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The incessant licking of her cunt was beginning to take its toll. Her body was rolling about on the bed as though she was possessed by a demon. She wrapped her thighs around the massive animal's head and pulled him even deeper into her cunt. Her hand jerked quickly, up and down, forward and back.

She felt an orgasm building inside her body. She knew that when the wave broke, it would shatter her like nothing ever had before. She humped her hips high into the air, pushing her cunt against the lapping mouth of the feverish timber wolf, smearing her secretions over his nose and mouth. His tongue probed deeper, with a kind of dumb intelligence. He licked as though he was trying to find the very core of her body.

Her hand on his cock was bringing him to the brink of an abyss which threatened to swallow him. He licked faster and more furiously. Now her thickly flowing juices had filled her pussy to overflowing. He lapped them into his mouth, swallowing noisily as he licked, but her flow was too much for even Pagan's slavering mouth. Streams of hot sweet cunt-juice oozed from the corners of her pussy and trickled down her legs, puddling on the mattress below her ass. She sobbed in uncontrolled ecstasy as the beast's rough tongue licked the outer surface of her cuntlips, and then her inner thighs, trying to get every drop of the precious fluid. Then, when he quickly returned his tongue to her mouth, she moaned a series of totally unintelligible sounds.

She could feel his cock swelling even more, and she tightened her grip and quickened her rhythm. Then it began. The thick red wolf-cock reared back like a bucking bronco trying to throw its rider. Then the first long hot spurt of thick white gism arced through the air and landed on Karen's smooth white thigh. She felt the hot splash of fluid, and jerked even harder on the animal's spurting prick. Each time she pulled forward on the throbbing organ, another hot spurt of joyjuice pumped out onto her smooth white skin. The feeling of his cock flexing each time she jerked on it was all it took to drive her over the brink.

Her own hot fluids began to gush from the mouth of her pussy, as though she had been storing them up for this monumental orgasm for her entire adult fife. As the spicy sweet gism flowed, wetting her cuntlips with her secretions, the wolf lapped even faster in an attempt to keep up with the flow of come. He whimpered as his cock pumped spurt after spurt of thick hot fluid, and she moaned as his tongue lapped up the sexual secretions of her body. Their bodies were as one, woman and beast united in search of pleasure, both acting more out of instinct than out of conscious decision.

But then, as the orgasmic paroxysms began to subside, Karen became increasingly aware of her surroundings. The waves of pleasure continued to pass over her body, but little by little her consciousness was returning. She was not on the desk in Professor Wells' classroom, and the handsome zoology professor had not been licking at her cunt. Instead she was lying naked on the bed in her own bedroom. She had been masturbating! And it was worse than that. Pagan! Oh, God, not Pagan! Oh, what had she done?

Her mind was spinning as she opened her eyes and saw Pagan panting beside her. His nose was wet and slimy from the secretions of her cunt, and she still held his glistening red prick in her hand. Her hands were covered with the sticky slime of his gism, and she realized that she had jerked the beast off while he licked her pussy. She knew that she should hate herself, but was surprised to find that she did not. She felt filthy and dirty, but at the same time, she felt a weird sense of fulfillment, as though the glory of her orgasm had, in some way, justified the horror of the act which she had just performed.

Karen moaned again, letting Pagan's shrinking cock slip from her fingers. If she could only get into the shower, she thought, she could wash away the traces of her bestial act, and then she could forget the whole thing. She hadn't been in her right mind. The things that Jay had done to her the other day had somehow changed her. She had become somehow more sexual. Her attitudes had changed. Tonight, all alone, she had abandoned herself to fantasy and self-gratification. The fact that Pagan had gotten into the act was really not her fault, and she couldn't blame herself for it. And it had felt so good, that she was sure it couldn't be all bad.

Karen got quickly out of bed and headed for the shower. She let the hot water run all over her for a while and then soaped herself quickly. She rinsed off the soap and got out of the shower. She felt strangely relieved and rested. The horror which she had felt at discovering that her sex partner had been Pagan had faded. Instead she felt the warm glow of sexual satisfaction. She couldn't wait for Jay to come home. Naturally she couldn't tell him about what had happened, but she would show him how changed she had become and maybe they would have another night like that night last week.

Just then the telephone rang. Hoping that it was Jay, calling to say that he was on the way home, she ran to the phone.

"Hello," she said sweetly into the mouthpiece.

"Hello, Karen, is that you?" It was a familiar masculine voice, but for the moment, she just couldn't place it.

"Yes," she said, "who's this?"

"It's Henry Wells," the voice said.

"Why hello, Professor," Karen said brightly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Karen. But there's something I have to talk to you about. It's rather important, and I don't think I can discuss it on the phone. Is there any chance you could drop by at my house this evening? I won't take up too much of your time."

"Well, I don't know," Karen began. "Jay's at a football meeting, and I want to be here when he gets back."

"Oh, you'll be home before Jay, I promise you that," Professor Wells said. Something about the urgency of his tone made Karen feel that she should do as he asked.

"All right, Professor," she said. "If you think its that important, I'll come right over. Jay took his motorcycle, so fortunately I have the car. I guess I can be there within three-quarters of an hour."

"That will be fine," Henry Wells replied. "See you then."


Jay's knock was answered almost instantly by Linda Wells. When she came to the door, she was dressed in a floor-length hostess gown. It was practically transparent, and Jay could see that she wore nothing at all underneath it. Her big tits were clearly visible through the thin material, and Jay could see her nipples, big and erect, pressing against the ruffled bodice of the diaphanous gown. He couldn't stop his gaze from traveling to her crotch, where he could see the shadowy outline of her furry pubic mound.

Linda took his hand and pulled him quickly inside. "I thought you'd never get here," she whispered breathlessly, stepping into his arms. Jay could smell the lightly perfumed fragrance of her hair as she pressed her body to his. He felt his cock stiffening in his pants.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, "but it wasn't too easy for me to get out of the house. Finally I told Karen that I had to go to a football meeting. I won't be able to stay out too late, or she'll know I was lying to her."

"Then there's no time to waste," Linda said softly. She moved her body from side to side, rubbing her hard-pointed tits against Jay's chest. Jay could feel his cock, stiff and hard, jabbing at her soft thigh, and it was exciting her. She loved to be able to excite a man, and this young football player was something special. He was so naive, and so eager. They had barely made contact and already his cock was hard and ready for action. And there was the added feeling of knowing that three days a week he would sit in her classroom, surrounded by other young eager students, listening to her lecture on English composition, and only the two of them would know how intimate they were.

She stepped back quickly, holding both of Jay's hands in her own. "How do you like my outfit?" she asked.

"I love it," he responded, again unable to tear his eyes from her hairy twat. "Or, what I mean is, I love you in it."