263 August 16: Hq. SAC, “History of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff: Background and Preparation of SIOP-62,” n.d., p. 1 (FOIA/DoD).
263 “Strategic Command”: See following in Thomas White Papers, LoC:* Letter, White to Enis Whitehead, Mar. 17, 1960, Box 36, Missiles/Space/Nuclear folder; letter, White to All Major Air Commands, May 6, 1959, Box 26, Command Letters folder.* (And interviews.)
264 White fallback: Letter, White to Thomas Gates, June 10, 1960, Thomas White Papers, Box 41, 1960 Top Secret File folder; and interviews.*
264 June 14 briefing: SAC, “Unity in the Strategic Offensive” (FOIA/USAF).* For references to NSTL, SIOP and SAC, see Charts 40, 52, 58, 69, 72–74, 76. For delivery to Gates on June 14, see memo, White to Power, “Recommended Actions for Increasing Capabilities and Readiness Posture of SAC Forces,” July 19, 1960, Thomas White Papers, ibid.*
264 “18 Questions”: JCS-2056/134, Sept. 4,1959, with enclosure CM-386-59 of Aug. 24, 1959 (FOIA/DoD); and interviews.
264 July 6 meeting: Andrew Goodpaster, Memo of Conference with President, July 6, 1960, White House Office file, Office of Staff Secretary, Subject Series, DoD Subseries, Box 2, DoD, Vol. IV (5), DDEL.
264 “At last”: Transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Gen. Lemnitzer, 10 August 1960,” Arleigh Burke Papers, SIOP/NSTL Briefing Folder, Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.*
265 “This is just”: Ibid.*
265 “They’re smart”: Transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Secretary Franke, 12 August 1960,” Arleigh Burke Papers, loc. cit.*
265 “they think they”: Transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Capt. Bardshar, 22 August 1960,” Arleigh Burke Papers, Transcripts & Phonecons (NSTL) folder.*
266 Burke’s understanding of war plan: E.g., Burke’s notes on conversation with Eisenhower, Cable, Burke to CincPacFlt, LantFlt, USNavEur, Pt. 3, August 12, 1960, Arleigh Burke Papers, SIOP/NSTL Briefing folder.*
266 “then our”: “Minutes of CNO Deputies’ Conference, 18 August 1960,” Arleigh Burke Papers, Transcripts & Phonecons (NSTL).*
266 “paving the way”: Transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with RAdms. Parker and Raborn, 16 August 1960,” ibid.;* cf. “Adm. Burke’s Instructions to RAdm. Parker, 21 August 1960,” ibid.;* transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Sec. Franke, 12 August I960” and “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Gen. Lemnitzer, 10 August 1960,” in Burke Papers, SIOP/NSTL Briefing folder.*
266 SAC 1,300: “Message, CincPacFlt (Dennison) to CNO,” Feb. 1, 1961, Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Messages, Exclusives & Personals.*
267 “will consist”: Cited in memo, Op-06 to Op-00 on “JCS 2056/189, The Initial NSTL & SIOP” (Nov. 1960), Arleigh Burke Papers, Memos & Letters (NSTL).*
267 Smith on “minimum”: Cited in Memo (by Lee, for CincLant rep.) for Record, “Report of Planning Conference at SAC Hq., Omaha, 24–26 Aug. 1960, on Strategic Planning for a National Strategic Target List (NSTL) and a Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP),” Aug. 27, 1960, ibid.*
267 700 versus 200: Cited in memo, CincLantFlt (Dennison) to CNO, “Minutes of the 21st Mtg., of JSTPS Policy Committee,” Mar. 22, 1961, Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Messages, Exclusives & Personals.*
267 airfield controversy: Memo, Op-06c to Op-00, “Suggested Key Points for Discussion—Adm. Burke & Adm. Parker” (Sept. or Oct. 1960), Arleigh Burke Papers, Memos & Letters (NSTL).*
267 bomber attrition: Message, CincPacFlt to CNO, Oct. 22, 1960; Message, Navrestracom (Hyland) to CNO, Nov. 15, 1960; Message, CincLantFlt to CNO, July 21, 1961; all in Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Messages, Exclusives & Personals.*
268 Polaris on SAMs or wasted: Memo for Record, “Report of Planning Conference at SAQ Hq., Omaha, 24–26 Aug. 1960, on Strategic Planning for a NSTL and a SIOP,” Aug. 27, 1960, Arleigh Burke Papers, Memos & Letters (NSTL).*
268 202 with 97 percent: Message, CincLant (Lee) to CNO, Nov. 22, 1960, Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Messages, Exclusives & Personals.*
268 7 with 97 percent: Memo, CincLantFlt to CNO, Apr. 27, 1961, ibid.*
268 nine on four in Leningrad: Message, Navrestracomd to CNO, Nov. 3, 1960, ibid.*
268 2.2 weapons/target: Message, CNO to CincPacFlt, CincLantFlt, USNav-Eur, Nov. 24, 1960, ibid.;* and interview.
268 blast only: Message, CincPac to Rbepw/JCS, “Report of Preliminary Review of SIOP-62,” Jan. 19, 1961, ibid.;* also in Burke Papers:* Transcript, “Adm. Burke’s Conversation with Adm. Russell, 11 November 1960,” Transcripts & Phonecons (NSTL); and CNO to Flag & General Officers, “Special Edition Flag Officers Dope,” Dec. 4, 1960, Memos & Letters (NSTL).
268 fallout exceeds limits: Message, CincLant (Lee) to CNO, Nov. 22, 1960, Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Message, Exclusives & Personals.*
268 “our weapons”: Message, CincPac to Rbepw/JCS, “Report of Preliminary Review of SIOP-62,” Jan. 19, 1961, ibid.*
268 Kistiakowsky trip: Memos, Eisenhower to Kistiakowsky, Oct. 19, 1960, and Kistiakowsky to Andrew Goodpaster, Nov. 7, 1960, both in White House Office files, Office of Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alpha Sub-series, Box 16, Dr. Kistiakowsky (6), DDEL; and interviews.
269 December 14: SAC Hq., “History of the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff: Background and Preparation of SIOP-62,” p. 15.
269 alert forces, 1,459 bombs: Memo, Op-06 (Ricketts) to Op-00, on “JCS-2056/189, The Initial NSTL & SIOP,” Nov. 22, 1960, Arleigh Burke Papers, Memos & Letters (NSTL).*
269 full force and all fatality figures: Handwritten notes on SIOP-62 documents (provided to author), confirmed by interviews.
270–71 McNamara grasps connection and “fantastic”: Memo, Navrestracomd-Omaha to CNO, “JSTPS Briefing for McNamara on 4 February,” Feb. 6, 1961, Arleigh Burke Papers, NSTL/SIOP Messages, Exclusives & Personals.*
271 three eighty-kiloton: Ibid.*
272 Hitch-Enthoven-Stern paper: Richard Fryklund, “Weapon Survival Seen Aim of Defense Study,” Washington Star, Feb. 15, 1961; and interviews.
272 “General War Offensive Package”: Richard Fryklund, “U.S. Arms Plan Seen Holding Nuclear Edge,” Washington Star, Feb. 22, 1961.
273 list of ninety-six: McNamara, Memorandum, Mar. 1, 1961, Presidential Office Files, Box 77, DoD, Defense Budget, Jan.-Mar. 1961, JFKL.
273 “McNamara’s Band” and “96 Trombones”: Henry Trewhitt, McNamara: His Ordeal in the Pentagon (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), p. 22.
273 ninety-two questions: McNamara, “Assignment of Projects within the DoD,” Mar. 8, 1961 (FOIA/DoD).*
273 “that we do not”: Memo, L. L. Lemnitzer to McNamara, “‘Doctrine’ on Thermonuclear Attack,” Apr. 18, 1961 (FOIA/DoD).*
273 McNamara’s motivation: DPM, McNamara to Kennedy, Appendix I, “Recommended Long Range Nuclear Delivery Forces 1963–67,” Sept. 23, 1961, p. 12 (FOIA/DoD).*
274 “the advantages”: Memo, Lemnitzer to McNamara, op. cit.*