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"Muummm! Uuummmph!" Honey groaned.

It was torture for her to watch Dolores respond to Frank's touch. She could almost feel his strong hands running up and down her back, but it was only the binding tension of the leather strap.

Frank caught glimpses of Honey. He heard her grunt and shake the bed when she tugged and thrashed against restraint.

"I'm ready," Dolores moaned. "I want your cock in me now."

"You're ready, but I'm not. Not quite yet."

"Ooo?" Dolores gasped. "Please, don't make me wait!"

Not ready? Honey questioned in her mind. What the shit did he want? His cock loomed over Dolores' ass like the limb of a giant moss-covered tree. Honey had been watching it glide back and forth, pressing lightly in the crack of her ass when he leaned forward to reach her shoulders.

"It's a little too dry," Frank explained. "Getting Honey put in her place got me so hot and perched. All that slick cream has started to glaze."

Bastard! Honey said in silent fury. Frank kept stroking his cock, flaunting it before her eyes. She wanted it so much that she felt fuck oil rising to the back of her throat.

"But don't worry. I'll get it nice and wet and smooth again."

Fucker! Honey thought. I'd like to wet your fickle cock by ramming it in an acid vat!

"We'll let Honey do it for us. Her pussy is just over-flowing with warm, sleek oil."

NO! Her flashing blue eyes pleaded in torment. Frank spread Honey's legs and stroked his cock up and crown in her cunt. The touch of it felt like a red hot iron. But that's all he did, touch her pussy and then draw away. DAMN YOU! Don't make my cunt burn and just pull away!

"I've dipped a little honey from her pussy, now I'll work it around on those tightly puckered lips of yours."

"Hhhmmm, isn't it nice that her cunt is so hot and wet? I can feel how slick it makes your big cock!"

"Orrruummmph!" Honey said with force enough to almost blast the gag from her mouth.

Frank was wagging his cock up and down in her exposed cunt again, digging a little deeper this time. He touched her clit at the top of each stroke and she squirmed in agonized frustration.

"Now it's hot and wet and silky smooth. It'll slide up your ass like a warm knife goes through soft butter."

"Butter, like shit! I'd stab her ass with a hot knife if I could. And when the hot knife was smeared with her shit, then I'd use it to cut off that big cock I can't have!"

Frank turned his head so that Honey would not see his satisfied smile. The fury blazed in her angry blue eyes, and that was exactly what he wanted. He pressed the gleaming cushion of his bulging cock head against the tight mouth of Dolores' ass.

"Aaahhhhh, Frank. It feels so good. Give me more, ungh! Yes, oooh. Work it into my tight hole!"

"Yeah, and it is ssssoooo tight! Hhhnmim, I think it's the best ass I've ever had!"

LIAR! Honey screamed in soundless rage. My ass makes hers look like a barn door! She strained violently against the strap lashing her to the bedpost. The whole bed shook from her fury, and Dolores gave a long sigh of delight when the tingling vibrations intensified the pleasure of Frank's cock.

"Hey, that's good! Honey, you just keep thrashing and jerking. I love the way it works her ass around on my dick!"

Honey strained and vowed not to move, not even to watch as the rest of his prick sank in, slowly spreading the tight, dark lips of another ass. She clasped her eyes shut and controlled every muscle but the ones heaving in violent spasms inside her cunt. "Ooooh, I need a big hot cock! I need it more than ever! Frank, you bastard! Hal, you stinking sonuvabitch! Somebody fuck mmmmeeee!"

Frank's cock entered inch by inch until the hairy balls were all that showed between her puckered lips. Dolores felt the tingle of cock hair on the cheeks of her ass. Then she felt his weight pressing her down.

"Hhhhoooffff!" she gushed. Her face twisted into a knot of torment and she moaned, "O GOD, is that it? Is that all?" She arched and lifted her ass. "I want more. Don't hold back any more. Don't be slow! Fuck me, Frank! Fuck my ass as hard as you can!"

"Grungh," he answered, ramming and twisting his cock. He reared back suddenly and whirled the hard shaft on its way out. Then he stabbed straight in with such speed and force that Dolores felt her eyes bulge.

"Hhhaaaahhhh! Yes, that's it! Faster. Do it harder. Do it more!"

Tears welled and dripped from the wrinkled corners of Honey's tightly closed eyes. I can't do it at all! She could hear the steady slap of Frank's hairy loins on tender ass, hear him grunt savagely at full depth and then hear Dolores moaning in passionate response.

The long, deep moans became quicker and higher in pitch as the clap of flesh increased to a frenzied pace. The echo of one harsh clash hardly faded, before Honey could hear another grinding collision of intense delight.

"I-I-I'm cccuuunimming!" Dolores gasped. "Oh, Christ! I'm not cumming, I'm going to heaven! Oh, it feels so good!"

Frank couldn't answer. It took every breath to maintain his twisting, deep thrusts at blurring speed. Heat brought a powerful scent from the bottom of her deep hole. It stung his nose and smarted his eyes.

"Aaahhhh!" he groaned. "That's it, aaahhh, that's all for now. That's all I've got!" His cock heaved and pulsed and hot jism began to spray.

Dolores screamed in wailing joy, and the sound seemed so hot and wet that Honey could almost feel the surging flow that swept her into whirling maddness of delight.

Fuckers! Bastards! Sadistic fucking cunts! The fury of her silent mouthings finally worked the gag of wadded panties from her mouth. It flew out with a rush and fluttered down into Honey's lap as she screamed in full voice.

"Fuck all of you! Fuck everyone!"


"Poor Honey."

Maria's words scorned whisper-soft after the anguished blonde's wall-shaking cry, but the look in her flashing eyes was more amused then sym pathetic.

"I've never heard her that angry," Hal said with, some concern.

"And you've probably never seen her as hot as she is now."

"Getting her hot has never been a problem."

"Frank thinks it is. We talked about it on the way over, and I agree. Honey's cunt is like a stew simmering on the back burner of the stove. It stays hot all the time, but the pot never boils."

"It sounds like she's boiling now."

"Bubbling a little," Maria agreed. "But wouldn't you like it better if she hissed and splattered and scorched the sheets?"

"I'd like it better if we fucked, then we'll think about Honey. That climax you had left my cock aching to see what it's like inside."

"Hhhmmm, well. Why don't we do both? I think we can solve your problem and hers at the same time." Maria reached out and coiled a small hand around the root of Hal's cock and pumped it with a slow, fluid motion that sent blood hammering into its swollen head.

Hal arched his back and Maria let her little finger trail so that it teased his balls at the bottom of every stroke. "The hell with her, it's you I want to fuck right now!"

"That's what I want too," Maria said as she bent over his upraised dick. She bent down and kissed its ruby knob while her coiled hand continued its rhythmic stroking. "But wouldn't it be more fun if we did it in the next room where Honey can watch?"

"Watch?" She won't just watch, not as hot as she sounds now.

"If I know Frank, she won't have any choice – except to close her eyes. And if I know Honey, she won't be able to do that for very long."

"I don't get it. What could he do?"

"Come on into the other room, I'll show you." Maria pulled gently on the long extension of his cock to urge him off the bed. Then she walked to the door, lithe and limber and grinning like cat.

Hal watched for a second, entranced by the sway of her tiny little ass. Raging desire to fuck her made his heart beat like thunder. It felt like blood might be leaking through every pore. He had no choice but to follow.