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ELIZABETH STOOD AT the top of the Chandlers’ oak staircase, clutching her father’s arm. Beneath the veil her dark hair curled about her shoulders, and the satin dress with the low rounded bodice made her look like a Renaissance princess. Draped across one shoulder was the red and blue tartan of Clan MacPherson. In front of her stood two blonde bridesmaids in yellow dresses, carrying bouquets wrapped with tartan ribbons.

“Don’t be nervous!” whispered Jenny Ramsay, tapping her on the shoulder. “Everything will be fine.”

“Fine?” hissed Elizabeth, over the strains of the organ music. “Are you serious? My wedding dress was delivered by the sheriff!”

“Yes, wasn’t it sweet of him? He’s staying for the wedding, too, isn’t he?”

“You ought to be glad Miss Geneva insisted on finishing it in her cell,” said Mary Clare.

“I’ll never live it down,” moaned Elizabeth. “I’m getting married in a dress made by a murderess.”

“I suppose that could count as your something blue,” drawled Mary Clare. “Now shut up. They’re starting the wedding march.”

With great precision, Jenny Ramsay began to march down the stairs in time to the music. She had assumed her Solemn Weather Princess mode, the one she used for religious occasions and forecasts of hurricanes. A murmur of recognition from the crowd signaled her arrival downstairs.

When Mary Clare, the other bridesmaid, had reached the bottom step, Elizabeth nodded to her father and they began to walk down the stairs. Elizabeth, while pretending to keep her eyes focused on nothing, could see her mother, Mrs. Dawson, and Aunt Amanda, all in blue, in the front row, looking gratifyingly misty. And in various places in the audience, she glimpsed Jake Adair, Tommy Simmons (clutching a briefcase full of documents), and Wesley Rountree. The ushers-Bill, Charles, and Geoffrey-were now standing off to the side. Cameron, in a dress suit and his Duke of Edinburgh tie, was standing at the altar beside Ian, looking rather like a prince himself.

Elizabeth looked modestly down at her bouquet. There was a tiny note sticking in among the white roses. As unobtrusively as she could, Elizabeth maneuvered the note out of the arrangement and eased it open. In Geoffrey Chandler’s unmistakable handwriting was the advice for the wedding night that Victorian mothers were said to give to their just-married daughters: Close your eyes and think of England.

Elizabeth giggled all the way to the altar.

“A fête worse than death,” muttered Cameron as they walked toward the grounds of Holyroodhouse.

“They could have arranged better weather for it,” agreed the new Mrs. Dawson, huddling under her umbrella. “At least it isn’t a steady rain.”

“No. We’ll have time to dry out a bit between bursts. Have you got the invitation?”

“It’s in your coat pocket,” said Elizabeth. “I checked three times.”

Despite the initial chaos of the hasty preparations, the wedding had proceeded without incident. As soon as the ceremony was over, Tommy Simmons insisted upon meeting with the new Mrs. Dawson in the study so that the papers pertaining to the inheritance could be signed. He would not hear of her having so much as a sip of punch before the matter was attended to. In fact, his attitude on the matter was rather ominous. Fortunately these suspicions proved unfounded, despite Elizabeth’s attitude of gloom upon leaving the conference. She later explained to Cameron her original impression that inheriting one million dollars ought actually to make one richer, whereas Tommy Simmons seemed to feel that the money was simply a theoretical Monopoly set that existed for the benefit of lawyers. Apparently, although she was rich, she did not in fact have any more money. It was tied up in real estate that it would not be advisable to sell; it was owed to the government in inheritance taxes; or it was soundly invested by the attorneys and ought to remain where it was-for tax purposes. It was a sobering feeling, she said, to learn that one had inherited a collection of attorneys rather than an endless supply of cash.

Other than that, all went well for the newlyweds. At the reception, Charles Chandler took a liking to anthropologist Mary Clare Gitlin. After they had both overindulged in champagne, Charles was heard several times to say to her: “If only I’d met you sooner!” And many of the local guests took home a delightful souvenir, a paper wedding napkin bearing the autograph of the Channel Four Weather Princess.

The Dawson newlyweds had arrived in Edinburgh on Tuesday morning, where they had enjoyed having the house to themselves, except for one indignant Siamese cat, who insisted on being held at every possible moment to compensate for his week’s abandonment. Apparently, Dr. Grant, who had fed him diligently twice a day, had neglected to provide the proper subservience that Traveller considered his due.

Two days of relaxation followed-sightseeing and recuperating from the flight and the wedding ordeal. The sixth of July had dawned gray and unappealing, but nevertheless a glorious day for Elizabeth, who insisted upon singing “God Save the Queen” to Her Majesty in absentia over breakfast. She spent much of the rest of the day getting ready for the Royal Garden Party.

Shortly before three the Dawsons drove to the palace of Holyroodhouse, with a little placard in the window of the Micra proclaiming them to be official guests for the occasion. There they joined the crowd of other distinguished guests, all beetling toward the entrance to the grounds. The men were in morning coats or military uniforms, while the women, in flowery silk dresses, strove to appear summery despite the weather.

“Do I look all right?” asked Elizabeth, pulling her white wool shawl more tightly about her. After much shopping along the Royal Mile on the previous afternoon, she had chosen a dark blue dress with a V-neckline and puffed elbow-length sleeves.

“You look fine,” Cameron assured her. “Just don’t trip!”

“My shoes are all right. It’s the hat that takes getting used to,” his wife replied, pushing the white straw bonnet firmly back into place. “I’m not used to wearing one.”

Several minutes later, they had joined the sea of dignitaries on the palace lawn. In fact, one could hardly see the lawn for the dignitaries. They stood in neat rows a few feet apart, creating a path through which the Queen would walk to greet certain selected guests.

Three marquees had been set up to accommodate the guests: the one topped with three gold crowns belonged to the Queen and her entourage; the gold-spike one was the diplomatic tent; and the silver-ball ornaments signified the public marquee, at which the eight thousand guests might be given tea and a cream cake, should they feel sufficiently composed to venture eating.

“Where is the Queen?” asked Elizabeth, peering at the royal marquee.

“She doesn’t appear until four,” Cameron told her. “Shall I attempt to get you some tea?”

“I’ll come with you,” said Elizabeth, who wanted a closer look at everything.

At the public marquee, uniformed Crawford’s waiters, brought in for the occasion, dispensed the refreshments. While Cameron waited in line, Elizabeth strayed a bit for a closer look at the Queen’s marquee. There, superb flower arrangements adorned the trestle tables and a magnificent gold tea service stood, attended by pages in black and footmen in scarlet tailcoats. Even in the royal tent, tea would be served buffet style.

“I don’t think I could manage to eat with eight thousand people watching me,” murmured Elizabeth. “I see why the Princess Margaret calls this a zoo tea.”

“I expect they’re used to it,” murmured Cameron.

As they walked back to find a place in one of the long lines, a tall young man in a morning coat with a tie identical to Cameron’s approached them with a smile of recognition.

“Hello, Cameron!” he cried. “How good to see you again!”