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Nick Eastwood

The widow_s hot job


Patty Parker stood outside the tall office building, gathering her nerve. She hadn't looked for a job in years, but now that she was widowed and left without a dime, she didn't have a choice. She had to get a job, and fast.

The problem was, Patty had no skills. She was young, pretty, blonde, and had a fantastic body, but that was it. Ten years before, just out of high school, she'd gone job hunting, and she'd ended up marrying the first guy who interviewed her, Carl Parker, a wealthy older man. So she really hadn't had to develop any job skills.

Now Patty was sorry that she'd never trained for any line of work, but it was too late for that. She needed work right away. She'd just have to bluff at her interviews. The sales company of Henry Clark, Inc. wanted a receptionist, and she figured she could handle that, if she could just get past the interview.

Patty took a deep breath and entered the building. As she walked to the elevator, she noticed many good-looking men coming in and out, and for a moment she forgot her worries about a job. Since Carl's sudden death a few weeks ago, she'd been free to make love with men her own age, free to fuck as many guys as she wanted. She'd been too busy to take advantage of that freedom yet, but she was looking forward to it.

She'd loved Carl, and they'd had a pretty good sex life, even though he was old enough to be her grandfather. But now Patty was eager to fuck with some young bunks. After all, she was still young herself, still in her twenties. And, marrying so young, she'd never sown her wild oats.

Carl was the only man she'd ever fucked. She was burning with curiosity to know what it was like with other men. The young widow was very horny. She'd been almost a month without sex now, and it was really getting to her. But before she could do anything about that, she reminded herself, she had to find work.

As she rode the elevator up to the tenth floor, she wondered what had possessed Carl to leave all his money to the Humane Society. He must have figured that Patty was young and healthy and could take care of herself – but she wished he had at least left her money for some job training. She felt as helpless as one of those abandoned kittens or puppies that Carl was so concerned about.

She stepped off the elevator and faced a frosted glass door lettered: "Henry Clark, Inc." She swallowed hard, took another deep breath, and entered. She found herself face to face with a grim-looking older woman who glared at her.

"Yes?" the woman barked. "What can I do for you?"

"I've come to interview for the receptionist's job," Patty said.

The woman looked scornful, but she stood up and said: "Oh, very well, follow me. I'll take you to Mr. Clark, the company president."

They left the anteroom and entered the main room, full of open cubicles with desks and phones. There wasn't another woman in the place. To Patty's delight, it was an all-male sales force, and the men were very attractive. Many of them smiled at her and looked her over appreciatively.

At the back of the room was an imposing oak door labeled: "President."

The grim old receptionist knocked at the door, then opened it and announced: "Mr. Clark, someone to interview far the job."

She let Patty into the room, then left. Patty found herself looking at a little bald guy in his late fifties seated behind an enormous desk. He looked Patty over like she was dessert, almost licking his chops. His gaze lingered on her gorgeous big tits. Finally he pulled himself together.

"Your name, please?" he said.

"Patty Parker," she said with her most dazzling smile.

"Please sit down, Miss Parker," Henry Clark said, indicating a chair very close to his.

Patty decided not to tell him that she was really "Mrs." She sat down and faced him, hiking her skirt up a little to show off her nice long legs. She obviously wasn't going to win this job on the basis of skills, so she hoped her looks would do the work for her. Mr. Clark looked her over again, and it was clear that he liked what he saw.

"Your previous work history, Miss Parker?" he said.

"This will be my first job, Mr. Clark," Patty told him. "I was married fourteen years, and my husband recently died. I need work."

"And what skills do you have?" he asked. "Typing, filing, bookkeeping, shorthand?"

Patty blushed hard. There was no getting around it. "I'm afraid I have no job training, Mr. Clark," she confessed. "But I need a job badly and I'm willing to work hard and learn."

Henry Clark sighed loudly. "Damn," he muttered, "I'd love to have you replace that old relic, Miss Graves. You just met her. She's retiring, and we're looking for her replacement. You can imagine what it's been like, looking at her for the past decade or so. Somebody like you would lift a lot of spirits. But I'm sorry, Miss Parker – I can't hire you if you have no job training for the job."

Patty's heart sank. She could see now that it was going to be this way at every interview. The boss would like her looks and be very attracted to her, but he wouldn't hire her, not unless she came up with a different approach. Patty thought fast, then decided to take a desperate chance.

"I didn't say I have no skills at all, Mr. Clark," she putted.

She stood up and started to undress. As she worked the buttons of her blouse, Clark sat up very straight in his chair and his eyes widened. Patty removed her blouse and draped it over her chair. Clark ogled the fully packed cups of her lacy bra, then pressed a button on his phone and lifted the receiver.

"Miss Graves, hold all calls," he instructed. He hung up and watched as Patty unzipped her skin and slipped it off. She had gorgeous long legs, tan and shapely. She kicked off her shoes and skinned out of her pantyhose. She paraded before the boss in matching lace bra and panties. Clark was getting flushed in the face and very excited.

Facing him, Patty reached around and unhooked her bra. She let the delicate garment fall to the carpeted floor. Clark licked his lips as he studied her big thrusting tits. They were the size of big honeydew melons, round and heavy, yet high-riding tits.

Patty knew she had gorgeous tits. Carl had never been able to keep his hands off them. Now she moved in a little closer to Clark to give him a better view of the creamy tit flesh and large light-pink nipples. She could feel his hot breath on her sensitive tits.

Swallowing hard, he reached out and hoisted her heavy hot tits, as if testing dick weight and seeing if they were for real. He started molding and squeezing her tits. It was the first time she'd been touched by a man in over a month, and Patty felt a sudden rush of lust that left her hot and trembling.

Clark used his thumbs to tease her big cone shaped nipples into long rigid nubs. Patty felt molten cream starting to leak from her hungry cunt, moistening her panties. She needed a man worse than had thought. Henry Clark was old enough to be her father, skinny and bald, but he was turning her on.

It didn't matter how he looked. He was a man, he wanted her, and that was all that counted. Patty reminded herself that she was here was to get that receptionist's job, but was hard to keep that in mind. All she could think about was the raging need in her starved pussy.

Grinning, she drew beck, casing her heavy hot tits from Clark's grasp. Standing just out of reach, she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and started inching the lacy garment downward. She did it slowly and teasingly, while Clark leaned forward in his chair to watch.

She inched the panties down till the first golden pussy curls popped into view, then abruptly turned her back on the gawking employer. She pulled the panties down over the small perfect globes of her ass. She let him look for a second, then whirled to face him again.

Now she drew the panties down over the small golden triangle of her cunt bush, then let them slither down her legs. She kicked them away and stood naked before the dignified company president, Henry Clark. His Adam's apple was bobbing up and down as he studied her magnificent young body. To Patty's delight, she noticed a growing bulge at his fly.