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In her slinky new dress, with her long hair flowing softly down her back, and contact lenses in place so she had no need for thick glasses, she felt both stronger and more feminine than ever before.

"You're damn sure good enough to do both," she said to her beaming reflection in the dress shop mirror.

"Both what?" the clerk said. She assumed Dolores had spoken to her.

Dolores gave a grin and said, "I'm going to be the best trucker, and the best fucker there ever was!"

"Ooooh!" the timid, fragile looking little woman said with a sharp gasp. "Dear me, I don't think I'll ever be best at either one. It's all I can do to work here, keep house and raise my three kids."

"If that's what's right for you, then do it. Do it the best you can, so you can be proud. That's what counts!"

Dolores began shaking her head outside the store. "Son of a bitch, this morning I was an emotional basket-case, and this afternoon I'm giving advice."

Frank Toliver arrived home several hours later than usual. The time he had spent with Honey had slowed him down, and he had had other calls to make. He looked tired when he slid his heavy tool box into the hall closet.

"Hard day?" his wife Maria asked.

He grinned, bent over and brushed back her short, silky black curls. "Hard in a way you aren't going to believe!" he said after kissing her ear. "You remember that blonde I told you about last night?"

"How could I forget?" Maria and Frank had been open and honest in their sexual relations for several years.

"Well, I got a call-back today. It seems that her automatic ice maker was eating a loaf of bread!"

Maria gave him a questioning look, saw that he was serious and burst out laughing. "Well, you do have to give her credit for originality. I just hope she sent you home with your cock as hot tonight as it was last night."

"My cock is always hot for you, sweetheart." He circled his thick, strong arms around his wife's petite frame and pressed her hard against his chest.

"Hhhhmmm," she purred, "I'm glad." She swayed her slender pussy mound back and forth across his cock. "Shall we let dinner wait for an hour or two?"

"Dinner? Who said anything about dinner? You know what I want to eat most – that tiny little raven-haired cunt of yours."

Just then the phone rang. "Ugh!" Maria said in disgust. "I hope it's not business."

"If it is, I'm not here," Frank said. "One of the other guys can handle it."

She nodded, smiling and winking one of her eyes. "Hello? Yes. Yes. Uh-huh. Yes, I think so, Mr. Graham…"

Frank covered the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand. "Shit, that's the husband of that horny blonde! He whipped her, and I don't even want to think what he might do to me."

"Relax," Maria said. "They seem to have reached an understanding similar to ours."

"Oh, yeah?" He uncapped the phone so she could talk.

"Well, sure. Yeah, I think that's great. Just a second, I'll ask." She covered the phone and grinned at Frank. "You feel like going back over there now? They've invited us both over for dinner, and to get better acquainted."

"Oh, Jeeeezzzus!"

"I think it sounds like fun. We can do anything there that we were going to do here, and more."

"It's the 'and more' that has me bugged. You have no idea what that Honey's cunt is like."

"I know, but I'm anxious to find out. And I'm even more anxious to meet her husband. Think what he must be like if he can keep up with her!"

"All right, you sexy little witch, but don't blame me if I come home with my cock in a plaster cast."

"We'll be there soon." Maria said into the phone. Then to Frank she said with a smiling wink, "I'm sure you'll find something much softer and warmer to hold that great cock."

An hour later, they met Dolores coming up the walk toward the front door. "You can't be Honey," Maria said. Being so petite, she had to tilt her head sharply to see the auburn-haired beauty's face.

"No, I'm Dolores, Hal's new partner."

"Partner in what?" Frank asked. "I thought he worked for some big electronics outfit."

"He did… we did. But today we both quit, and bought our own big diesel truck."

Maria's eyes swept up from Dolores' long, finely tapered legs to the proud, uplifted thrust of her tits. "You sure look a lot better than any truck driver I ever saw."

"Well, thank you!" At the same time, Dolores could not help thinking how sexy and successful the tiny brunette looked to her. She was wearing a long, flowing coat of glistening white mink that clashed beautifully with her soft raven hair.

The trio outside had completed their own introductions by the time Honey answered the door. "Wwwooow!" she gushed when she saw Maria's coat. "Fixing refrigerators must really pay off!"

Maria smiled warmly as she stroked the sleek fur over one breast. "Frank didn't buy this for me, I bought it myself. I started in real estate a few years ago and have done very well."

"I'll say!" Dolores said as Maria slipped off the coat and folded it over the arm of a chair.

Honey shot a questioning gaze at Frank. "Doesn't it bug you a little having a wife who's so successful?"

"Why should it? We have no jealousies in bed or in business. We both enjoy both. And mostly, we enjoy each other."

"You two are the most together couple I ever met," Dolores said.

"Thank you," Maria said. Then she laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "Our approach to life amazes some people and horrifies others, but we find it works for us, and that's all that really matters."

Hal stood in the kitchen doorway, quiet and serious-looking as he studied the others. He wasn't too comfortable seeing Frank, knowing he'd been fucking Honey for practically two days straight. But if Frank was at all bothered by their meeting, he didn't show it.

Frank had the broad, slightly hunched shoulders and hairy look of a bear, powerfully built, like he should be able to carry a refrigerator not just fix it.

"You must be Hal," Frank said with a smile. There was nothing smug or smart-ass about the way his lips curved like, yeah I like fucking your wife… just a straight-forward greeting. "I'm pleased to meet you."

"I'm pleased to meet you, too." Hal felt his voice pulling tight toward the end. He coughed to clear his throat and then added, "…I guess."

"The idea of an open relationship does take some getting used to," Frank said. "I remember how it was for me at first. I liked fucking whenever I felt like it, but my gut cinched up in knots when I thought about Maria doing the same thing."

"Knots I could handle. My gut feels like a pile of broken bricks."

"I think it might help if you took Maria off into another room. You'll feel like things are straight between us then, and I know she's dying to meet you."

"Really?" Hal had been gazing intently at the slender, dark-haired woman since she first walked into the room holding Frank's arm.

"Yeah, really. And on your way, you can introduce me to that tall, sexy new partner of yours."

Hal grinned and said, "Sure, Frank. But then what's Honey going to do?"

"She can watch and get herself hot for whichever one of us gets around to her first."

Hal's wry grin almost reached his ears. "You know, Frank, I'm starting to feel better already!"

Ten minutes later Maria gave Hal a warm and relaxing grin. She seemed to know instinctively what he had in mind. She offered him her hand and he led her down the hall toward the bedroom.

Halfway there she said, "I'm very glad you picked me first. I was afraid when I saw that stunning, auburn-haired partner of yours that I might end up watching and waiting for seconds."

"I've had quite a time with both of them already today," Hal explained. "Now I want to find out if what they say is true."

"What's that?"

"You know, that good things come in small packages."

"Oooooh, well only the package is small. My appetite is full-sized, so I hope you didn't have too good a time with Honey and Dolores."