The next task was to have another individual come up and say he had actually known Morty from his midwest home city. The Santa Cruzen happened to be a derelict type and completely confused Morty. The purpose was to elicit temporary confusion and question the client's personal credibility.
Another technique which was designed to elicit an assertive response from the client, was to let the client know that anything could happen and at any time. Santa Cruz was then known as the murder capital of the world because of a recent mass slaying that took place in the mountains. So this statement was not altogether untrue.
At eight o'clock one morning, Robert took Morty for a jog on the beach. Waiting for the client to pass a certain area on the beach was another person who was a scruffy workman type. This person came up to Morty and accosted him to determine if he could elicit an assertive response which would then later be utilized as a survival pattern for the client.
These kinds of activities went on for five days. Either Robert or I would go down to the streets of Santa Cruz and find an appropriate individual to commission for a small fee to be an actor or actress in the drama using Santa Cruz as the stage to be able to elicit behaviour patterns from Morty.
The final task was to be able to determine that once the person had changed would the patterns continue even in an altered state of consciousness. Robert and I took the millionaire to Santa Cruz Bar and Grill, one of the finer restaurants in town and after a very fine dinner, having achieved an altered state of consciousness in Morty, we set about to discover if he had access to his survival skills in an altered state of consciousness.
One of the patterns that the millionaire wanted to change was at times he broke out into fits of anger and rage for very ordinary reasons. So it was at a time when everybody else had left the table except for Morty and I, that I took a hot cup of steaming coffee and looked at Morty meaningfully in the eyes and strategically spilled it in his lap. After he had changed about four different colors, he gracefully excused himself and went of to the mensroom, to brush off his blue pinstripped suit.
The results of these exercises were to be known the very next morning. I met Morty first thing in the morning and was delighted when he shook my hand and thanked me for everything that I had done.
The exercises were not completed however and the next thing that Robert did was to get on the same airplane that Morty the millionaire was on and fly back to the midwest. Robert then preceded to go to Morty's home and his place of business with him, to ensure that the patterns were not only useful and working in Santa Cruz, but were also available and installed in the context that he would be using them. A very sophisticated and expensive future pacing.
It was activities like these where the students utilized the patterns of NLP to their fullest potential and began to develop the flexibility of the model in a variety of contexts. It is now beginning to be used in the classrooms across the U.S. The ideas of learning strategies are becoming known to some teachers and in the late eighties educational systems will be spending millions of dollars to retrain their teachers in the NLP technology. Insurance companies, recruiters and manufacturers will be spending twenty times as much to apply NLP to management, sales, service and new product development.
The U.S. army will apply the NLP modelling technology to sharpshooter, hovercraft and helicopter pilot training. Foreign nations will add NLP techniques to their commando training. College professors will continue to denounce NLP and the claims of its practitioners and make passionate speeches about its unscientific approach in the learned halls around the world. NLP will be taught in virtually every English speaking country in the world. Other university teachers will be adding it to their course curriculums and NLP practitioners around the world in virtually every context that involves face to face or telephone conversation will be doing "MAGIC"
About The Author
Terrence Lee McClendon was born in Richmond, California. In 1971, he was an undergraduate student at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He graduated in 1973 and went on to gain his masters in counseling psychology. Throughout the seventies, he worked as a counselor and trainer in NLP.
In 1979, Terry was invited to teach NLP in Sydney, Australia. After many return trips, he settled in Australia and founded the Australian Institute of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He conducts public seminars and inhouse company training for organisations internationally. He is a Master Trainer with the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Terry has also designed and developed computerised personality assessment software and produced video training aids.
His joys in life are his lover and their baby daughter, teaching and counseling, wood working, scuba diving and travelling.
Bandler, Richard and Grinder, John. Frogs Into Princes. Real People Press, 1979.
Bandler, Richard. Magic In Action. Meta Publications, 1984.
Bandler, Richard and Grinder, John. Original Notes (Source T. McClendon)
Workshops from 1972 to 1975. Bandler, Richard and Grinder, John. The Structure of Magic I. Science and
Behaviour Books, 1975. Bandler, Richard. Using Your Brain - for a Change. Meta Publications, 1985. Castaneda, Carlos. A Separate Reality. Penguin Books Limited, 1971. Castaneda, Carlos. The Teachings of don Juan: a Yaqui Way of Knowledge.
Ballantine Books, 1968. Dilts, Robert; Grinder, John; Bandler, Richard; DeLozier, Judith and
Cameron-Bandler, Leslie. Neuro-Linguistic Programming I.
Meta Publications, 1979. Gordon, David. Therapeutic Metaphors: Helping Others Through the Looking
Glass. Meta Publications, 1978. Gordon, David and Meyers-Anderson, Maribeth. Phoenix, Therapeutic Patterns of
Milton H. Erickson. Meta Publications, 1981. Grinder, John and Bandler, Richard. The Structure of Magic II. Science and
Behaviour Books, 1976. Grinder, John and Bandler, Richard. Trance-formations: Neuro-Linguistic
Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis. Real People Press, 1981. Lewis, Byron and Pucelik, Frank. Magic Demystified. Metamorphous Press. Perls, Fritz. The Gestalt Approach and Eye Witness to Therapy. Science &
Behaviour Books, 1973. Satir, Virginia. Conjoint Family Therapy. Science and Behaviour Books, 1967. Satir, Virginia. Original Notes (Source T. McClendon). Cold Mountain Workshops.