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Honey screamed another wild cry when Maria stopped and looked through the door. "You bitch! You and your fucking shrunken little cunt! Where's Hal? I want his cock! I need it!"

The angry blonde shivered in rage and could not go on. She hissed and grunted animal sounds and struggled against the cold bite of leather that kept her back to the bedpost. When Hal walked into the room, her anger flared anew.

"You sonuvabitch, there you are with your fucking cock still hard. Couldn't you fit that big thing in her shriveled little doll-size hole?"

"We haven't gotten around to that yet."

Hal kept his voice calm and his expression flat, even though he was startled to see his wife lashed to the post, straining uselessly against thick leather coils.

"You haven't gotten around to it? Christ, in the time you'vc been gone I could have fucked you five times!"

"But never once as good as I'm going to fuck him now," Maria said. An edge of female bitchiness made her voice sharp. "And you're going to watch."

"I don't want to watch! I want to fuck! He's my husband!"

"But right now his big, beautiful cock belongs to me. Look how strong and hard I've made it." Maria reached back and began pumping Hal's aching cock with a hot, pulsing grip.

"You bitch! You stinking, cock stealing bitch! Frank, for God's sake. Fuck your horny wife so she'll let me have Hal's cock!"

"Sorry, Honey, but I haven't tried this tall, sex Goddess partner of Hal's yet. Not in her fiery cunt."

"Ugh! Her cunt's not red with heat. That's rust! I could fuck you both at once and do better than the two of them."

Dolores felt her green eyes mist with anger when Honey made reference to the frigidity she was so anxious to forget and leave far behind. But she managed a tight little grin and said sweetly, "If you don't shut your mouth I'll stuff my panties in it again. That way you could taste some of that fabulous rust-remover your husband pumped into me at the office."

"Grungh!" Honey said. But she stopped abruptly and slumped back against the head of the bed. The cold glint in Dolores' green eyes said she wasn't kidding or making idle threats, and Honey couldn't bear to think of having her mouth stuffed full again – unless it was with a hot sweet cock.

"I fuck best when I have a fleecy soft pillow bunched beneath my ass," Maria said in the chilly silence that followed. "That slants my little cunt just right to take a big cock clear to the root. Too bad I don't see an extra pillow in this room."

Frank had the one pillow from the bed wedged beneath Dolores flaring hips to tilt her coppery cunt at the angle he liked best.

"I guess I'll just have to stretch out across Honey's lap!"

"Like shit you will! I'll kick you clear into the living room! I'll break this fucking belt and bite Hal's cock off and laugh while I watch you try to fuck the bloody stump."

Dolores rolled and turned with the speed and grace of a tawny lioness. She swept up her panties, balled them into a mouth-sized lump and jammed that between Honey's chattering lips. The thrashing blonde raged. The twisted bra knotted the gag in place, more tightly this time, and Dolores settled back on her pillow with a wicked grin curving her lips.

"And you go ahead and kick all you want," Maria said with chilling poise, "Because I'm going to have my middle finger hooked in that little blonde-fuzzed cunt of yours, and if you kick my ass off your lap, I'll rip your pussy right up to the tip of your nose!" She flicked a long red nail.

Honey's blue eyes looked cold and sharp as hards of glass. Then she sagged and sat back in sullen frustration.

Maria said, "That's better," and laid herself gently across Honey's trembling legs, arching her back and shifting her position – until her taut little ass settled comfortably in the soft hollow of Honey's golden-haired crotch.

True to her word, Maria ran one hand beneath her and wiggled her finger into Honey's cunt. She was struck at once by the searing heat and writhing spasms of her clinging pussy.

For a moment, Maria had doubts that her own cunt could ever get that hot. But with intimate contact between them, heat flowed like electric current into a cord just plugged into a wall socket. Maria responded at once, arching more sharply and spreading her delicately tapered legs.

She smiled, knowing that when Hal began to fuck and batter her tiny cunt, the heat would flow back the other way, her finger would bounce and jar in the tight grip of Honey's cunt. She'd rake her clit and have the girl begging for cock even more wildly than before.

"See how snug and sleek my little cunt is?" Maria asked.

She seemed to be speaking to Hal, but the remark was meant more for Honey. Maria had her legs spread wide right in the middle of the blonde's lap. She couldn't help but look down and see the tiny dark circle of flesh so cramped it seemed there was no opening at all.

"Huugh!" Honey said with a grunt, and Maria could feel her cunt muscles clench on her twirling finger.

In her anguished mind, Honey sneered. Huh, what a puny hole for Hal's big cock. He might as well try to fuck your ear!

But when Maria teased that dark ring with the fingers of her free hand, Honey saw the sinewy rings of muscle come alive. The writhing contractions pumped a glossy flow of oil and it looked like the lips of her cunt were trying to climb her slippery finger.

Honey's eyes narrowed in concentration and she tried to master the same moves as the lush, black baked pussy that seemed to have been transplanted sideways into her lap.

Honey refused to look at Maria's face. The woman's leering grin of confidence made her sick. But she couldn't take her eyes off the writhing moves of her sleek little raven-fringed want.

"Come on, Hal, what are you waiting for? I think Honey is going crazy with envy looking at your hot cock. Why don't you put it somewhere she can't see it – like deep in my tight cunt?"

"Er, yeah," Hal had talked eagerly about fucking another cunt while Honey watched. But now it all seemed a little strange, especially with Maria writhing her ass in Honey's lap and beating her cunt with wriggling finger strokes.

"Hal, just think of how she stuffed bread into the ice maker to get what she wanted."

"Yeah, shit. How can I forget that?"

He turned and glared at Honey, wishing he could somehow watch the look in her eyes closely and still guide his hard swollen cock into Maria's incredibly small hole.

He noticed then a remarkable change in Honey's dazzling blue eyes. Their clamped look of cold rage had misted into dreamy blue. Honey herself was not aware of that happened at first, but Maria's finger brought tense waves of excitement up from the depths of her pussy. And the way it stirred and twisted matched the motions of Maria's devilishly talented cunt.

The tiny brunette who seemed to delight in tormenting her was, at the same time, teaching and coaxing her to make the same sensuous cunt moves that Honey envied and admired.

You bastards!! You beautiful, beautiful bastards! Honey rejoiced in her mind. In a sudden flash of understanding, she realized what they had done.

She'd done almost exactly the same thing to Hal, tempting him into a jealous rage to excite his passions to the extreme.

Frank and his beautiful, sly, bitch wife had snared Honey in the same web. The thundering pulse and racing blood of rage were so similar to the feelings that come with lust, soon her body could hot tell one from the other. Now with Maria's clever finger digging in her cunt, Honey could only feel the swelling waves of her own desire.

It no longer mattered that Hal would soon sink his cock into the lusty little witch. Honey wanted him to, and she wanted to watch. She strained, prying with her tongue, trying to force out the gag so she could scream "fuck her" in full voice. That effort added to the raging heat of her own desire, and somewhere she found the strength.