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Henry started to shove forward again, until about an inch of his throbbing cock was swallowed by Jan's asshole. Then he pulled back again, until no more than the mushroom-shaped cockhead remained inside the hot cavern. He heard Jan gasp in disappointment since his motion had prepared her to be skewered. Then, before she had a chance to recover from the shock which his feint had caused, he did ram forward.

Jan grunted in surprised satisfaction, and the grunt opened the floodgates. The sound of her grunt triggered Henry's orgasm.

The first hot jet of come spurted uncontrollably from the tip of his driving cock. Then another followed. And another. A tension was building inside his balls from which it seemed there could be no relief. His cock contracted and spawned violently as it pumped burst after burst of white-hot gism into Jan's waiting asshole.

Henry began to moan. "Oh, Linda, I'm coming! I'm pumping my hot load of come into Jan's ass! Oh, Linda you should see it! Jan's asshole is filling with my come! It's oozing out around my cock and running all over her ass. Now I'm rubbing it in with my hands. I'm smearing my come all over her cheeks and her back. And Jan is going crazy! Her hand is squeezing my balls and forcing me to shoot more gism into her ass! Oh, yes, Jan, do it!"

Jan had felt Henry's swelling cock getting ready to shoot its load. She fingered her clit with urgency. At the feel of the first hot burst, her own orgasm began. Her clit was like a volcano, getting hotter, and swelling even bigger, until at last the eruption started, deep inside the chasm of her hotly churning pussy. Her juices flowed like lava as a thin trail of Henry's cock-juice trickled from her asshole, wetting the lips of her pussy. Her own juices began to flow copiously, mixing with Henry's and running out over her cuntlips and in streams and rivers down her straining legs, wetting the sheet in two stains that spread rapidly from her knees.

Jan's moans mingled with Henry's words and reached Linda's ears as a symphony of sexuality. She could see nothing but Artie's cock and the hair of his balls, but in her mind, she saw Henry fucking Jan's ass like a rutting animal. Linda well knew the tightness of her friend's back passage, since she had put her tongue in there and licked and sucked it on more than one occasion. She could envision the tight lips turning pale as they strained to stretch around the girth of Henry's prick. She could see the soft round cheeks opening and closing as Jan moved her body forward and back like a bitch in heat.

She felt Artie's tongue lapping furiously at her cunt, sucking on the inner flesh, the outer lips, and her clit, seemingly all at once. She sucked harder on Artie's prick, as her own orgasm began to wash over her like a tidal wave. Her mouth was filled with Artie's meaty cock and so all she could do was grunt unintelligibly as she felt wave after wave of pleasure following in the wake of the gigantic burst of orgasmic fulfillment set in motion by Artie's tongue, combined with the sounds that her husband and Artie's wife were making. She let Artie's cock pop from her mouth just long enough for her to announce, primarily for the benefit of her husband, "I'm coming!" Then she began sucking on Artie's prick again.

Artie felt the cool air of the room wash over his cock and heard Linda's desperate exclamation. Now all three of the others on the bed were coming. He had been right at the brink when Linda had let go of his cock. Then, when he felt her take it into her mouth again, he could no longer contain his orgasm. As soon as her lips made contact with the tip of his prick, the first spurt of come sprayed the inside of her mouth. Linda began swallowing almost immediately, savoring the flavor of Artie Nelson's orgasmic fluids.

Artie continued sucking at her sweet, flowing pussy, but all his attention was riveted on his prick. He could feel the action of Linda's throat muscles as she sucked on his cock, and as she worked furiously to swallow every drop of hot juice which he could pump into her. The air of the room was filled with sobs and moans as all four of the orgiasts came together, the mutual orgasm building to a crescendo of sexual sounds, and then slowly dying down as each reached the end of his/her climax. Together they slid down the chute, until, satisfied, all four lay puffing and panting, side by side on the fiercely undulating waterbed.

When all had calmed down again, Artie broke the silence. "Whew!" he said. "That had to be the best yet!"

"Terrific!" his wife responded. "Terrific."

"Now, I'd admit it was pretty good," Henry said smugly, "but I have a feeling that the next time we get together it is going to be even better."

Linda just smiled a knowing smile, but Jan could not contain her curiosity. "Why do you say that?" she demanded. "What has Henry got up his sleeve?"

"Well, I don't want to spoil the surprise by saying too much, but Linda and I met some folks today that you're simply going to love. It's going to take some work, but I think Linda and I will be able to get all three of them for our next little get-together."

"Three of them?" Artie said.

"Well," Henry said, smiling slyly. "One of them has four legs. But I think I'd better save the rest for a surprise."


After Jay and Karen had finished eating lunch together in the school cafeteria on Tuesday afternoon, they went off in separate directions. Karen had a class at one end of the campus, and Jay had to report to Mrs. Wells' office for a work conference at the other end. Before they parted, Karen told Jay which pots to warm up for supper, since she had a late class and wouldn't be home until after seven.

Jay went straight to Mrs. Wells' office and knocked on the door. The work conferences were informal discussions between the teacher and one student at a time concerning that student's work. Jay was a little uncertain about how to act with Mrs. Wells, since he had been at her home just the other night.

"Come in," she called from inside.

Jay opened the door and went in. Linda Wells was sitting on the edge of her desk. Her legs were crossed, and she had pulled her short skirt up to her crotch. She calmly adjusted one of the silver clasps on the black and red garter belt that held up her stockings. Jay's eyes bulged at the sight of her shapely legs, and the dark patch of black satin that showed at her crotch.

"I hope you don't mind," she said, without looking up. "I'll be with you in a minute. These garter belts are a bother sometimes. I guess that's why no one wears them anymore. No one but me, that is. But I love the way they feel. And I love the way they look." She stood up quickly, and, taking the hem of her skirt in her hand, lifted it clear to her waist. Then, as Jay watched, open-mouthed, she turned slowly so that Jay could get a good view of her entire body from the waist down, clad only in a black and red lace garter belt, black satin panties, and black stockings. Then she dropped the hem again.

"Don't you?" she continued.

"Huh?" Jay said involuntarily.

"Don't you love the way they look?" Linda said patiently.

"Garter belts, you mean?" Jay mumbled, confused and a little unnerved.

"All right, garter belts, if you like," Linda said in the kind of voice one usually reserves for an uncooperative child.

"Yeah," Jay said with uncertainty. "I guess I do like the way garter belts look."

"But I wasn't really asking what you thought about garter belts, silly," Linda chided. "I meant my legs."

Now Jay laughed, some of his confidence returning. Mrs. Wells was just being friendly, trying to keep up the mood of the other night, he thought. And, she being such a sexy woman, it was only natural that she would kid around in a sexy way. "I think your legs look beautiful, Mrs. Wells," he said.

"I told you to call me Linda," she said, moving closer to him. "And what about the rest of me?"

"I think the rest of you looks pretty good, too," he answered. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "Linda."