In The Winter Station, the Baron’s calligraphy lessons on pages 45, 96, 160, 248, and 266 were drawn from Creativity and Taoism by Chang Chung-yuan. The quoted lines on page 44 are from Tao of Painting by Mai-Mai Sze, and the description of brushstrokes on pages 159 and 248 are from Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, edited by Laurence Sickman. The Baron’s last words to his calligraphy teacher on page 294 and the words about grass-style calligraphy on page 191 are from A Background to Chinese Painting by Soame Jenyns. I would also like to acknowledge Hellmut Wilhelm’s magisterial Change: Eight Lectures on the I Ching. A valuable source of information about Chinese medical practice was Shigehisa Kuriyama’s superb The Expressiveness of the Body, especially for the passages and quotes about mo on pages 145 and 190. The poem recited by Chang on page 167 is from Tea in China by James A. Benn. For translations, I relied on the expertise of John Major (Chinese) and Mila Nortman and Jesse Browner (Russian).
Thank you to the following for their generous support: Susan Bachelder, Elisabeth Biondi, Kathleen Bishop, Karen Blessen, Lizi Boyd, Anne Carey, Sarah Cohen, Marilyn Cooperman, Simon Costin, Grazia d’Annunzio, Mark Epstein, Giuseppe Gerbino, David Gonzales, Linda Mason, Audrey McGuire, Lee F. Mindel, Catherine Orentreich, Jim Perry, Ann Shakeshaft, Leo Shields, Lori Shields, Valerie Steele, Donna Tartt, Andrea Valeria, Jaime Wolf.
At Little, Brown, my thanks to Reagan Arthur, Betsy Uhrig, Alexandra Hoopes, and Tracy Roe.
Finally, I’d especially like to acknowledge my gratitude to Anne Edelstein and my editor, Judy Clain.
About the Author
Jody Shields is the author of two previous novels, the bestselling The Fig Eater and The Crimson Portrait. Formerly contributing editor at Vogue and design editor of the New York Times Magazine, Shields is also a screenwriter and a collected artist. She is a resident of New York City.
Also by Jody Shields
The Crimson Portrait
The Fig Eater
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination, or, if real, are used fictitiously.
Copyright © 2018 by Jody Shields
Cover design by Gregg Kulick
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First Edition: January 2018
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ISBN 978-0-316-38532-9