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"I picked up some supplies," she said, opening the bag. She took a bottle of vodka and another of orange juice out of the bag and asked, "Where do I put these?"

Jay led her to the refrigerator, laughing. He opened the door and took out the pitcher of drinks that he had already made. "I've already taken care of that," he said. "Now I guess we'll have to drink twice as fast." They both laughed as Jay poured two drinks from the pitcher. He handed one to Linda and carried the other into the living room. Pagan trotted dutifully after him.

"Would you like to sit on the couch and sip our drinks?" he asked. "To tell you the truth," Linda said, "I'd rather go straight to bed." With that she began, once more, to unbutton her blouse. As she did so she looked straight at Jay and licked her lips seductively.

Jay watched as her buttons opened one by one, revealing first the cleavage between her big round tits, and then the gentle curve of the luscious globes. He drained his drink in one gulp. Then he took a step toward Linda. "Wait," she said. "Which way is the bedroom."

Jay took her by the hand and led her toward the bedroom. As they walked, he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his shirt. In the bedroom, he shrugged out of his shirt and let his pants slide to the floor. Then, taking her by the hand again, he moved toward the bed, dressed only in his shorts. Linda gently shook his hand free and stood at the foot of the bed while Jay lay down in it. As Jay watched her, his cock raising the fabric of his under shorts, she began slowly to strip off her clothes.

First she let the blouse drop to the floor beside her. Then she began to work at the catch at the side of her skirt. She opened the top and slowly undid the zipper, all the while looking at Jay and smiling. Jay was out of his mind with excitement. Then Linda dropped the skirt and stepped quickly out of it. She stood for a moment clad only in her black and red garter belt, her black satin panties, and black stockings. She spread her feet slightly and shook her shoulders. Her big round tits swayed from side to side with the motion. When she stood still, her titties continued to swing from side to side. Jay followed the motion of her nipples with his eyes.

She put her hands at her hips and tugged at the garter belt, pulling it away from her body, and then letting it snap against her. Her skin reddened slightly at the point where the elastic material slapped at her. Then she leaned forward, her hard pink nipples pointing at the ground, and undid the clasps which held up her stockings. She sat pertly on the edge of the bed and lifted one leg at a time high into the air, rolling the black hose down her leg. Then she unsnapped the garter belt and pulled it from her. She stood once more, this time clad only in her brief bikini panties. She moved toward the bed where Jay lay, his stiff cock pointing up at the ceiling.

"I left these on for you to take off," she said.

Jay sat up quickly and reached for her panties. The black material was soft and sensuous. He ran his hands over the satin, first stroking Linda's hips, then her ass, and then working his way around to the front. He stroked softly across the cushion of her satin-clad pussy mound. Then he stroked lower, his fingers finding the crack of her cunt, where the tight satin material worked its way inside. The material was damp and warm Jay knew that Linda must be as excited as he was. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and began to pull them slowly down. When the elastic waistband had been lowered less than an inch, her soft but dense jungle of blonde pussy fur began to show. As Jay tugged further on the panties, he leaned forward and kissed the curly hair. As he tugged the waistband lower, he moved his head lower, and followed the descending panties with his lips, kissing his way down to the crack of her pussy.

As his lips moved across her pubic mound, he felt the softly swelling button of her clitoris, quivering under his ministrations. He lingered for a moment, licking a gently expanding circle around the pinpoint of desire. Then he swooped lower and tasted the sweetness of her cunt. He pulled the black wisp of material from her ankles and eased her onto the bed.

As Linda lay back on the mattress, she spread her legs wide, to give Jay full access to her gaping pussy. All of this seduction had worked her up to a fever pitch, and she hoped that the lad would be imaginative. She could see, from the bulge in his drawers that he had a stupendous prick. She hoped that he wouldn't withhold it for too long.

Jay began licking up and down on Linda's cunt, the thought of eating this mature woman's pussy right in Karen's bed was doing fantastic things to his head. His cock throbbed with desire. He was afraid that he would come even before he got to put it into his English teacher's cunt, so he continued to lick and lap and suck at her pussy, hoping to bring her as close as possible to her own climax.

But at last Linda could stand it no more. She half sat up, reaching for Jay's cock through the material of his shorts. Then she began to pull at the waistband of his shorts in am urgent effort to free his cock. Jay sat up and let her pull his shorts from him. His cock sprang out to tremendous length, once freed of the constriction of his drawers.

Linda gasped at the sight of his monstrous cock. "Oh, Jay," she said, "you have the biggest and the most beautiful cock I've ever seen! Oh, hurry and put it inside me! I hope I'm big enough to take all of it. I've never seen such a big cock!"

She reached for Jay's prick and, using it like a handle, pulled him toward her. As she did so, she lay once more on her back and spread her legs wide, trying to open the lips of her cunt as far as they would go. She pulled Jay on top of her and inserted the tip of his cockhead between the dewy lips of her twat.

Jay scrambled to support his weight on his knees and elbows as he lowered his body down on top of Linda. He felt the soft lips of her cunt spreading to accept him as he pushed gently forward with his hips. Then it slipped inside of her. The feeling was indescribable. He felt the entire head of his cock engulfed in a wet warmth which seemed to start at the center of the beautiful blonde's body and to work its way out toward the surface. The deeper his cock plowed, the hotter it got. When he had sunk one-third of his prick into her fabulous cunt, he felt as though he would melt from the delicious warmth. He began to draw his cock out slowly, until only the head remained within the grasp of her softly clasping lips.

Then he pushed forward again, this time sinking half the length of his cock in her warm wonderful pussy. Her cunt seemed to squirm around him, the walls opening and closing in a series of rhythmic contractions which tried to suck him in even deeper. He yielded to the gentle persuasion and lowered his body down until he felt her nipples raking at his muscular young chest. Then, he dropped onto her completely, feeling his cock penetrate to her very core.

When Jay's big cock struck bottom, Linda gasped with pleasure. This was even better than she had hoped. This twenty-year-old kid with the big cock was like an amateur violinist playing on a Stradivarius. Whatever he did felt fine, but she knew how much better he would be with a little more practice, a little more training. She resolved to give him all the training he would need. As he moved in and out with a sawing motion of his giant prick, Linda rotated her hips first in one direction and then in the other, bringing the rubbery head of his cock in contact with every part of her inner pussy. It felt wonderful. She only hoped he would last long enough for her to get hers. It felt as though the poor sex-starved kid was going to pop his nuts at any moment.

When Jay felt Linda screwing her body around in circles underneath him, he put all his strength into holding back the huge orgasm which was building in his groin. Then, as she threw her body up at him with even more vigor, he knew that it was a losing battle. He tightened all the muscles of his body in a superhuman effort to delay his climax, but then it was on him. The first shot trickled past the muscles which had united to stifle it. When Linda felt the hot trickle of come dribbling into her cunt, she knew that she had driven Jay beyond the limit of his youthful endurance. Fortunately, however, youth has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, and she was sure that the husky football player would be up for another round before long. She went all out to make his orgasm a satisfying one, even though she knew that she'd have to wait for her own. With a sob, Linda reached down and grabbed Jay's balls. She put her other hand on his ass and began to work one finger into his asshole. While she kneaded and milked his balls, she fucked his asshole with her finger. All the time she was sighing and sobbing and conveying her pleasure to Jay in every possible way.