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Tentatively, she touched her finger to the wet spot. It felt a little sticky. She quickly rolled her panties down over her thighs. Stepping out of them quickly, she picked them up and held them in front of her eyes. She still couldn't understand why they were so damp. The wet spot covered the entire bottom part of her panties. She sniffed them hesitantly. There was something spicy and sweet about the fragrance. It smelled somehow familiar, although she couldn't place it. But at any rate, it didn't smell like there was anything wrong down there. She sniffed again. Strangely, she felt the nipples at the ends of her soft tits hardening, and even the soft fabric of her brassiere felt coarse and rough against the sensitive tissue of her hardening nips.

She reached behind her and unsnapped the clasp at the back of her bra strap. Her tits, which had been tightly imprisoned in the cups of the bra sprang forward, carrying the lacy bra away from her body. But because the cups were full, the bra stayed in place, covering her tits. She reached for the garment and whisked it away from her, exposing her tits to the cool air of the bathroom. Involuntarily, she let the bra drop from her hand then, without thinking about what she was doing, she cupped her massive tits, one in each hand.

They felt so soft and smooth in her hands. She could understand why Jay was always trying to get his hands on them. She stroked them softly and gently like Jay had done the other night. Her eyes were tightly closed. Then, with a start, she remembered what was happening and opened her eyes. The sight of her tits being stroked and petted by her own hands embarrassed her, but she couldn't take her eyes off the mirror.

Then, ashamed of her momentary loss of propriety, she turned quickly away from the mirror, dropping her hands to her sides. She stepped quickly into the shower, pulling the sliding glass door shut behind her. She turned the water on, full force, first turning the cold on all the way, and then adding only so much hot water as was necessary to keep the temperature bearable.

For a few moments she stood, allowing the water to rinse the perspiration from her body. Then she turned the hot water tap to make a mixture just a bit warmer. She reached for the soap and a soft washcloth which hung on a hook in the shower stall. Slowly, while the warm water caressed her skin, she soaped the washcloth, working up a thick rich lather. Then she began to wash herself, rubbing the washcloth gently over her neck and shoulders. She soaped her arms with a slow languid motion. Then she allowed the warm shower to rinse the soap off.

Then she moved the soapy washcloth toward her swelling tits. She began to soap the soft white globes, carefully avoiding the large pink nipples which were hardening again. She soaped first one tit, and then the other, moving the washcloth in a circular motion, with the nipple at the center of the circle. She moved the cloth closer to the nipple with each stroke, but still avoided touching it.

She moved the soapy cloth slowly up and down in the valley between her two soft tits, rubbing both boobs at the same time. Her nipples had become as hard as pebbles, and had begun to ache. Wanting to do nothing more than relieve the ache in her nipples, she began to swab the warm lathered washcloth around them one at a time. But instead of relieving the ache, as she had intended to do, she found that her action was increasing it. Tentatively, she took one nipple between her thumb and forefinger and rolled it back and forth. It felt good. Somehow, as she rolled and tweaked the big pink bud, she felt a tingling sensation in the lower part of her body. It seemed to be coming from the slit between her legs.

She continued to roll her nipple between her fingers, while, with the other hand she began rubbing the washcloth up and down the length of her cuntal slit. At first, she tried to devote herself only to washing herself thoroughly and efficiently. She brought the soapy cloth down the length of her slit and then back around under her to wash her asscrack. Then she brought it forward again to swab at her sensitive slit.

But as she brought the cloth up again, the lips of her cunt seemed to be opening up to receive it. She felt them spreading slowly apart, and worked the warm cloth between the lips to wash the hotly sensitive flesh of her inner cunt. It felt wonderful, and so she continued to work the soapy cloth up and down inside the slit. By now she had dropped her other hand from her nipples and was running it through the wet jungle of red hair which surrounded her cunt. She picked up the soap and began soaping the dense patch of fur. With the corner of the soap she nudged gently at her quivering little clit, which had hardened and was demanding attention.

Her eyes were tightly closed, and as she rubbed her pussy, she found herself returning her mind to her earlier vision of Henry Wells. She pictured him standing on a beach in the brief red bathing suit which she had imagined for him. Then, as she watched him in her imagination, he bent over and started to remove the suit. As he pulled it down, she saw his thick black pubic hair revealed a little at a time. Then there it was – his prick. Now her imagination altered it a bit. It was longer than Jay's and thinner. And it seemed to be covered with a thick coat of black hair.

As she watched, his cock began to harden, and its tip, pink and wet, began to extend from the furry sheath. She realized briefly that she was mixing Pagan's cock up with Professor Wells', but it didn't matter. She had rolled the washcloth into a tight little cylinder, and was trying to ram it up inside her pussy. She squatted slightly, pulling the lips of her pussy even further apart.

She began to grind her hips forward and back as she worked the rolled washcloth deeper into her slit. She could feel the lips parting to accept it, but still it wouldn't go all the way in. With her left hand she rubbed her pubic mound around in little circles. Then, using the fingers of her left hand, she parted the lips of her cunt even more, making room for the roll of soapy cloth to penetrate. She worked about an inch and a half of it into her pussy, twisting and turning it as she did so.

Then she began to push it in and out with her right hand, while with her left she began, once again, to stroke her big tits. She was lost in the sheer pleasure of the sensations she was giving herself. Gone was all thought about shame, or about right and wrong. She could think of nothing except finding new places to touch, new things to stroke. She continued to flash on the vision of a nude Professor Wells. Now, he held his swollen prick in his hand. He was jerking it up and down in the same rhythm that Karen was using to fuck herself with the washcloth.

She felt a tension building up inside of her. She was sure that she was about to experience that same orgasmic release which she had felt the other night when Jay had fucked her so tenderly. She wasn't sure if she wanted it to happen. She realized with a return of the shame that she had experienced earlier, that she was masturbating. She had always been taught to think of masturbation as "self-abuse", a sinful and disgusting practice. But this didn't seem disgusting in the least. Then she felt the first wave about to begin. With a moan, she pulled the cloth from her cunt.

"No!" she said aloud. She quickly rinsed the soap from her body and turned off the water. Even though she felt a kind of depressed frustration, she was glad that she had been able to stop herself before going through with her sinful act. She stepped from the shower and dried herself quickly with a thick towel, trying not to linger at the sensitive skin of her tits, or the still-tingling pleasure center at her crotch.

She gathered up her dress and her underwear from the floor where she had dropped them earlier, and padded, barefoot, into the bedroom. Pagan trotted alongside her. When she stretched out naked on her bed, Pagan lay on the floor at the foot of the bed. Karen still felt uncomfortably warm, so she didn't cover herself. For a moment she just lay still, staring at the ceiling, her mind a blank. Then she found her attention turning once more to her handsome and dignified zoology professor.