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John Friday

The wife_s hot whipping


"You stinking slut! You cheap, two-timing little whore!"

Hal Graham glared hotly at his sexy young blonde wife and pulled the slender snakeskin belt from the pants.

"Hal, you don't understand!" Honey cried. She cowered at the head of their king-sized bed, clutching the black satin sheet high around her neck to cover the sleek curves of her naked body.

"You're God damn right, I don't understand!" he said.

Hal looped the belt double in his right hand and lashed it viciously across the open palm of his left. Honey winced and shrank back against the padded headboard when she heard the resounding crack and saw the anger flaring in her husband's eyes.

"I work my ass off so you can have the things you want, like this new house. We've hardly moved in, and you're in our bedroom fucking the damn refrigerator repair man!" Hal bellowed.

"I told you, I was tired from moving all those boxes. I just came in here to grab a little nap…"

"Ha! Grab a big cock, is more like it!"

"There's no one here! You didn't see him, did you?" Her voice had a desperate ring and her blue eyes kept swaying with the loop of dark leather Hal kept waving back and forth.

"No, I didn't see him. But the sonuvabitch left his jacket on the chair by the bed. It says, 'Ace Refrigeration Service' across the back, and I can damn well see that!"

"I did call the repairman this morning, but he fixed the defroster and left."

"Then, what's his jacket doing in here? In case you've forgotten, the refrigerator is in the kitchen."

"I must have picked up his jacket by mistake when I was moving our things in."


Hal lashed the belt across his open hand and then jerked the sheet from his wife's grasping hands.

"Hhhaaa?" Honey gasped in a voice choked with fear.

She'd never seen her husband so angry. Hal was older, and usually so calm.

He sniffed the air and said, "I can smell your hot pussy."

Honey's soft lips curved into a Cupid's bow grin. "Well, I did get pretty horny," she confessed. "But I was lying here all alone, just thinking of you. And I started fingering my clit so my pussy would be hot and juicy sweet when you got home."

She slid one hand across her pussy mound and down into its wide collar of golden-blonde cunt hair. "Hhhmmm," she purred as she worked her finger around, spreading the puffed lips of her little pink cunt. "Like this," she cooed.

"Like that, like shit!" Hal screamed. "I can smell hot jism and see it dripping from your cunt. Unless you can squirt cum out of the finger you've got in there now, you're going to get your cheating ass whipped!"

"No, Hal, please!"

Honey shivered and hunched into a ball. She knew by the look in his eyes that her story wasn't going to work. Even seeing her cunt slit open and practically begging for his cock hadn't taken Hal's mind off the belt hissing sharply side-to-side.

"Bitch!" he growled.

The stricken look of guilt on her face was as good as a signed confession. Hal grabbed her arm and spun her around, skidding her shapely ass across the sleek black satin sheet. Then he pitched her forward on her face with the smooth dome of her ass hanging over the edge of the bed.

"Aaagggh!" she gasped in alarm. "No, Hal. Don't hit me! Whip me with your big cock if you want. Fuck me until it hurts!"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? That cheating cunt of yours can't ever get enough!"

Hal's long arm stretched high above his head and then came flashing down. The dark loop of leather cracked across her ass and left a blazing welt like a long, lopsided O.

"Yyyeeeooowww! You bastard! You sonuvabitch! It's not my fault that I like to fuck! I can't help it if I want more and more!"

"You're supposed to get what you want from me!" he snarled and swung the lash again.

"Oooowwww!" The second stinging welt overlaid the first, and before the pain from that had even reached her brain, the sinewy belt hissed and snapped again. "Shit!" Honey cried.

Hal grinned and caught his breath, watching the way her ass writhed and twitched from the burning pain. The welts were so clear and blazing hot that he could see the pattern of snakeskin printed on her ass.

"That's what you are, a fucking snake," he said. "You crawl into every warm bed you see. You wiggle that pretty little ass and you tighten your legs around every big fucker you can find!"

Honey was sobbing. She reached back to finger the tanglcd pattern of red that felt like wildfire roaring across her ass. The scaring heat of pain turned her fear to rage, and she screamed without thinking, "If you fucked me like I want, I wouldn't have to get it anywhere else. But no, Mr. Hot-shit-business-executive. You're too busy and your cock is too fucking weak to keep a young wife happy."

Hal drew in a long, slow breath, straining for control. It was true that he didn't fuck Honey as often as she asked. He didn't think any one man could. He'd managed it for the first week of their marriage five years ago, but seldom since.

The pressure and the constant pushing to get ahead had taken a heavy toil. Most nights he came home too tired to do more than have a couple of drinks, eat a quick meal and then sink into deep and needed sleep.

Now his bitter, jealous rage swelled his cock aching hard. It throbbed inside his pants like a giant ape rattling the bars of its cage. Hal smiled with vicious glee. He hadn't had a hard on like that in years, maybe not ever.

"Let's see what it takes to make you happy!" he said, stripping off his clothes, scattering them as they fell.

"Ooooh, God!" Honey said. She turned and gaped as his long cock leaped out of confinement. "Ooooh, good God! I've never seen your prick so big and hot!"

Hal had been as tired as usual when he walked in the house. He'd only been thinking of settling down in a soft chair with a stiff drink. Now, with his heart beating like thunder, it was his hairy cock that was stiff and the tightly puckered lips of Honey's ass that looked so soft.

She started to turn over and dug an extended finger into her pussy. "Hhhhmmm, my pussy is going to love your big hot prick!"

"Forget that! I'm not sticking this beautiful big fucker into any hole that's still dripping someone else's cum. It's your sweet ass I want!" He pushed her over on her face again, trapping the hand beneath her that was digging and swirling in her wet cunt.

"Uggh," she groaned. "No, Hal, not my ass. You know I don't like that. Christ, it hurts when your cock is normal size!"

"That's tough! If you're going to fuck around all day like a sleazy whore, I'm coming home to a hole that's still fresh!"

Hal pushed between her legs, spreading them wide with his knees as he leaned over her, grinding the head of his hot cock down on the tight dry lips of her ass.

"Oh, not dry! Please, God, Hal, you'll kill me. Your prick is too big and hot to go in dry. You'll set my ass on fire! Let me wet it. Let me smear that hard cock with some warm honey from my cunt."

"I don't want anything from your stinking pussy to even touch my cock. It's going in just like it is and it's going in now!"

"Uggggggh! AAAAGGGHHHH! Oh, you bastard. You rotten sonuvabitch!"

"Shut up Honey or I'll fuck your lying mouth next."

"Graaaahhhh. It's splitting my ass."

"I don't care if I split your ass right up to your ears!"

"You'll have to part that beautiful blonde hair of yours when you want to take a shit!"

"Grungh! God damn it, now what are you doing?"

Honey could feel his hands sliding up her back, fingering the tanned ripples of muscle beneath her tender flesh.

"I'm going to part that long, golden hair of yours," Hal said, and he did.

He split her glowing mane and divided the shimmering cascade in two. Clutching one silky mass in each hand, he pulled back on them like the reins of a horse.