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Well, I jes’ walks up to her, and I says: “Darter,” says I, “what chu’ch are dat you say you gwine to jine?” And says she, very prompt like: “De ‘Pisclopian, pa.” And says I: “Meriky, I’se mighty consarned ‘bout you, kase I knows your mine ain’t right, and I shall jes’ hab to bring you roun’ de shortest way possible.” So I retch me a fine bunch of hick’ries I done prepared for dat ‘casion. And den she jumped up, and says she: “What make you think I loss my senses?” “Bekase, darter, you done forgot how to walk and to talk, and dem is sure signs.” And wid dat I jes’ let in on her tell I ‘stonished her ‘siderably. ‘Fore I were done wid her she got ober dem dying a’rs, and jumped as high as a hopper-grass. Bimeby she ‘gins to holler: “Oh, Lordy, daddy! daddy! don’t give me no more.”

And says I: “You’re improvin’, dat’s a fac’; done got your natural voice back. What chu’ch does you ‘long to, Meriky?” And says she, a-cryin’: “I don’t ‘long to none, par.”

Well, I gib her anodder leetle tetch, and says I: “What chu’ch does you ‘long to, darter?” And says she, all choked like: “I doesn’t ‘long to none.”

Den I jes’ make dem hick’ries ring for ‘bout five minutes, and den I say: “What chu’ch you ‘longs to now, Meriky?” And says she, fairly shoutin’: “Baptiss; I’se a deep-water Baptiss.” “Berry good,” says I. “You don’t ‘spect to hab your name tuck offen dem chu’ch books?” And says she: “No, sar; I allus did despise dem stuck-up ‘Pisclopians; dey ain’t got no ‘ligion nohow.”

Brover Simon, you never see a gal so holpen by a good genteel thrashin’ in all your days. I boun’ she won’t neber stick her nose in dem new-fandangle chu’ches no more. Why, she jes’ walks as straight dis morning, and looks as peart as a sunflower. I’ll lay a tenpence she’ll be a-singin’ before night dat good ole hyme she usened to be so fond ob. You knows, Brover Simon, how de words run:

“Baptis, Baptis is my name,

My name is written on high;

‘Spects to lib and die de same,

My name is written on high.”

Brother Simon. Yes, dat she will, I be boun’; ef I does say it, Brover Horace, you beats any man on church guberment an’ family displanement ob anybody I ever has seen.

Brother Horace. Well, Brover, I does my bes’. You mus’ pray for me, so dat my han’s may be strengthened. Dey feels mighty weak after dat conversion I give dat Meriky las’ night.—_Scribner’s Monthly_, Bric-a-Brac, 1876.

If it is unadulterated consolation that you need, try



How do you do, Cornelia? I heard you were sick, and I stepped in to cheer you up a little. My friends often say: “It’s such a comfort to see you, Aunty Doleful. You have such a flow of conversation, and are so lively.” Besides, I said to myself, as I came up the stairs: “Perhaps it’s the last time I’ll ever see Cornelia Jane alive.”

You don’t mean to die yet, eh? Well, now, how do you know? You can’t tell. You think you are getting better, but there was poor Mrs. Jones sitting up, and every one saying how smart she was, and all of a sudden she was taken with spasms in the heart, and went off like a flash. Parthenia is young to bring the baby up by hand. But you must be careful, and not get anxious or excited. Keep quite calm, and don’t fret about anything. Of course, things can’t go on jest as if you were down-stairs; and I wondered whether you knew your little Billy was sailing about in a tub on the mill-pond, and that your little Sammy was letting your little Jimmy down from the veranda-roof in a clothes-basket.

Gracious goodness, what’s the matter? I guess Providence’ll take care of ‘em. Don’t look so. You thought Bridget was watching them? Well, no, she isn’t. I saw her talking to a man at the gate. He looked to me like a burglar. No doubt she’ll let him take the impression of the door-key in wax, and then he’ll get in and murder you all. There was a family at Bobble Hill all killed last week for fifty dollars. Now, don’t fidget so; it will be bad for the baby.

Poor, little dear! How singular it is, to be sure, that you can’t tell whether a child is blind, or deaf and dumb, or a cripple at that age. It might be all, and you’d never know it.

Most of them that have their senses make bad use of them though; that ought to be your comfort, if it does turn out to have anything dreadful the matter with it. And more don’t live a year. I saw a baby’s funeral down the street as I came along.

How is Mr. Kobble? Well, but finds it warm in town, eh? Well, I should think he would. They are dropping down by hundreds there with sun-stroke. You must prepare your mind to have him brought home any day. Anyhow, a trip on these railroad trains is just risking your life every time you take one. Back and forth every day as he is, it’s just trifling with danger.

Dear! dear! now to think what dreadful things hang over us all the time! Dear! dear!

Scarlet fever has broken out in the village, Cornelia. Little Isaac Potter has it, and I saw your Jimmy playing with him last Saturday.

Well, I must be going now. I’ve got another sick friend, and I sha’n’t think my duty done unless I cheer her up a little before I sleep. Good-by. How pale you look, Cornelia! I don’t believe you have a good doctor. Do send him away and try some one else. You don’t look so well as you did when I came in. But if anything happens, send for me at once. If I can’t do anything else, I can cheer you up a little.

Mrs. Dallas, who lives in New York City, is a regular correspondent of the New York Ledger, having taken Fanny Fern’s place on that widely circulated paper, is a prominent member of “Sorosis,” and her Tuesday evening receptions draw about her some of the brightest society of that cosmopolitan centre.

All these selections are prizes for the long-suffering elocutionist who is expected to entertain his friends with something new, laughter-provoking, and fully up to the mark.

Mrs. Ames, of Brooklyn, known to the public as “Eleanor Kirk,” has revealed in her “Thanksgiving Growl” a bit of honest experience, refreshing with its plain Saxon and homely realism, which, when recited with proper spirit, is most effective.