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But the ferry was less than fifty meters up now, and—the craft lurched slighdy, then toppled to one side. Draere’s voice came as calmly as if she were discussing ancient history. “Ground turbulence like I’ve never seen.” Two of the ferry’s jets brightened and the craft shot off to the side, slowly gaining altitude. “I can’t recover…”

The blunt-nosed ferry curved gracefully downward, smashed sideways into the valley floor, and exploded in flashes of blue-white flame as the jets’ plasma escaped confinement.

Bjault’s jaw went slack. Draere, forty people, all dead … in less than a second. He lay dazed for a moment as gobs of flaming wreckage rained down out of the sky. Around the crash site there were only chemical fires now—ugly red and orange flames that were virtually silent compared to the plasma jets.

The ringing in his ears subsided and he heard voices. Bjault tilted his head to look across the snow at the sledge. There stood three natives. The orange firelight flickered across them and the turtlelike form of the sledge, as a light breeze brought the snowfall back over the hillside. Ajão squinted at the trio. They could have been the fellows he had seen during the landing, but if so they had moved awfully fast in those last instants before Draere and the others crashed. The men appeared to be normal Azhiri: squatbodied and light-skinned. They were dressed in gray-and-white camouflage uniforms that Bjault associated with automatic-weapons warfare; soldiers from more primitive cultures usually dressed like peacocks or else went about in ragged civilian clothes. But the only weapons Bjault could see on the men were machetes strapped securely to their sides.

Bjault kept absolutely still. The snow was falling faster now. Perhaps he and Leg-Wot could yet evade capture—though what good would that be? They were truly shipwrecked now. He concentrated on the others’ fast, slurred speech. “A little monster, like that huge one perhaps,” one of them said, and kicked at the sledge’s treads, “but at least it is dead. Apfaneru, this is bvepfesh…” His voice trailed into frightened silence.

“Ahe, look!” The second soldier grabbed the first’s arm and pointed off to Ajão’s right. “You there! On your life—don’t move!”

The three started off in the direction the soldier had pointed. Suddenly the dormant sledge surged forward, its electric motors whining at full power. Apparently Leg-Wot still had control of it. “The monster!” screamed the third soldier as the sledge bowled him over. The second Azhiri whirled upon the machine, and a thunderlike snapping sound shook the ground. The snow whirled up around the sledge, and when it cleared, he saw the vehicle was on its side, and on fire.

Now things were moving too fast for Bjault to follow. On his right, Leg-Wot had risen to her knees, her machine-pistol covering the three Azhiri. Again that massive snapping sound. The snow blew up around her, and she was thrown head over heels into the drift behind her.

Suddenly the first soldier was beside her. “Ho! So that’s why you didn’t try to escape.” He seemed relaxed now, almost jovial. “You are a witling.” Ajão raised his head slightly. The snow was coming down as heavily as before the landing, but by the guttering fires he glimpsed several other troopers in the near distance. The men were systematically searching the snowfield. Each trooper kept five meters between himself and the next man—just like modern soldiers wary of automatic weapons fire. Why, why?

Heavy hands grabbed him under the armpits. “We have found another, Dgedga,” shouted his captor. “A witling also.” His pistol was taken and he was half-carried, half-dragged past the sledge toward Leg-Wot. The soldier dropped Bjault beside the girl and disappeared into the snowstorm. It was almost humiliating how casually they were left here, apparently unguarded. The darkness had returned, but Ajão heard the soldiers moving back and forth across the hillside, probing the snow. In minutes the Azhiri discovered the ablation skiff and its fiberene parachute.

The one called Apfaneru spoke loudly, “Group four will remain here through the night. Be alert. There may be more monsters. Group leaders may call for help at the smallest sign. Groups two and three will take what remains of the monsters. Group one: the witlings go to the deepest dungeon in Deleru Moragha.”

Again Ajão was picked up and dragged through the snow. Behind him he could tell that Leg-Wot was getting the same treatment. How badly had Yoninne been hurt? Was she unconscious, or worse?

They stopped and Bjault got to his feet. He saw what looked like a steel pot, perhaps two meters in diameter. It was suspended from a heavy timber tripod, and beneath the pot, a trooper was trying to keep some kindling afire. With a sudden shiver of fear, Ajão guessed that the pot was filled with water. He struggled frantically back from his captor, but the other man was built for this gravity, and Ajão was slapped to the ground. “Witling, if you don’t wish to be hurt you will climb in.” Then the soldier piled a further incredibility on the scene: he turned and climbed the narrow wooden ladder that led over the flames to the lip of the pot. There was a loud splash as he jumped in.

Bjault stared blankly for a moment. Someone pushed him roughly from behind. “You heard the man, witling. Move!” He stepped forward and awkwardly climbed the closely spaced rungs. Behind him another soldier dragged the now weakly struggling Leg-Wot up the ladder. Ajão stopped at the lip of the pot and looked down, for a moment saw nothing. Then he heard the voice of the fellow who had jumped in. “low, this water’s cold. Should have waited till they had the fire going properly.” The native was holding onto the lip so that just his head was out of the water. “Jump in, you two. The quicker in, the quicker out.”

Bjault tried to ease himself over the edge, but the snow along the lip was slippery and he splashed awkwardly into the water. Lord, it was cold. He couldn’t take more than three or four minutes of this without his heated suit. He kicked himself to the surface just in time to be smashed downward again by Leg-Wot. They bobbed to the surface, the woman swearing loudly. She’s all right, then! Ajão thought with relief. He trod water frantically, trying to find a hand hold, but the soldier grabbed his shoulder. “Where are you from anyway, witling? Let yourselves sink below the surface.” They did as they were told. Ajão was at the point now that things seemed more like dream than reality.

He looked up through the water. The darkness was not complete. Something strangely green, quite unlike torchlight, glowed above them. Then strong hands pushed against his buttocks and he and Yoninne burst through the surface. Gasping, they pulled themselves from the water, assisted by the soldier below. Bjault lay back dazedly on the warm stone floor. The air stank of human waste and worse. He saw now that they were in a featureless chamber some three meters across. The green glow came from phosphorescent fungus that hung in great loops from the raw bedrock of the walls. He could see no doors, no ventilation holes.

The trooper bobbed through the green glinting surface of the water, his pale face asmile. “Comfortable?” He gestured at the dark stone that surrounded them on all sides. “It would take a Guildsman to get out of this thing, so I don’t think the prefect has to worry about a pair of witlings escaping.” He let go of the edge and slipped below the surface. Yoninne rose painfully to her knees and crawled to the edge of the pool. Ajão followed her, and they looked into the water. The light from above was faint, but he could see the bottom. There was no sign of the trooper. He dipped his hand into the scummy water.