"Nothing broken. There's no exit wound. There's a bullet in there somewhere. Prep him and send him up to Sixteen."
"Yes, Doctor," the nurse said.
Peter Wohl watched as the gurney with Matt on it was wheeled out of the Emergency treatment cubicle, and then ran after the doctor he had seen go into the cubicle.
"Tell me about the man you just had in there," he said.
"Who are you?" Dr. Hampton asked.
"I'm Inspector Wohl."
"You don't look much like a cop, Inspector."
"What do you want to do, see my badge?"
"No. Take it easy. I suppose I said that because I was just thinking he doesn't either. Look like a cop, I mean."
"Actually," Wohl said. "He's a pretty good cop. How badly is he injured?"
"A good deal less seriously than most people I see who have been shot with a large caliber weapon," Dr. Hampton said, and then went on to explain his diagnosis and prognosis.
Wohl thanked him, and then went to one of the pay phones mounted on the wall between the outer and inner doors of the Emergency entrance and took first a dime from his pocket and then his wallet. Inside the wallet was a typewritten list of telephone numbers, on both sides of a sheet of paper cut to the size of a credit card, and then coated with Scotch tape to preserve it.
He dropped a dime in the slot and then dialed one of the numbers. There was an answer, surprisingly wide awake, on the third ring: " Coughlin."
"Chief, this is Peter Wohl."
"What's up, Peter?"
"Matt Payne has been shot."
There was a just perceptible pause.
"He's got a.45 bullet in his calf. It apparently was a ricochet off a brick wall. And his face was hit, the forehead, probably by a piece of bullet jacket. It slit the skin. Not serious, take a couple of stitches."
"But the bullet in the legis serious?"
"There's not much damage. I don't know for sure what I'm talking about, but what I think happened was that the bullet hit the wall, a brick wall, and lost most of its momentum, and then hit him. It's still in him. They just took him into the operating room."
"Where is he?"
"Frankford Hospital."
"What the hell happened, Peter?"
I have just become the guy who is responsible for getting Denny Coughlin's godson, the son he never had, shot.
"At five o'clock this morning, we picked up the doers of the Goldblatt job."
"'We' presumably meaning Highway," Coughlin said coldly. "I didn't know that Matt was in Highway. When did that happen?"
"ACT Teams from Special Operations, working with Homicide, made the arrests. Simultaneously-"
"Not Highway?"
"No, sir. Not Highway."
"Go on, Peter."
"Mickey O'Hara was there. I invited him. I sent Matt with him to make sure Mickey didn't get in the way, get himself hurt.
One of the doers, a scumbag named Charles D. Stevens, apparently saw either the cars, or more likely the Homicide guy sitting on him, and then the cars. As the ACT cars were getting in place, he-this is conjecture Chief, but I think this is it-made his way to either the next house, or the house next to that, and tried to get away through the alley. O'Hara and Matt were at the head of the alley. He-Stevensstarted shooting. And got Matt."
"Did you get Stevens?"
"Matt got Stevens. He shot at him four times and hit him twice. Once in the arm, and once in the liver. Stevens was brought here. I have the feeling he's not going to live."
"But Matt is in no danger?"
"No, sir. I don't even think there is going to be much muscle damage. As I said, I think the bullet lost much of its momentum-"
"That's nice," Coughlin said.
"He's more worried about his car than anything else, Chief."
"What about his car?"
"We formed up in the playground of the school at Castor and Frankford. Matt went to the scene with Lieutenant Suffern. And left his car, with the keys in it in the playground."
"You're taking care of it, I suppose?"
"Yes, sir."
"Have you called the commissioner?"
"No, sir. Chief Lowenstein is doing that."
"Lowenstein was there?"
"No, sir. But he heard about it, and told me he would take care of calling the commissioner."
"Is the Department going to look bad in this, Peter?"
"No, sir. I don't see how. The other seven arrests went very smoothly. They're all down at 8^th and Race already. As soon as I get off the phone, I'm going down there."
"Have you notified Matt's family?"
"No, sir. I thought I should call you before I did that."
"Well, at least your brain wasn't entirely disengaged," Coughlin said. And then, immediately, "Sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have said that."
"Forget it, Chief. I don't think I have to tell you how bad I feel about this. And I know how you feel about Matt."
"I've been on the job twenty-seven years and I've never been hurt," Coughlin said. "Matt's father gets killed. His Uncle Dutch gets killed, and now he damned near does."
"I thought about that too, Chief."
"I'll take care of notifying his family," Coughlin said. "You make sure nobody else gets carried away with procedure and tries to."
"I've already done that, Chief."
"You're sure he's going to be all right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Keep yourself available, Peter. You say you're going to be at Homicide?"
"Yes, sir. Mr. Stillwell asked me to be there."
"Farnsworth Stillwell?"
"Yes, sir."
"When you can break loose, it might be a good idea to go back to the hospital; to have a word with Matt's family."
"Yes, sir, I'd planned to do that."
"Well, don't blame yourself for this, Peter. These things happen."
"Yes, sir."
Coughlin, without another word, hung up. He swung his feet out of bed, pulled open the drawer of a bedside table, and took out a telephone book. He dialed a number.
"Police Department."
"Let me speak to the senior officer on duty."
"Maybe I can help you."
"This is Chief Inspector Dennis V. Coughlin. Get the senior police officer present on the telephone!"
"This is Lieutenant Swann. Can I help you?"
"This is Chief Inspector Dennis V. Coughlin-"
"Oh, sure. How are you, Chief?"
"I need a favor."
"Name it."
"You know where the Payne house is on Providence Road in Wallingford?"
"Their son is a police officer. He has just been shot in the line of duty. He is in Frankford Hospital. I am about to notify them. I would consider it a personal favor if you would provide an escort for them from their home to the Philadelphia city line. I'll have a car meet you there."
"Chief, when the Paynes come out of their driveway, a car will be sitting there."
"Thank you."
"He hurt bad?"
"We don't think so."
"Thank God."
"Thank God," Denny Coughlin repeated, and, unable to trust his voice any further, hung up.
He walked into the kitchen, poured an inch and a half of John Jameson's Irish whiskey in a plastic cup, drank it down, and then reached for the telephone on the wall. He dialed a number from memory. It took a long time to answer.
Please, God, don't let Patty answer.
"Brewster, this is Denny Coughlin."
"Is something wrong, Denny?" Brewster Cortland Payne, suddenly wide awake, asked.
"What is it?" a familiar female voice came faintly over the telephone.