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Without thinking about what she was doing, she reached for the top button of her sweater. She opened it, to let some air in, but she still felt warm. She moved her hand downward slightly, and undid the second button. Maybe that would be a little better. She felt weak and dizzy. She leaned against Henry for support. She felt as though she might slide off the couch at any minute. When Henry saw her opening the buttons of her sweater he knew that the Sure-breed was beginning to take effect. When she had first come into the house he had noticed that she was braless. He had never seen her that way before. Her tits were even bigger than he had thought. And he could see the outline of her erect young nipples against the red material of the sweater. This looked like it was going to be even easier than he thought.

When she leaned against him, he put his arm around her and drew her to him tightly. She was soft and pliant in his arm. He allowed one hand to dangle in front of her, just a fraction of an inch away from the swell of her huge titty. She was already breathing heavily, and the rhythmic rise and fall of her boobs as she breathed was bringing his hand closer to the soft curves. He readjusted his position on the arm of the couch so that his fingers dangled even closer to her big tits. He wanted to warm her up a little more before he led her into the bedroom for the big shock, but at the same time he had to be careful not to scare her away.

Karen was trying hard to regain her presence of mind. She didn't want Professor Wells to think that she was a complete fool, but the room was still spinning, and she still felt possessed by this unearthly warmth.

"Tell me, Henry," she began, her voice slightly slurred by the vodka, "what it was you wanted to talk to me about."

As she spoke she tried to sit up again. The movement brought her soft tit into contact with Henry's fingertips. He made no attempt to get out of the way. She was vaguely aware of his fingers touching her tits through the light material of her sweater, but the contact seemed so casual and unconscious that she did nothing to stop it.

As she breathed, her tits rose and fell rhythmically, and she felt Henry's fingers making and breaking the contact. She felt her nipples hardening against the sweater material, and she could feel Henry moving his hand slightly so that his fingers stroked lightly at the erect bud of her nipple. The sensation of his fingertips brushing lightly against her erect nipple was making her whole body tingle. She wondered whether he was aware of the contact. She looked up at him out of the corner of her eye, but he seemed to be looking in the other direction. She moved her body, trying to wiggle away from his fingertips, but she only succeeded in rubbing her nipple against him more. And she wasn't really sure that she wanted to break the contact.

She could feel her panties getting damp as they had done earlier that evening. It felt so nice and warm and comfortable, leaning back on Henry's couch, her head cradled in his arm, his hand stroking lightly at her tit. She didn't want this moment ever to end.

Suddenly, Henry's hand was cupping her entire boob, squeezing it gently, and rolling it around in his fingers. Then, almost before she realized what was happening, he moved his hand away again, letting only his fingertips brush lightly at her stiff nipple. She sighed involuntarily as he let go of her massive globe. Then, quickly and lightly, his hand moved to her other boob and cupped it as he had done the first. It felt good, and the way he was stroking and petting her boobs made it somehow seem right. She was sure that he was touching her more out of friendship than out of sexual desire, but she couldn't control the flood of desire which was inundating her body.

It seemed to begin in a wave which started at the pointy tips of her hardened nipples and spread from there to the rest of her body. She felt a warm sticky moisture oozing from the tightly puckered slit of her pussy. She was afraid that Professor Wells would lose respect for her if she didn't regain control, but she simply couldn't remember how to act. Then, in desperation, she blurted, "Tell me, Henry; what was it you wanted to discuss with me?"

"This isn't going to be pleasant, my dear," Henry said, his voice becoming somber. He pulled his arm from around Karen's shoulders and sat straight up. "In fact, I think it might be a good idea if you had another drink." Without waiting for her to respond, he rose and picked her glass up from the floor. He refilled it and handed it to her again. Karen took the drink from him and dumbly put it to her lips. She drained it in one swig.

"I think I can take it," she said, trying to put a joking tone into her voice. "Tell me."

"Well," Henry began, "I think it might be easier if I showed you. Come with me." He took Karen by the hand and helped her to stand, tottering on her feet. When she rose, the effects of the drinks seemed to become even stronger. The whole room was spinning. For a moment she thought that she would fall down. But Henry, taking her by the hand, began to lead her toward the other end of the room.

"Now you'll have to be strong," he said. "I'm afraid this may come as a bit of a shock. But the main thing is to try to keep a clear head and come to a sensible decision. Follow me." He led her, staggeringly down the hall toward his bedroom. He hoped that the realization that he was bringing her into a bedroom wouldn't scare her away. This was the most delicate part of the operation. But he was relatively certain that she had had enough to drink so that she would be more or less oblivious to her surroundings.

He opened the bedroom door and led her inside. When she had stepped in he closed the door behind her. He left the light off so that it would take her a little longer to be aware of where she was. There was enough light in the room for him to lead her to the wall mirror. As he moved it aside, he spoke softly.

"Now it may seem cruel, at first, for me to show you this without any warning or preparation, but I think you'll agree in the long run that what I'm doing is best all around. Please be as quiet as you can. We mustn't let them know we are watching." With that he removed the mirror from its place. The window in the wall was illuminated with the blue light which came from the other room. It made the entire bedroom light up in a pale ghostly way. For the first time, Karen realized she was in a bedroom.

"Professor," she said, then she giggled. "I mean, Henry, this is your bedroom, isn't it?"

"Yes, my dear," he said. "But it's the only place where I could show you what you have to see. Come over here." He gestured toward the window, the source of the eerie blue light. Karen stepped forward and looked through it.

What she saw on the other side of the glass startled her, even in her dazed condition. At first she wasn't sure of what she was seeing. It took her eyes a moment to focus. She blinked hard, trying to clear up the haze which clouded her vision. Then everything came into focus. In the other room was a waterbed. It was low, close to the floor. And there were two people in there. One of them was a woman. She was stark naked. My God! It looked like Mrs. Wells. She was on her hands and knees on the waterbed. Her bare ass was facing the window through which Karen was looking. She could see Linda wells' beautiful round ass in the pale-blue light. Her cheeks were firm and round and slightly spread apart, revealing the mysterious-looking dark crack between them.

There was also a man. And he, too, appeared to be naked, but Linda Wells' body was directly in Karen's line of vision and she couldn't get a good look at him. While Karen watched, Linda lowered the top half of her body so that her face was flat against the waterbed. The movement spread her asscheeks even further, and Karen was sure that she could actually see the dark-brown spot of the blonde woman's asshole. For some strange reason the sight of the other woman's asshole was having a stimulating effect on Karen. She felt her own pussy growing moist again, and her entire body was suffused with an all-pervading warmth.