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"I'll show you, bitch! I'm a better fuck than you'll ever be!"

"And I'll show you," Frank said.

Honey heard a faint and vaguely familiar rustling sound. She turned with a start and saw that Frank was hauling his heavy leather belt free from [missing text].

"No!" Honey cried. Frank's right was much [missing text]. The belt looped thicker and heavier than the one Hal had used on her.

"Having things all your own way for so long has made you greedy," Frank said. He slashed the black loop of heavy leather hard across the open palm of his left hand.

Honey's silky smooth ass checks trembled just from the stinging sound of it. "Ooooh, no! Whipping my ass will only make it hotter than it is already."

"I know, and that's how I want your ass to be. I want it so hot you can shit steam."

Her dazzling blue eyes flashed expectantly. "And then you'll fuck it, won't you, Frank?" Her head tilted up in a swirl of golden hair, eyes drawn to follow the belt as it rose above his head.

"Aaaahhhh!" Honey cried as it started down.

Dolores flinched when she heard Honey's cry. She couldn't look, but she heard the belt swish through the air as it flew back for another stroke.

"Oh, shit, not again. Hal's belt felt light as a feather compared to that. One lash is all I can take. My ass is on fire already. It feels like you ripped it in two!"

Honey lay face down, arched as she reached back to feel the wide blazing welt that slanted across her ass. Frank reached down and grabbed both her wrists in one hand.

"Now what the shit are you doing?" she whined in pain and fear.

"Still trying to teach a hot little bitch some manners," he said with a wry chuckle of delight. He looped the belt around her wrists, pulled and cinched it tight.

"Hhhhaagh! Not so fucking tight, you're breaking my arms! Uuunnngh! I can hardly even move my fingers!"

"Good," Frank said with another chuckle of malicious delight. He lifted Honey with one hand and looped the free end of the belt around a thick post at the head of the bed.

She writhed and hissed in a sullen rage. With both arms bound tightly behind her back, her shapely tits thrust out full and firm. Her nipples bulged and tingled in frustration.

Frank hummed as he went about his work, looping the free end of the belt around the bedpost and knotting it to hold the thrashing blonde in place.

The fierce animal-like sounds Honey made worked strangely on Dolores. At first she couldn't bear to watch. Shivers of fear ran down her spine as she cowered and buried her head. Now the blonde's angry raging and grunting excited her curiosity and her female instincts as well.

Honey saw Dolores smile and caught the glint of excitement in her green eyes. "You grinning bitch, you think it's funny, don't you? You like seeing me bound and hung up like a fucking hunk of salami! Well you'll get yours. When I get loose, I'll whip your ass raw for laughing at me, and then I'll peel your foxy red cunt with a belt for fucking my husband!" Frank silenced her with a beady-eyed glare, then he turned to Dolores and said, "I don't need to hear any more of that shit, do you?"

"Hell no! I've heard too much already!"

Dolores' excitement rose to a point where she was no longer content to be a mere spectator. She pitched off the bed and grabbed up her own panties and bra.

"Ha!" Honey said with a snort. "That long, slim icicle bitch is going to gather up her clothes and go home!"

"No," Dolores said with a taut-lipped grin. "I'm going to give you a little taste of that foxy snatch you'd like to whip." She crumpled her panties into a tight ball as she spoke, then she stuffed the silky lump into Honey's gaping mouth.

"Muuummmph!" the sultry blonde groaned.

"Work your tongue around," Dolores said. "Maybe you can taste some of Hal's cum. He shot me so full, my pussy dripped for an hour afterwards."

Honey wrenched her jaw and tried to thrust the silky, musk scented lump out with her tongue.

Dolores laughed and held it in place with one hand while she twisted her bra and looped it around Honey's neck like a cord, binding the gag firmly in place when she knotted the loose ends back of her blonde head.

"Now you can lick my ass," she said to Frank, "and we won't have to listen to her. You can just sit and watch, you little bitch. You can watch until your baby blue eyes turn green with envy!"

Honey gave a savage, muffled grunt. She knew that would be the worst torture yet.


"How did you and Frank ever get things worked out so smoothly between you?" Hal asked.

He was curious, and he needed a minute to catch his breath after the furious balls-and-all cock sucking Maria had just treated him to.

"It wasn't always so smooth," she said. A reflective grin curled lips still glossy with slick cream. "I used to be a vicious bitch like you wouldn't believe."

Hal had to kiss those glistening lips. He worked in his tongue and dueled playfully with hers. She purred contentedly, and a full minute passed before either of them felt the need to speak.

"I knew Frank met a lot of women in his work," she said when their lips parted and they'd both drawn a cooling breath. "And many were bored, restless suburban housewives just itching to get themselves fucked. He never said so at first, but I knew he was giving them what they wanted. I got so pissed, I started putting him down. That got him pissed, and things just kept getting worse and worse. I started selling real estate just so I could earn more money than he did and show him up – only I didn't make any money at all. I was so bitter and tense all the time, I couldn't have sold seats in a lifeboat if I worked on a sinking ship!"

Maria smiled and sighed as she thought back. "I got fired from the first place I worked and I went home mad as hornet, thinking it was all Frank's fault. Well, he'd had a hard day too and he was in no mood to listen to me bitch – but I didn't have brains enough to shut up. Frank finally jumped up out of his chair, and I thought he was going to leave me, but…" Her voice trailed off into a shiver.

"But what?"

"But he grabbed my arm, dragged me into the bedroom and whipped my ass with his belt. I almost split my sides laughing when I heard you'd done the same to your wife."

"Yeah, but it wasn't so funny when it happened to you."

"Oh, hell no! My ass burned for a week, and while it was still hot, he fucked the living shit out of it. When he'd finally fucked himself dry he said, '…if you worked as hard at being a woman as you work at being a bitch, we'd both be a lot better off!'"

"I guess it must have worked. I saw that mink coat you were wearing when you came in."

"And did you notice that it has a black leather belt? I had it made that way so I'd always remember."

"And Frank doesn't mind, I mean about you making so much more money than he does?"

"Why should he? He likes his work, and it leaves him plenty of free time to handle our investments. He's damn near doubled the money I brought home. We'll be able to retire in a few more years and do whatever we want."

"It sounds to me like you're doing that now."

"Oooooh," Maria said with a smile and a great gush of pretended sadness. "I let our secret slip out."

"I'm about ready to slip something in," Hal said. He lay beside her, stroking his cock with long, gliding strokes of his right hand.

"Hhhhmmmm, yes, it does look ready!" Veins bulged in a blue tangle along the straining prick. The huge cushioned tip was so charged with hot blood that it looked almost purple.

Gazing at Maria's small, perfectly formed body as she talked made Hal anxious to try her sleek little cunt. It lay nested in a dense triangle of gleaming black curls. She worked a finger between her legs and stirred her clit, purring softly as a warm smile of invitation curved her lips.

On a woman of average size, Maria's tits would have looked small, but on her diminutive body the smooth, softly rounded tits looked just right, firm and proud, topped by the thickest, darkest nipples Hal had ever seen.