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Jay caressed her titties as Pagan filled the air with his pants and gasps. The entire room smelled of the musty odor of Pagan's sweat, and his sexual secretions. From the way he was moving it looked as though he would pump a hot load of thick animal come into Linda's pussy at any minute. Jay just couldn't believe that this was really happening. Here he was getting sucked off by his English teacher while Pagan, his pet wolf, fucked her right before his eyes.

Linda was beginning to sob in ecstasy, as a signal that her orgasm was fast approaching. Pagan cried and whimpered as he drove his slippery cock deeper into the soft wet pink pussy of the beautiful blonde woman. As Linda sobbed, she sucked harder and more rhythmically on Jay's prick. Jay felt another orgasm beginning, deep in the heart of his balls. Then Linda began a steady rhythmic panting and groaning, and Jay knew she was coming. At the same time, Pagan humped harder and faster, and whipped his cock in and out of Linda's body as he began to pump a hot river of torrid animal gism into the waiting pussy of Jay's English teacher.

At that moment, Jay's cock erupted like a fountain, pouring a hot load of joy-juice down Linda's waiting throat. Linda shuddered and trembled, overcome by the sensation of the two massive cocks pumping come into her at once, from two different ends. The air was filled with sobs and groans, whimpers and barks, as the three rutting creatures of sex covered each other's bodies with sexual secretions. At last all was quiet, as the three of them lay panting on the floor, trying to catch their breath.


When Linda Wells had left Tuesday evening, she had made Jay promise that they would get together again Thursday night. Wednesday seemed to take months to go by. All day Thursday, Jay was nervous and jumpy. When Karen asked him, over dinner, why he was so touchy, he mumbled something about being nervous about the football meeting. He had told her that he had to attend a meeting of the football team on Thursday evening, and that some of the members of the team were going to be dropped. Karen believed his explanation for his nervousness, because she knew that staying on the team meant a lot to him.

After the dinner dishes had been washed, Jay put on his team sweater and headed for the door. Then, as though as an afterthought, he returned to the kitchen and kissed Karen briefly on the lips. It felt strange to kiss his wife goodbye when he was on the way out of the house to fuck another woman. His knees were trembling at the thought of fucking Linda Wells right in her own house while her husband was out teaching evening classes.

When he arrived at the Wells' house, he drove on, and parked his motorcycle two and a half blocks away, as Linda had told him to do. He walked quickly back toward the house and knocked nervously on the door. Karen took her time about cleaning up the kitchen. She hated to be alone, but as long as she had something to do it wouldn't be so bad. Pagan wasn't very good company. All he wanted to do was sleep.

Karen washed the table carefully and then dried it. She finished drying the dishes and put them away. Then she decided to see what was on television. There was nothing on but an old movie. She watched it for about fifteen minutes and then turned off the set. It was a dull picture. About a young girl who falls in love with her tutor, an older, gray-haired man. Silly story.

Karen just stared at the blank TV screen as she sat on the couch daydreaming. She found herself thinking about Professor Wells. She giggled as she placed him and herself in the movie which she had just been watching. Actually it wasn't so ridiculous. He was rather handsome and distinguished. He had a certain polish and charm which made him a very interesting man.

Karen leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes. She pictured her zoology professor as she had seen him at home, the other night; casual, relaxed. He was rather sexy. She shuddered momentarily at the word. She had found it creeping into her thoughts more and more lately. She had been thinking that maybe her upbringing had been wrong. She had been taught to be afraid of sex, even to be ashamed of it. Up until the other night, there had been nothing to change those beliefs. With Jay it had always been push a little, grab a little. Never, until the other night, had he tried to be tender or gentle with her. The results had been astounding. She had experienced sensations and feelings which she had never thought possible.

She felt herself breaking into a sweat as she thought about the episode the other night. Jay had kissed her all over her body, and he had put his tongue in places where he had never even touched her before. And she had held it – his… cock. It had felt so strong and hard. She found her pussy moistening at the thought of Jay's prick. She wondered if lots of women liked to hold and pet their husband's cocks. Did Mrs. Wells ever stroke the professor's cock that way. She wondered what the professor's prick looked like. Was it as strong and as thick as Jay's?

She tried to picture Professor Wells without any of his clothes on. The picture was exciting her strangely. At first she imagined him in a brief red bathing suit. He looked lean and handsome in a quite respectable way. When she tried to erase the bathing suit from the picture, she had a difficult time. At first there was nothing where the red cloth had been in her fantasy image. Then she began filling in curly black hair. She thought hard about what Jay's cock looked like and put it on Professor Wells' body.

She found herself sweating with a heat which seemed to be coming directly from the inside of her body. Her light cotton dress was sticking to her, and a moisture that seemed to be coming from her pussy was wetting her panties. She was a little frightened, and reached down with her hand to see what it was that was making her so wet. When her fingertips touched the damp crotchband of her panties, she jumped as though she had received an electric shock. The tender lips of her young twat were so sensitive, that even the light exploratory touch of her fingers set them ablaze with desire.

She quickly got up off the couch and headed for the bathroom. The trouble was that it was too hot in here. She needed a nice cool shower to cool her off and make her comfortable again. On the way to the bathroom, she unbuttoned the front of her dress. When she got to the bathroom, she saw her image in the full-length mirror inside. Her skin was flushed a rosy pink. She could see the front of her dress gaping open, revealing the pale-blue lacy material of her bra and her panties. She wore the kind that came up to her waist, finding the bikini type uncomfortable. Her bra was conservative, but pretty. The cups were large enough to contain her beautiful round boobies, but for some reason, her nipples had hardened, and were outlined against the blue lace. Thank goodness there was no one to see her in this condition. No one except Pagan who had followed her from the living room.

She decided to leave the bathroom door open so that it would be cooler when she stepped out of the shower. She just couldn't understand why she felt so hot and uncomfortable. She stepped quickly out of her dress, trying hard not to look at her reflection in the mirror. But no matter how hard she tried to stifle her instincts, Karen was a woman. She was drawn inexplicably to the full-length mirror.

The dampness at her crotch drew her attention to that area of her body. She looked at herself, feeling satisfied about the way her body tapered to a small waist and then flared out again at her hips. Through the pale-blue material of her panties she could see the dark shadow of her thick patch of flaming-red pubic hair. It formed a perfect triangle. The moist spot on the material formed a circle which started at the apex of the furry triangle.