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"Then why don't you hold me in your arms?" Linda asked, suddenly pushing her body against Jay's and putting her arms around his waist. Linda Wells' petiteness was perfect contrast for Jay's size. Her head reached only to his mid-chest. When Jay felt her nuzzling against him, he put his arms around her. Then, almost without realizing what he was doing, he lifted her up so that they were face to face. Linda wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. As soon as Jay felt the soft warm lips of his English teacher pressing insistently against his own, he felt his cock rising in his pants. He just didn't know what to make of this. He had reported to Mrs. Wells for a work conference and here she was in his arms. And they were kissing each other.

Linda turned her head so that her lips came close to Jay's ear. She blew gently against it and then began nibbling at the lobe. "Oh, Jay," she murmured, "I haven't been able to think about anything but you since Saturday afternoon."

Jay just listened in silent disbelief, trying to unscramble the thoughts which were racing crazily through his head.

"You're so big and strong and so handsome. Oh, Jay, hold me tight. Please." Jay held her tighter in his arms, his mind spinning.

"Have you been thinking about me?" she asked.

Not knowing what else to do, Jay answered, "Yes. I haven't been able to get a picture of you in those hot pants out of my mind. At school, I never see you wearing anything but a skirt, or a dress."

"Oh, Jay," she whispered. "You could see me wearing nothing, if you like. I'd do anything you wanted. Oh, Jay, hold me. Put your hand inside my blouse."

Jay half carried her to the leather couch which stood by her desk and together they fell into it.

Jay continued kissing her while the fingers of both his hands began to fumble at the buttons of the tight-fitting blue jersey blouse which she was wearing. When he had opened the top two buttons, he slipped one hand inside.

She wore no bra so when Jay put his hand inside her blouse, his fingers came into immediate contact with her soft round tit. It seemed to roll around inside her blouse as though, on its own, it was seeking his hand. Linda's entire body was squirming with the excitement of Jay's caress. Her nipple hardened as the rough skin of the palm of Jay's hand brushed across its tip. She reached for his crotch and stroked his pulsating hard-on right through the thick material of his pants.

"Quick, Jay," she murmured. "Help me get this off." She started opening the other buttons of her blouse. Jay tried to help her, but kept tangling his fingers in the material in his excitement. At last the buttons had all been undone, and Linda began to shrug out of the blouse. Now she was nude from the waist up.

Jay took one of her soft round boobs in each of his hands. His hands were big and her tits filled them both. Even though they were smaller than his wife's, they had a certain mature roundness to them which made them even more exciting. Linda sat on the couch while Jay kneeled on the floor. At first he just held and rubbed her tits with his hands.

Then Linda put her hands on either side of Jay's face and drew him toward her. She guided his head to one of her soft white tits. For a moment Jay just looked at the silky white skin as he stroked and petted the tender globe. Then, moving slowly, he placed his lips against the soft surface. Softly, like the flutter of a butterfly's wing, he kissed her boob, working his lips in a circle that brought them around the entire globe of her tit. Then he began to kiss his way closer to her nipple, which was bright red and swollen with excitement to near bursting. Then, he sucked the pink button into his mouth. At the touch of his tongue, Linda sighed a long deep sigh of pleasure.

"Oh, Jay," she whispered. "I knew you'd be dynamite. Oh, keep on doing that."

Jay sucked on her nipple like a child at his mother's tit, doing all the things with his mouth that he had always wanted to do to Karen. Each time he put his tongue in a new place, or wiggled it in a different way, Linda sobbed or gasped or sighed to let him know that he was pleasing her. Karen always lay like a dead fish, never responding except for the other night and the sounds that Linda Wells was making were arousing Jay beyond his wildest dreams.

He moved his head from side to side, first sucking on one of her big red nipples, and then on the other. He felt his cock straining painfully at his pants, as though, at any minute, it would rip through the material. He wanted her to hold it again, as she had been doing before. He reached for one of her hands and placed it on the swollen mound of his cock. For a minute Linda stroked it up and down. Then suddenly she jumped back.

"My God!" she said. "What if someone comes in? Oh, Jay, this is insane. We've got to go somewhere where we can be safe." She picked up her blouse and began to put it on. "That door isn't even locked. And I've got to teach a class in a couple of minutes. Oh, I'm a mess!" When she had buttoned her blouse again, she began combing her hair.

Jay was flabbergasted. He just stood and stammered and stuttered. "Er, ah, um, Linda…"

"Jay," Linda began, ignoring his consternation, "Where can we go to be alone later? I want more of you."

Jay remembered that he was supposed to cook dinner. "Karen has a late class," he said. "She won't be home until seven o'clock."

"Quick," Linda said. "Write down your address. Can I meet you there in an hour?"

"Sure," Jay said. "I'll cut the rest of my classes."

"Good," Linda said breathlessly. "And I'll try to dismiss my class early so that I can get there even sooner. My panties are getting wetter by the minute, and I don't know how much longer I can hold out." Then, turning out the light in her office and opening the door, she said, "Come, why don't you walk me to my next class?" After Jay had dropped Linda off at the English Building for her class, he hurried over to the parking lot for his motorcycle. On his way home, he went through three red lights in his hurry to get there and get things ready. Three blocks from his house, he stopped at the store for a bottle of vodka and some orange juice, just in case he needed to get things going, although it looked like Linda wouldn't be needing any artificial stimulation.

He parked the bike and ran into his apartment. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him. His own English teacher – she had to be at least ten years older than him – was seducing him. And most exciting of all, he would have her in the same bed where he and Karen slept. And then, at least, if Karen went back to being a cold fish, he could dream about Linda Wells while he stuck his prick into his wife's cold cunt for a quick one.

Pagan, who had been sleeping in the middle of the living room rug jumped up with a start when Jay bounded into the room.

"Hi, Pagan," Jay said as he went directly into the kitchen. He was in a hurry to mix some drinks and to get them into the refrigerator to cool. But Pagan would not be brushed off so lightly. He stood by Jay's side and whimpered, until, at last, Jay stopped what he was doing long enough to pet the wolf, and scratch his ears. Then, Pagan lay in a corner of the kitchen floor to watch Jay putting vodka and orange juice into a pitcher and mixing them together. Jay went to the living room and turned on the stereo. He picked out enough records to play on the automatic changer for three hours. He tried to make the music sexy and hot. He bustled about the living room, picking up things that had been left lying around, and then ran into the bedroom to do the same.

As he put away Linda's bras and stockings, which had been tossed carelessly onto a chair, or the bed, he felt his heart pounding like a bass drum. His cock was at full erection, straining at his pants. Just as he was thinking about changing into something else, the doorbell rang. Out of breath with excitement, Jay fairly ran to the front door. He tried to compose himself, but his heart was still pounding wildly when he opened the door.

Linda stood in the doorway, holding a brown paper bag, and wearing a smile. She stepped inside quickly, and Jay closed and locked the door behind her.