—see also Polaris; Trident II Sloss, Leon, 384
Smith, Bob, 267
Smyth, H. D., 25
Smyth Report, 25, 26
Social Science Research Council, 30
Sorensen, Theodore, 299, 308–9, 312
Soviet Union, 33–42
—A-bomb acquired by, 39, 99
—air base vulnerability in, 209–11
—atomic-energy plants in, 41
—bombing targets in, 39–48, 78
—East Germany and, 291–94
—expansionist ideology of, 33–34
—Gaither Committee on, 141–42
—ground power of, 80, 182–83, 326–27
—H-bomb first exploded by, 105, 112
—ICBM force of, 155, 160–68, 286–89, 294–95, 320
—ICBMs tested by, 162, 164
—massive retaliation threat and, 192
—military objectives of, 155, 157, 161
—MIRVs tested by, 374
—missile building program in, 305–6, 365
—potential first strike by, 86, 92–93, 155
—SLBMs of, 320
—strategic vulnerability of, 295
—underground missile silos of, 320
—U.S. secret intelligence on, 211, 213, 216–17
—see also specific events and weapons
Spaatz, Carl, 61
Speier, Hans, 50, 70, 72, 76, 189, 201–2, 205
Sprague, Robert C.:
—Eisenhower briefed on SAC by, 150–51
—Gaither Committee and, 127, 129, 132–34, 136, 146–53
—R-290 and, 130
Sprout, Harold, 22
Sputnik, 135–36, 160
Spykman, Nicholas, 19–21, 186
SS-9 ICBM, 351–54
Staats, Elmer, 308–9
Stearns, Joyce, 24
Stern, Marvin, 253, 260, 270–72, 280–81
Stoertz, Howard, Jr., 163
Strategic Air Command, U.S. (SAC), 39–48, 85
—airborne alert begun in, 166–67
—ATD-751 in EWP of, 211–12
—“Bonus” targeting by, 211–12
—confusion in war plan of, 276–77
—Delta-Bravo-Romeo plan and, 41–42, 44–45, 209
—Emergency War Plans (EWP) of, 44, 209, 211–12, 277
—Gaither Committee and, 131–34
—independence guarded for, 104
—intelligence estimates used by, 167–68
—Kahn and, 222–23
—mass destruction as goal of, 212, 246, 277
—Optimum Mix bombing plan of, 242
—overseas refueling bases recommended for, 100–101
—PD-59 and, 384
—Polaris as threat to, 236–37
—readiness lacking for, 132–33
—SIOP created by, 264, 266, 276–77
—“Sunday Punch” plan of, 204
—survivability as imperative for, 47
—vulnerability of, 86, 92–94, 97–102, 142, 166–67, 171–73, 249, 374
—Wohlstetter’s basing briefing for, 102–3
—World War II-type planning in, 98–99
“Strategic Bombing: What It Can Do” (Brodie), 38, 46
Strategic Missile Evaluation Committee (Teapot Committee), 114–16
Strategic Objectives Study, 367–68
Strategic Offensive Forces (SOF) study (RAND), 216–17
strategy, military, 17
strategy, naval, 25–26
strategy, nuclear, 203
—ABM debate and, 355
—civil defense in, 225
—first-strike, 316
—graduated reprisals as, 358
—illusory nature of, 341–42
—intrawar deterrence as, 223–24
—new generation in, 356
—NU-OPTS as, 356–60
—public debate of, 381–82
—reserve force in, 215, 218–19
—superiority in, 30–31
—targeting in, see targeting strategy
—see also specific strategies
Strategy of Air Power (Brodie), 35
Strategy of Conflict, The (Schelling), 330
Strauss, Lewis, 63, 150–51
Study of War, A (Wright), 13–15
Summer Studies, the, 126
Super-Powers, The (Fox), 22
Symington, Stuart, 163–64, 168–69, 355
systems analysis, 86–88, 221–22
Szilard, Leo, 24
Tanham, George, 237–39
targeting strategy, 37–48
—atomic-energy facilities in, 41, 44
—cities in, 26, 30–31, 44, 47, 78–81, 214, 236, 329
—counterforce, 203–19
—Delta-Bravo-Romeo as, 41–42, 44–45
—electric-power systems in, 41, 44
—H-bomb and, 79–81
—liquid-fuel industries in, 37, 41, 44
—Marshall-Goldhamer study of, 213–16
—selective, 204–6
—see also counterforce strategy; SIOP; SIOP-62; SIOP-63; NU-OPTS; strategy, nuclear
Taylor, Maxwell, 255, 299, 335
—in Cuban missile crisis, 304
—versus Eisenhower, 196
—Nike-Zeus pushed by, 345
—as paramilitary activities advisor, 328–29
Teller, Edward, 75, 83–84, 114–15, 220, 362
—background of, 83
—civil defense program of, 313–14
—H-bomb and, 83–84
—on Sputnik, 135
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (Morgenstern-von Neumann), 66
Thinking About the Unthinkable (Kahn), 228
Trinkl, Frank, 240–43, 252–53, 261, 299–300
—Soviet targets categorized by, 279
Truman, Harry S, 25, 82
Truman Administration:
—conventional forces supported under, 183
—defense spending under, 138–41
Tucker, Gardner, 367–69
Twining, Nathan, 128, 150–51, 264
Ulam, Stanislaw, 75
United States Objectives and Programs for National Security (NSC-68), 138–41
United States Strategic Bombing Survey, 35, 41, 45, 71
“Unlimited Weapons and Limited War” (Brodie), 193–94
Urey, Harold, 24
U-2 spy plane, 131, 165, 286–87
Vance, Cyrus, 187, 280, 346
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 38, 40–41, 45, 48–49, 82, 101, 116
Victory Through Air Power, 69
Vietnam War, 328–36, 341
—escalation planned in, 333–35
—“Rolling Thunder” bombing campaign in, 329, 335–36
Viner, Jacob, 14–15, 21, 25, 27, 72, 188
Von Karman, Theodore, 56
von Neumann, John, 63–66, 91, 114–16, 178, 220
Wade, James, 388
Walker, Charls, 379
Wallace, Henry, 25
Walsh, James, 167, 210, 212, 288
War Department, U.S., 34–35
“Warning and Bombing” (RAND), 204–5
Warnke, Paul, 347
Warsaw Pact:
—formation of, 291
—in 1961 Berlin crisis, 296–97, 303
Washington Post, 153–54
Weapons System Evaluation Group (WSEG), 93, 258–60, 264–65
—on counterforce strategy, 259
—finite deterrence strategy recommended by, 259–60, 316–17
Weaver, Warren, 63, 72
Webster, William, 128, 132, 149–50
Weidlinger, Paul, 96, 119
Weinberg, Steven, 353
Weinberger, Caspar, 387
Weiss, Seymour, 299, 302–3, 368–69
Welch, Jasper, 368–69
Western Development Division of the Air Research and Development Command (WDD), 116–17
West Germany, 291–93, 302
Westover, Charles “Westy,” 236
Wheless, Hewitt, 236
Whisenand, Jim, 103
White, Thomas D., 104–6, 150–51, 155, 166, 195, 216, 236, 238, 240, 270
—counterforce strategy embraced by, 244–46
—Strategic Command advocated by, 263–64
—on Whiz Kids, 255, 257