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‘What is he saying?’

‘I can only understand when he is having a fit,’ explained the monk. ‘It is only when he has one of his attacks that he becomes clairvoyant.’

‘And how often does he have one of those?’

‘When God decides.’


It was a full two weeks after Mitya and Egorov moved into the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo that Militza finally witnessed one of the holy fool’s crises in action. She, Stana and Alix were sitting in the Mauve Boudoir when it happened. Militza was playing Schubert’s ‘Serenade’ on the piano, while Stana was telling Alix about who and what she had seen at luncheon the day before at the Imperial Yacht Club on Morskaya. Then one of the servants came running. Mitya was having a fit. He had collapsed outside in the snow and they should come quickly, otherwise they would miss their opportunity. Grabbing the nearest coats and hats they could find, the three ladies ran, still wearing their silk slippers, through the snow.

It was early afternoon and almost dark. The air was freezing and each inhalation sliced their lungs like a knife. Fortunately, the monk and the fool had not strayed far from the palace.

As the women arrived, Mitya was rolling around on his back in the snow. Egorov had apparently let go of the chain and, still swathed in his black hooded cape, he was on his knees, his eyes closed, his hands together, fervently praying.

‘Mitya!’ demanded Militza, raising her arms in the air as she looked down at the flailing creature, now growling and foaming copiously at the mouth. ‘Will the Empress have a boy?’

They held their breath. The fool yelped and writhed and kicked in the snow. He emitted some high-pitched squeals and moans, which the monk began to interpret.

‘It is still early days,’ said the monk, his eyes shining from underneath his hood. ‘It is still long before the birth, and Mitya cannot say whether it will be a girl or a boy. But he is praying unceasingly and, in the course of time, will give exact information.’

Alix looked at Militza, confused, panicked even. She had waited on tenterhooks for over two weeks for this? She’d believed, had given the monk and his charge her complete trust; she had done exactly what Stana and Militza had told her to do!

‘Mitya! Mitya!’ barked Militza. ‘How long? How long before you can give the exact information?’

The fool arched his back, threw back his head and let out an enormous groan.

‘Mitya cannot say,’ repeated the monk. ‘It is still long before the birth. But he is praying unceasingly and in the course of time will give exact information.’

‘But when she does get pregnant, will it be a boy?’ Militza glared hotly at the fool and then at the monk for some sort of hope, some sort of inspiration.

‘Mitya cannot say—’

‘He must know!’ Stana shrieked, stepping forward. ‘We’ve been waiting! The Empress has been waiting. For two whole weeks she has sat and waited. Come on, Mitya, tell us something!’ She was beginning to sound hysterical. ‘Give us a sign! Something – anything!’

Mitya suddenly sat up in the snow and looked blindly at the Empress. His stump arms outstretched, he let out one last roar before being violently, biliously sick at her feet. He then flopped back into the snow, rolled over on his side and curled up like a child, whimpering quietly.

‘Mitya says you should cleanse yourself,’ said the monk, looking at the puddle of vomit on the ground.

Alix looked from Militza to the monk and neither of them moved. She hesitated.

‘Cleanse yourself and be free,’ the monk repeated, still staring at the bilious liquid in front of him. ‘Cleanse yourself!’ he barked.

Alix dropped to her knees and began frantically scooping the yellow vomit out of the snow with her bare hands. She ate it, desperately forcing fistfuls of the foul, freezing mixture into her mouth, silent tears of deep humiliation coursing down her cheeks. Stana covered her mouth in horror. Militza slowly closed her eyes and began to pray. The monk crossed himself and the iurodivye emitted a final pathetic yelp before falling asleep.


Mitya and Father Egorov stayed for another three months at the palace. Although Alix was never asked to ‘cleanse’ herself again, she could no longer bear the screaming and the wailing. Her nerves were frayed at the anxious anticipation and the constant running to his side when the moments of clairvoyant clarity were announced. Eventually she was driven to fits of hysterical weeping whenever Mitya went into one of his episodes. For not only she did not conceive, but most disappointingly, neither he, nor the monk, ever changed their predictions for the Tsarina’s future. It was always ‘early days’ and Mitya was always ‘praying unceasingly’ for her situation to change. In the end, it was the Tsar himself who asked Egorov and his charge to leave.

But Militza and Stana would not give up. They could not. Now they had the ear of the Tsarina, now they knew her every worry and wish, they were not about to let that position slip. They were the inner circle – and there was no one else. Through her they could influence the Tsar and their father was delighted because the old alliances between Russia and Montenegro were back in place. And as one of Russia’s closest allies he could expect the perks of this honoured status – financial assistance and greater diplomatic weight on the world stage.

And besides, the sisters had promised the Tsarina they would help.

So they enlisted the aid of the tenacious Brana and the trusted members of the Countess Ignatiev’s Black Salon and together they trawled the streets of the city and its outlying churches in search of miracle workers, mystics and the latest iurodivye. They found a young woman, Matryona, from nearby Peterhof, who arrived barefoot, dressed in rags and carrying an icon. She stayed at the court for a month, shouting prophecies like Delphic oracles that Militza was called upon to translate. Although she was not prone to fits and could speak, the noise and her filthy clothes eventually made Alix ask Matryona to leave.

In the sinking Traktirs, or communal dining rooms, near the crowded, desperate slums around Sennaya Ploshchad, Brana found an old woman who swore that if you collected the menstrual blood off the Tsarina’s sheets you could predict the sex of the next child. The sheets were duly collected and rinsed and the menstrual water was used to fertilize a seed in a small pot of earth. Should a blue flower grow, the Tsarina would have a son. Unfortunately, after a month of waiting, only a tiny pink flower pushed its head up through the well-tended soil.

Militza was also in regular correspondence with her mother who sent her a collection ancient of chants and tinctures. A follower of the Zoroastrian religion, she also sent a small bronze statue of Anahita, the fertility goddess, which the Tsarina was instructed to bathe with, as well as a collection of poppets to be placed under the Tsarina’s bed. The first, with its wooden crone face and its cotton scarf pinned tightly around its cheeks, looked like the old Kitchen Witch who used to hang by the fire in Cetinje, to prevent the roasts from burning and the milk from boiling over; but this one came accompanied by a small cloth baby boy doll filled with yarrow, the love plant. The Tsarina was instructed to rock the doll to sleep at night and sing it a sweet lullaby. Which she duly did. Every night.

All the while the three women prayed for a miracle, and all the more Alix cleaved to the sisters; and all the more the pressure mounted. Then suddenly, out of the blue, the Countess Ignatiev called.


18 May 1900, Tsarskoye Selo