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"Come, baby, come," she said soothingly. "Don't stop it. There's plenty of time for another. And it feels soooo gooood!" She continued crooning in his ear while Jay pumped spurt after hot spurt of searing gism into the waiting cavern of her pussy. She felt his cock expanding and contracting as it shot its precious load of fluid into her cunt. Then, the spurts began to taper off and she felt his cock beginning to relax. The river of semen trailed off to a gentle ooze and she felt the giant sledgehammer cock shrinking and shriveling inside her.

Jay's breathing slowed to normal again, and at last, completely sated, he rolled off Linda and lay next to her on the bed. "How was it?" she asked him. "Oh, Linda," he said, "you were wonderful. I'm sorry I came so fast, but I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Oh, I know you will. In fact I'm flattered that I was able to excite you that much. I think you're wonderful too." She picked her drink up from the nightstand where she had placed it, just a few moments before, and drained it. "Could you get me another drink?" she asked.

"No sooner said than done," said Jay, springing from the bed. He nearly tripped over Pagan who had been lying next to the bed all the while. Jay snatched up the glasses and headed for the kitchen. "You stay here, Pagan, and keep Linda company," he called as he left the room.

Jay hurried to the kitchen and got the pitcher out of the refrigerator. He poured some more vodka into it, and then, after tasting the mixture, added just a dash more orange juice. He stirred it up some more and poured both glasses full. Then, because the pitcher was almost half empty, he refilled it, increasing the strength of the mixture. He felt as though he was walking on air. He just couldn't believe that this was happening to him. His beautiful sexy English teacher in his bed, begging him to fuck her. It just seemed so unreal.

For a moment he thought about Karen and felt a pang of guilt. But then he remembered her words of the other night: "Sex is for having babies, not for having fun."

Well, fuck it then. He'd have babies with Karen, but when it came to having fun, he'd just have to turn to other women. And what a fantastic start. Linda Wells. What a conquest. Aside from being one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, she was pure sex. He was sure that sex for her was not for having babies. She was all fun. Everything she did, everything she said was devoted to getting the most fun out of sex. There was probably nothing that she wouldn't do.

Jay felt his cock getting hard again as he thought about the beautiful petite blonde who waited for him, naked, in the next room. He picked up the glasses and walked toward the bedroom. When he got to the doorway, he heard the sound of heavy breathing. He wondered what she could be doing all by herself. Quietly, he leaned into the doorway so he could see, without letting her know that he was there.

The sight that greeted his eyes made his breathing stop. Holding his breath, he stared in disbelief. It just couldn't be. He had thought that Linda Wells was capable of anything, but this he had never dreamed of.

Linda was lying on her back on the edge of the bed with just her upper body, from her ass up, on the bed. Both her feet were on the floor and her knees were bent at right angles. Her thighs were spread wide apart. Between her legs was Pagan. His nose was at her crotch and Jay could see the cool black membrane making contact with her pussylips as Pagan sniffed. Then, as Jay watched in disbelief, Pagan stuck out his long pink tongue and began licking at the already wet flesh of Linda's cuntlips.

At the contact, Jay heard Linda draw her breath in sharply.

"Oh, yes, Pagan," she whispered, "lick my pussy. Lick it like the wolf you really are."

As though encouraged by her words, Pagan shoved his nose deeper into the soft wet membranes of her cunt and began licking harder. He seemed to like the flavor of her hot, drooling cunt, still dripping the thick gism which Jay had pumped into her a short while ago. As Pagan licked and lapped at Linda's soft pink slash, he moved his hind legs around as though looking for a foothold on the bedroom floor. The taste of human pussy was exciting the giant canine, and Jay could see Pagan's prick beginning to lengthen.

As the wolf licked at the English teacher's cunt, his long scarlet cock began to protrude from its furry black sheath. The red cock grew longer and stiffer until it hung like a lance from the wolf's hairy belly. As he licked he humped his hips forward and back in the motion of fucking.

Jay walked quietly into the room. He went to the bed and sat down next to Linda. "You have to be the sexiest woman in the world," he murmured.

"I hope you don't mind my using Pagan while you were gone," she said.

"Mind?" said Jay. "Hell no, I don't mind. I've never seen a sexier sight in my life." His cock was at full erection and quivered as he watched his pet wolf licking Linda's blonde, hairy pussy. Linda reached over and took hold of Jay's cock, at the same time wrapping her soft, smooth thighs around Pagan's massive head in an effort to put even more of his long pink tongue into her slash. "I don't want to leave you out, Jay," she whispered. "Want to try something groovy?"

"I'll do anything you say," Jay said. "I think you're the greatest."

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Lie down on the floor on your back."

Jay quickly did as she instructed. His cock stuck straight into the air like a telephone pole, quivering in his excitement. Linda quickly released her grip on Pagan's head and slipped out from under him. She got to her hands and knees on the floor, her face just above Jay's cock. Her ass waved like a flag at Pagan.

Already aroused by the smell and taste of the woman's cunt juices, Pagan walked around behind her. He saw her cunt, wide open and steaming hot, and instinct took over. The wolf's cock was extended fully from its protective sheath and waved from side to side as he moved. Carefully, as though he didn't want to hurt her, Pagan put his front paws on either side of Linda's back. He lifted the front part of his body off the ground and mounted her as if she was a she-wolf in the spring. His swaying prick brushed against the backs of her soft, white thighs as he moved up higher. Then she could feel it nosing gently at her pussy.

As soon as Linda felt the pointy tip of the animal's gigantic cock prying at the lips of her cunt, she groaned and threw her ass back at him. The pointy cock slipped easily inside her warm, wet twat. Since the long scarlet rod was tapered down to a fine point, the wolf had no trouble working it into the small woman's cunt. As he pushed it forward, the thicker shank forced the lips of her cunt mercilessly apart, making her wince with pain. But the pain soon faded as the wolf began a rhythmic back-and-forth fucking motion.

"Oh, Jay," she moaned, "your wolf is fucking me." Then she lowered her head and kissed the tip of Jay's prick. She stuck out her tongue and licked the entire head before opening her mouth and taking the giant prick inside. She matched the wolf's desperate rhythm as she bobbed her head up and down, sucking the thick meat of Jay's muscular prick as though her life depended on it.

Jay felt her teeth scraping gently at the silky-soft skin of his prick. Her tongue was moving back and forth, washing the full girth of his cock as she moved her head up and down. Jay had never imagined that anything could feel so good. He watched as Pagan fucked his long red prick deep into the cunt of the woman who threw her ass back at him like a crazed bitch, all the while sucking harder and harder on Jay's cock. Jay reached for her swinging boobs which bobbed up and down with the motions of her body.