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“I did?”

“Chinese beer,” she said, as she led the way in. “Chinese villagers brewed beer as far back as 7,000 B.C.”

“I don’t think the Zhujiang I picked up is that old.”

“That’s a joke. It was used—not the beer you bought—in rituals. It wasn’t until the seventeenth century that modern beer brewing was introduced to China.”

“Good to know.”

“You sound tired, too. You should sit, have one of the beers. I slept another two hours, and had an hour’s walk. I feel rested. I’ll take care of the food.”

“I just told them to load me up. I didn’t know what you wanted, especially.”

“I’m not fussy.” She opened cartons. “I’m sorry you had a difficult day. You can tell me about it if you like.”

“Lawyers, arguments, accusations, threats.” He opened a beer, sat at her counter. “Paperwork, meetings. You don’t have to put all that in bowls. The beauty of Chinese is you can eat right out of the carton.”

“Which is rushed and less soothing.” She believed he required soothing. “I can fix your plate if you tell me what you’d like.”

“Whatever. I’m not fussy, either.”

“We should take a walk after dinner, then you should try a warm bath and try to sleep. You seem very tense, and you rarely are.”

“I guess I’m just annoyed at having lawyers in my face, who try to push and intimidate me and my deputies.”

“Yes, he’s a very annoying man.” She scooped rice out of the bowl, ladled sweet-and-sour pork over it, added a dumpling, some noodles, some butterfly shrimp. “I had to walk off my own mood after he left this afternoon.”

“Left? Here? Blake came here?”

“This afternoon, with his assistant. Ostensibly to apologize for his son’s ‘inadvertent’ trespassing. But that was just a ruse, not well disguised. He was displeased when I wouldn’t let him come in to discuss the situation.”

“I bet he was. He doesn’t like being refused. It’s good you didn’t open the door.”

“I did open the door, but wouldn’t invite him in.” She decided she’d try the beer straight out of the bottle, as Brooks did. “Are you aware his assistant carries a gun?”

“Yeah. Are you telling me he pulled a weapon on you?”

“Oh, no. No, don’t be upset.” She’d meant to soothe and had accomplished the opposite. “Of course he didn’t. I just noticed the line of his suit, and then his body language when Bert growled.”

Brooks took a long pull of beer. “Why don’t you tell me what was said and done?”

“You are upset,” she murmured. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“Yes, you should have.”

“It wasn’t anything important, really. He said he’d come to apologize, then was clearly put out when I refused to invite them in. He termed what happened a misunderstanding, and indicated it was of your doing. I disabused him of that, as I was a witness. He implied I didn’t understand his position in the community, and that my relationship with you made my standing as witness suspicious. Not in those words, but that was the meaning. Do you want me to relay the exact conversation?”

“Not just yet. The gist is fine.”

“The gist. All right. He was displeased and angry as I told him to leave—and warned him and his assistant that if the assistant drew his weapon on Bert, I would release Bert, who would disarm the assistant handily. And reminded them I was also armed.”

“Jesus Christ.”

“I was—clearly. It seemed best to point out the obvious. Mr. Blake reiterated he’d come to apologize, and added he’d come to offer compensation. In the amount of ten thousand dollars if I accepted it and agreed that what had happened was a misunderstanding. It annoyed me.”

“How many times did you ask them to leave?”

“Three. I didn’t bother to ask again, simply said good-bye and closed the door. He did bang on the door for nearly two minutes after that. He’s very rude. Then his assistant convinced him to get back in the car.”

Brooks pushed back from the counter, paced the kitchen. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“There wasn’t any need. It was relatively simple to deal with. Irritating, but simple. I—”

She broke off because when he turned to her, the controlled rage on his face snapped her throat closed.

“Listen to me. Two men you don’t know come to your door, one of them’s armed. They refuse to leave when you tell them to, multiple times. What’s the logical thing to do?”

“Close the door. I did.”

“No, Abigail. The logical thing to do is close the door, then call the police.”

“I don’t agree. I’m sorry if that makes you angry, but I don’t. They left.” She decided to avoid more anger by not mentioning she’d intended to go back out, weapon drawn, at the two-minute mark.

Later, she’d wonder if the avoidance equaled one of those interpersonal relationship tangles.

“I was armed, Brooks, and Bert was on alert. I wasn’t in any danger. In fact, Blake became so agitated, I would have called both you and medical assistance if he hadn’t left when he did.”

“Do you want to press charges?”

“No. You’re angry with me. I don’t want you to be angry with me. I did exactly as I felt best at that time, under those circumstances. If your ego’s threatened because I didn’t call for help—”

“Maybe some. Yeah, I’ll own that. And I’m not going to say it’s not a relief to me knowing I’m with a woman who can handle herself. But I know Blake. He tried to bully and intimidate you.”

“Yes, he tried. He failed.”

“Trying’s enough. And he attempted to bribe you.”

“I told him his attempt to bribe a witness in a criminal matter was illegal.”

“I bet you did.” Brooks shoved a hand through his hair, sat again. “You don’t know him. You don’t know the kind of enemy you made today, and believe me, you made one.”

“I think I do know,” she said quietly. “I think I know very well. But making him an enemy isn’t my fault, or yours.”

“Maybe not. But it’s what it is.”

“You’re going to confront him over it.”

“You’re damn right I am.”

“Won’t that just increase the level of animosity?”

“Maybe. But if I don’t deal with it, he’ll see it as a weak spot. He could come back, try again, figuring you didn’t mention it, are just angling for a bigger payoff.”

“I made my position very clear.”

“If you understand the kind of person you’re dealing with, you’ll realize that it doesn’t matter a damn.”

Twelve years of running, she thought. Yes, she understood. “You’re right, but it mattered to me on a very personal level that I made my position clear.”

“Okay, that’s done. Now I’m telling you, if he comes back, don’t open the door to him. Call me.”

“Subjugate my ego to yours?”

“No. Maybe. Shit, I don’t know about that part, and don’t much care.”

She smiled a little. “That would be another discussion.”

The way he took a breath told her he was trying to cool his temper.

“I’m telling you because he’ll only be more intimidating and bullying if he comes back. I’m telling you because I want him to understand action will be taken if he tries to harass you, or anyone else. I asked the same of Russ, his wife, his parents, told my deputies to tell their families.”

She nodded, felt less annoyed. “I see.”

“He’s in a rage, Abigail. His money and his position, as he sees it, aren’t making this one go away. His son’s behind bars, and very likely to be behind them for a very long time.”

“He loves his son.”

“I don’t know about that, either, honest to God. But I know his ego’s bound up in it. Nobody’s going to put his boy in jail. Nobody’s going to sully the Blake name. He’s going to put everything he’s got into fighting this, and if that means pushing at you, he’ll push.”

“I’m not afraid of him. It also matters to me I’m not afraid of him.”

“I can see that. I don’t want you to be afraid, but I want you to call me if he comes here again, if he tries to talk to you on the street, if he or anybody associated with him contacts you in any way. You’re a witness, and you’re damn well under my protection.”