody to clean that up.”

Kittim’s feet appeared beside me. “You’re a mess, Mr. Parker.” He squatted down so I could see his face. “Mr. Bowen doesn’t like you. Now I can see why. Don’t think that we’ve finished with you yet. Me, I’d be very surprised if you make it home alive out of South Carolina. In fact, I’d say the odds against it would be quite attractive, if I were a gambling man.”

The door in front of me opened, and a manservant entered. He didn’t appear to register the guns or the tension in the room. He simply knelt down as I stood unsteadily, and began to scrub the floorboards clean. He was followed by Earl Sr.

“What’s going on here?” he asked.

“Some uninvited guests, Mr. Larousse,” replied Kittim. “They’re about to leave.”

The old man barely glanced at him. It was clear that Larousse didn’t like Kittim and resented his presence in his house, yet still Kittim was here. Larousse said nothing to him and instead diverted his attention to his son, whose confidence immediately began to dissipate in his father’s presence.

“Who are they?” he asked.

“This is the investigator I spoke to at the hotel, the one hired by Elliot Norton to get Marianne’s nigger murderer off the hook,” stammered Earl Jr.

“Is that true?” asked the older man.

I wiped the back of my hand over my mouth.

“No,” I said. “I don’t believe that Atys Jones killed your daughter, but I will find out who did.”

“It’s not your business.”

“Atys is dead. So are the people who gave him sanctuary in their home. You’re right: finding out what happened isn’t my business. It’s more than that. It’s my moral obligation.”